Healthy living is not just what you eat or how much you exercise… It is also mental health
How healthy are you? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you exercise regularly? Do you drink at least eight glasses of water a day? Do you get enough sleep every day? Do you live a healthy lifestyle?
Our body is our temple and we need to take care of it. Do you know that globally over 50% are either obese or overweight? That’s insane! Think of your body as your physical shell to take you through life. If you repeatedly abuse it, your shell will wear out quickly.
Life is beautiful and you don’t want to bog yourself down with unnecessary health problems. Today, your vital organs may be working well, but they may not be tomorrow. Don’t take your health for granted. Take proper care of your body.
Good health isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise — it’s also about having a positive attitude, a positive self-image, and a healthy lifestyle.
Click here for Tips for Personal Development –
Tips for good health
Meditate: Meditation quietens your mind and calms your soul.
Purge negative people from your life: Positive mental health is part of a healthy life. You don’t need toxic people in your life. If you feel that a friend is overly critical or negative, let him/her go.
Purge negativity from yourself: You don’t need negativity from yourself either. Listen to the thoughts that come up and get rid of your negative thoughts. One great way to remove your negativity is to brain dump when you feel frustrated. Ask yourself and write out your deepest thoughts so that it can be addressed. Don’t keep these thoughts pent up inside you — it’s not healthy.
Breathe Deeply: Oxygen is vital for life. You may know how to breathe, but are you breathing properly? Most of us aren’t breathing properly — we take shallow breaths and breathe to 1/3 of our lung capacity. Athletes are taught proper breathing techniques to get their best performance. A full breath is one where your lungs are fully filled, your abdomen expands, and there’s minimum movement in your shoulders.
Live life for a purpose : Blue Zones are regions of the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives. There are nine shared characteristics of these regions, and one important characteristic is to have a purpose. The Okinawans call it ikigai and the Nicoyans call it plan de vida. Are you living a life of meaning? Are you living in line with your purpose each day? Once you start living with purpose, you will always be happy.
Practice good dental hygiene: Good dental hygiene makes you a lot more desirable and it is linked to better health. Brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth after each meal, and floss after each meal if possible. Use a fluoride-free toothpaste to protect your gum health.
Prepare your meals: When you prepare your meals, you control what goes into them rather than choosing between sub-standard options in a restaurant. Get quality kitchen equipment — it will be your best investment ever. Having a blender makes it a breeze to make your fruit/vegetable juices! Having an instant pot and an oven makes cooking much easier too.
Learn to say no: Don’t eat just because you’re out with friends or because other people offer you food. Simply say no and say you’re not hungry if you don’t feel like eating.
Eat what you need: It is better to eat less and in line with your energy needs, rather than eat excessively and work off excess calorie intake through exercise. When you eat excessively, you strain your digestive system by making it digest more food than you need, and when you exercise excessively, you strain your body.
Have healthy snacks: If you’re hungry at work, eat healthy snacks like fruits, vegetable juices, and yogurts. These are nutritional and don’t give you that sugar rush. Have them readily available so that you can get a munch and stop when you have your fill. Stay away from cookies and candy bars.
Get regular check-ups: Some diseases don’t show up as symptoms until it is too late. Get regular blood tests for blood sugar, vitamins, and minerals, along with urine tests. More elaborate tests like mammograms (for women), PAP smear (for women), colonoscopy, visit dentist, etc. should be done at the recommended intervals.
If the test results are not optimal, that means that you can quickly take corrective action. If they are great, that’s fantastic and you can have peace of mind!
Supplement your Diet: Even when we eat healthily, there will be times when we lack certain vitamins/minerals because of many man-made processes have permanently altered our food supply chain. Common nutrient deficiencies are iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium.
Experiment: The best way to know what works for you is to experiment. Rather than subscribe to one diet, try different foods, and see how your body reacts. Most importantly, research and tweak your diet based on what you learn.
I enjoy reading stories and research by people who have successfully reversed health diseases rather than what’s reported by the medical establishment since many medical conclusions today are flawed and learning how to implement positive changes into diet and life.
Hang out with healthy people: You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, so the more time you spend around healthy people, the better it is. Dine with people who are health conscious and get workout buddies. It makes healthy living more fun!
Practice the art of appreciation: Modern-day living tends to be aspirational and we can easily find ourselves chasing an ever-growing list of goals, many of which can be material. Some of us could do with spending more time focusing not on what we don’t have, but on what we do. Our mood can be lifted by giving thanks for anything from our friends and family to a beautiful landscape or sunset.
Don’t multitask during lunch: Do you habitually eat lunch at your desk or in front of the TV? A study found that people who multitask while eating lunch felt less full and ate more food 30 minutes later than those who were not distracted during lunch. Next time you sit down to eat, do just that—and nothing else.
Taking 10 minutes to focus on and enjoy the food you’re eating will leave you more satisfied and more in control of your appetite.
Love Yourself: Self-love is a crucial part of living a healthy life. When you have a negative self-image, it naturally weighs down on your mental outlook and health.
Click here for Hygiene habits that you shouldn’t miss in your daily routine –
Hygiene is one of those things everyone is expected to know but no one ever talks about it, and there’s more to it than just wearing deodorant and rinsing with mouthwash.
Proper grooming and healthy personal habits can help you ward off illnesses and feel good about yourself. Following personal hygiene habits should be part of your regular routine –
Good personal hygiene is essential for good health: Personal hygiene habits such as washing your hands and brushing and flossing your teeth will help keep bacteria, viruses, and illnesses at bay. And there are mental as well as physical benefits. Practicing good body hygiene helps you feel good about yourself, which is important for your mental health.
Healthy habits include good grooming: Minimize your risk of infection and also enhance your overall health.
- Bathe regularly: Wash your body and your hair often. You should clean your body and shampoo your hair at regular intervals that work for you. Your body is constantly shedding skin. That skin needs to come off. Otherwise, it will cake up and can cause illnesses.
- Brush and floss: Ideally, you should brush your teeth after every meal. At the very least, brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. Brushing minimizes the accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing, too, helps maintain strong, healthy gums.
- The bacteria that builds up and causes gum disease can go straight to the heart and cause very serious valve problems. Unhealthy gums also can cause your teeth to loosen, which makes it difficult to chew and to eat properly. To maintain a healthy smile, visit the dentist at six-month intervals for checkups and cleanings.
- Brush your tongue: Buildup on your tongue not only looks disgusting, but it’s the number one cause of bad breath. Giving your tongue a good scrub when you’re brushing your teeth can nix this.
- Wash your face with honey: If you have extremely sensitive skin, or are just looking for a cheap organic face wash, try this: Wash your face with honey. Get raw honey (commercial honey is often too processed to have the same benefits). Honey is a natural humectant (e.g. moisturizes without leaving oily residue) and exfoliant. It even has natural antibacterial qualities. Wet your face in the shower and massage it into your face. Leave it there as you wash the rest of your body and rinse it off the last thing before getting out.
- Trim your nails: Keeping your finger and toenails trimmed and in good shape will prevent problems such as hangnails and infected nail beds. Feet that are clean and dry are less likely to contract. Fingernails should be trimmed straight across and slightly rounded at the top whereas toenails should be trimmed straight across. The best time to cut your nails is after bathing when they are soft and easy to trim.
- Take care of your hair: Washing your hair at least every other day is important to keeping your hair and scalp healthy and in good shape. If you suffer from lice or dandruff, then take necessary action at the earliest. Also, it is critical that you get a hair cut frequently for healthy hair. The longer you wait to get your hair cut, the more frail and brittle your hair can become, especially if it is longer
- Wash your hands: Washing your hands before preparing or eating food, after going to the bathroom, after coughing or sneezing, and after handling garbage, goes a long way toward preventing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Keep a hygiene product, like an alcohol-based sanitizing gel, handy for when soap and water aren’t available.
- Clean your ears: Clean your ears with your fingers while having a bath. The daily cleaning of all hearing devices is essential to remove germs that can be introduced into the ear. Earrings should be kept clean and should be removed daily so the piercing can be attended to.
- Sleep tight: Get plenty of rest — at least 8 hours a night — so that you are refreshed and are ready to take on the day every morning. Lack of sleep can leave you feeling run down and can compromise your body’s natural defenses, your immune system.
- Fighting bad breath: Drink plenty of water. Brush and floss regularly. Treat any existing oral diseases. Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables.
Cut out coffee. Chew sugarless gum. Eat yogurt. Get your vitamins. a, but can also help prevent two other causes of bad breath—gum disease and gingivitis. Avoid tobacco products. - Shower daily: This is the best way to get rid of any dirt, sweat, and/or germs that your body may have accumulated throughout the day, and prevents hygiene-related diseases. As a plus, showering daily helps you feel, look, and smell your best throughout the day. Cleaning your body is also important to ensure your skin rejuvenates itself, as the scrubbing of your arms, legs, and torso will slough off dead, dry skin and help your skin stay healthy and refreshed, and will prevent acne, blemishes and other skin eruptions.
- Wear Deodorant: Antiperspirant helps control excessive sweat, while deodorant covers up unpleasant body odor caused by sweat. Consider using a natural, aluminum-free deodorant to reduce potential health risks associated with conventional deodorants.
- Wear clean clothes: Wear a fresh set of clothes as often as possible.
Dirty clothes are a source of contamination and can cause very serious skin disorders if worn over and over without washing them. Also, try wearing a clean pair of socks every day (especially after athletic activities) as this keeps your feet dry and not smelly. Wash clothing and linens on a regular basis as the longer it takes you to clean them the smellier they become. - Go for alcohol-based sanitizer: Clean your hands every now and then by using hand sanitizers. This is because alcohol is a drying agent and kills all the viruses and bacterias immediately. However, alcohol is liable to make your skin dry, thus always go for a branded alcohol-based fragrance-free hand sanitizer, which has a good amount of moisturizer in it.
- Cool off before hopping out of the shower: This may sound masochistic, but right before you get out of the shower, turn it on full blast cold. There are numerous benefits to this, chiefly in the hair and skin department. But in the summer, it also prevents you from sweating the moment you step out of the shower and getting stinky all over again.
- With all of the above being said, the last thing you should do is follow any hygiene advice blindly. Each person’s body is different. Some of us sweat more, some of us have oilier hair, some of us have sensitive skin or deep belly buttons or hairy armpits. You may need to adjust some of the advice of the above points to suit the way your body works.
- Good habits help keep you healthy: For most people, good hygiene is so much a part of their daily routines that they think little about it. They bathe, brush their teeth, visit the dentist and doctor for regular check-ups, and wash their hands when preparing or eating food and handling unsanitary items. To keep those you care about healthy and safe, help them learn, and be sure that they are practicing, good personal hygiene.
- For Food Storage; Store and prepare raw meat, poultry, and seafood away from other foods. Store food in the fridge at 5°C/41°F, do not overfill, and allow cold air to circulate. Prevent raw food juices from dripping onto other foods.
- While preparing food: Cut meat and vegetables with separate knives and chopping/cutting boards. Soak, scrape, brush, scald, peel or wash all fruit, salad, and vegetables. Do not wash raw meat in the sink prior to cooking as this spreads germs around the sink area. This is also not necessary as proper cooking of the meat will destroy any harmful bacteria.
A healthy lifestyle is one that helps to keep and improve your health and well-being. There are many different things that you can do to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing your stress.
However, a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise, it also about taking care of the “whole you” – your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. And, that means taking care of you from the inside out.
Even though there are many common ways to live a healthy lifestyle, actually doing it looks different for everyone, and means something different from one person to the next. Regardless of what you choose to do, living a healthy lifestyle is a key component of disease prevention, wellness, and longevity.
Being mindful of your diet, physical activity and stress levels allow you to effectively balance all aspects of your life and the “whole you”.
Click here for Fitness tips and strategies –
Are you tired of putting in the effort at the gym and not seeing results?
You’re not alone—many people show the drive, determination, and consistent effort, but don’t reach their goals. Check out our insightful tips and strategies specifically designed to help you build strength, gain muscle mass, lose fat, enhance your endurance, and maintain healthy eating habits. If this sounds familiar, the next logical step is to follow the tips given below :
- Be true to form: It doesn’t matter how many push-ups you can do in a minute if you’re not doing a single one correctly. There is no point in performing any exercise without proper form. Perfect your technique, then later add weight and/or speed. This is especially important if your workout calls for performing as many reps as possible during a set amount of time. Choose quality over quantity, and you can stay injury-free.
- Multi-Goal: Popular belief says if you really want to make a big change, focus on one new healthy habit at a time. Working on your diet and fitness simultaneously may put the odds of reaching both goals more in your favor.
- One day at a time: Long-term goals are imperative, but they can make you feel overwhelmed or discouraged at times. Instead of thinking about how many dresses sizes smaller, you want to be in four months, focus on small everyday victories. For example, today you are going to eat breakfast, fit in a workout, and drink more water. Stay focused on the present, and your future will be successful.
- Eat more clean food: Eating only three daily meals? Not a great idea. Half the people aren’t losing weight because they don’t eat enough. Eat five times a day, about every three hours, to stimulate your metabolism including two mini-meals between three basic meals. With activity levels decreasing throughout the day, eat less as the day goes on.
- Find a fit friend: A workout partner not only keeps you accountable, he/she also may help you clock more time at the gym and torch more fat. Those who exercise with others tend to train six minutes longer and burn an extra 41 calories per session compared to solo fitness fanatics. They push themselves harder and are more motivated than when they hit the gym alone.
- Seek out text support: If you thought texting changed your love life, imagine what it could do for your waistline. When people received motivational text messages promoting exercise and healthy behaviors twice a week, they lost an average of about 3 percent of their body weight in 12 weeks. Participants showed an improvement in eating behaviors, exercise, and nutrition self-efficacy, and reported that the texts helped them adopt these new habits. Find health-minded friends and message each other reminders, or program your phone to send yourself healthy eating tips.
- Eat with purpose: Everything you consume should have substantial nutritional value. You want the most nutritional bang for your buck. Everything you eat should serve some sort of nutritional purpose in your body, fuel your workouts, and (be) geared toward optimizing your body.
- Dig Deeper: It takes a lot of discipline to turn down a cupcake or roll out of your warm bed for a cold morning run. To make staying on track easier, it’s important to make a real connection with your motivation. So think less about fitting into your skinny jeans or spring break bikini and more about emotional ties to the people you love. Your relationships will grow stronger when you are physically healthy and taking care of yourself.
- Be here. Now. : Before you convince yourself that you’re too busy to meditate, consider this: Adding mediation to your daily fitness routine can be a crucial part of body transformation. Find five to 10 minutes once or twice a day to focus on your breath. Taking the time to do this can help your body and brain de-stress and recover better from all your hard work at the gym and the office.
- Consider retail therapy: Whenever you buy a new pair of athletic shoes, and enthusiasm comes over. You are eager to wear them. So occasionally buy new kicks or gym clothes if it helps revitalize your passion for the gym.
- Understand the basics of building muscle: Talk to any personal trainer and they’ll tell you there are certain muscle-building basics. First, increase your caloric and complete protein intake, so your body has enough building blocks to get bigger. Then, when you enter the gym, focus on your form. Perform compound movements and train with weights on average around four times a week. Never underestimate the importance of rest. Remember, muscle tissue grows outside of the gym when you’re giving your body time to relax and recover following your workouts.
- Be true to yourself: When trying to adopt new healthy habits, it’s important to work around other long-standing practices that could sabotage your efforts if overlooked. For example, if you are a morning person, working out in the a.m. is likely best, but if you’re a night person, exercise after work, don’t try to become one or the other if it’s not natural to you. You’re more likely to stick to it if you like the time of day and the whole experience.
- Memorize a Mantra: Whatever you tell yourself to get through a grueling workout, don’t stop. An innovative study found that motivational self-talk can significantly help reduce the rate of perceived exertion (how loud your muscles are screaming) so you can go further for longer.
- Hydrate properly: An often-overlooked factor is to make sure that your GI tract is healthy because that’s how you absorb all your nutrients. Do so by consuming vitamins, fiber, minerals, a probiotic, and water. The study suggests you drink “ice-cold water first thing in the morning” adding “you’ll naturally boost your metabolism by up to 24% for 90 minutes.
- Choose supplements intelligently: Some trainers and lifters feel supplements can play a key role in boosting muscle gains. If you subscribe to that theory, then chances are, you’re already taking protein supplements—but what else? Creatine, for one, seems to be about the most effective strength- and size-building supplement.
- Learn the ropes: The best training tool you’re not using: a jump rope. It may seem a little juvenile until you think of all the hot-bodied boxing pros who jump rope every single day. Not only is it inexpensive, portable, and easy to use almost anywhere, you’ll burn about 200 calories in 20 minutes and boost your cardiovascular health while toning.
- Work your full range of motion: Don’t take any shortcuts. Aim for the largest range of motion you can achieve in your exercises. Your muscles will do more work per rep, and it will result in your breaking down more tissue by the end of the workout.
- Take it outside: A study found people could burn up to 7 percent more calories outside. So if you’re torching 268 calories during a half-hour indoor run at a 12-minute-mile pace, you may hoof off closer to 300 calories if you head outdoors.
- Don’t go too heavy: Wondering how to get the most out of lifting weights? Use a weight that will have you failing on the set between the 30- and 40-second mark. Time under tension causes the muscle to grow. If you’re failing at 20 seconds, you know that weight was too heavy.
- Put on more weight: You know strength training is the best way to trim down, tone up, and get into “I love my body” shape. But always reaching for the 10-pound dumbbells isn’t going to help you. Add two or three compound barbell lifts (such as a squat, deadlift, or press) to your weekly training schedule and run a linear progression, increasing the weight used on each lift by two to five pounds a week.
- Perform three to five sets of three to five reps, and you’ll boost strength, not bulk. The short, intense training will not place your muscles under long periods of muscle fiber stimulation, which corresponds with muscle growth.
- Carefully consider cardio: If getting huge is your goal, then throttle back on your cardio workouts, chances are, you’ll be burning far too many calories. So what should you do if you still want to get in some cardio? a light jogs a few days per week for 20 minutes is adequate. If you’re aiming to burn fat, of course, then focus on getting enough protein every day (usually one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight), while still keeping your overall caloric intake low.
- Exhaust for endurance: To further your endurance training, you need to put in the total effort. You’re going for muscle exhaustion, so remember to fully exhaust the muscles. How can you do that? Get good at the bodyweight staples—pullups, chin-ups, pushups, inverted rows, (and) squats. If you can master these movements for high reps, your muscles will get well-conditioned.
- Work it for every angle: Most traditional fitness plans happen in predictable patterns that usually involve moving in two planes of motion—up and down or forward and backward—ignoring the third plane of motion, lateral. Move your body in all directions to create the fittest, functional, and athletic physique.
- If you’re a runner, cyclist, or walker, remember to include movements such as jumping jacks, side shuffles, side lunges, and carioca (the grapevine-like move) in your warm-up or cool-down.
- Never do the same workout: The reason most people don’t see changes isn’t that they don’t work hard—it’s because they don’t make their workouts harder. Create a challenge every time you exercise. Use a little more weight, rest five to 10 seconds less between sets, add a few more reps, or do another set. Incorporating these small variations into your routine is a recipe for change.
- Take a selfie to visualize: Picture your perfect self with your flat abs, firmer butt, and slim thighs every day. Seeing really is believing: You become consciously and acutely aware of everything that can help you achieve the visualized outcome that you desire when you impress an idea into the subconscious part of you. It eventually becomes ‘fixed,’ and you automatically move toward that which you desire.
- Let life happen: It’s better to go with the flow then to move against it. Things come up in life that we can’t control, which makes our workout both a physical and mental challenge Listen to your body and be aware of each moment’s circumstances while you push forward toward your goal.
- Scale back: Weighing yourself too often can cause you to obsess over every pound. Stepping on the scale or putting on a pair of well-fitting (i.e. not a size too small) pants once a week. Both can be used as an early warning system for preventing weight gain, and the pants may be a better way to gauge if those workouts are helping you tone up and slim down.
- Give fat a chance: Trimming some fat may eliminate some guilt, but be warned: Buying foods labeled “low-fat,” “non-fat,” or “fat-free” may encourage you to eat up to 50 percent more calories. Fat’s not the issue when it comes to your weight since most of these foods only have about 15 percent fewer calories than their regular counterparts. Go for the full-fat version and eat less—you probably will naturally since they taste better.
- Prepare yourself for endurance training: When it comes to training for endurance, you’ll need to be hydrated and be sure you’re eating properly because, by its very nature, this form of training is very demanding on your body. You should be doing a good mix of cardio and weight training. And, to increase your aerobic capacity, you should incorporate high-intensity interval training or HIIT. You’ll likely be sweating buckets and burning calories galore, so be prepared.
- Learn how to fight fatigue: Fatigue may be your biggest enemy when endurance training, but there are some ways to combat it. First, drink beet juice, which is packed with healthy nitrates that can improve your cardiovascular functioning. Beets can actually increase stamina by up to 16%, and it helps your muscles produce more energy, more efficiently, making exercise less exhausting. Another way to boost your performance is by carefully selecting your music. When people listen to favorable music their blood vessels expanded 26%.
- Understand the basics of fat loss: Forget calorie counting, and start thinking of food as fuel for your body. Getting six-pack abs is usually a function of fat loss, not a lack of muscle definition—and burning fat all boils down to a simple equation: Calories in versus calories burned. That means going beyond calories and studying your macronutrient intake—fats, protein, and carbs—to understand how much you consume relative to how much you burn during a workout.
Click here for Best Nutrition Tips:–
A healthy diet has been scientifically proven to provide numerous health benefits, such as reducing your risk of several chronic diseases and keeping your body healthy.
However, making major changes to your diet can sometimes seem very overwhelming. Instead of making big changes, it may be better to start with a few smaller ones.
- Slow down: The pace at which you eat influences how much you eat, as well as how likely you are to gain weight. In fact, studies comparing different eating speeds show that fast eaters are up to 115% more likely to be obese than slow eaters. Your appetite, how much you eat, and how full you get are all controlled by hormones.
These hormones signal your brain whether you’re hungry or full. However, it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive these messages, so eating more slowly would give your brain the time it needs to perceive that you are full.
Studies have confirmed this, showing that eating slowly may reduce the number of calories you consume at meals. Eating slowly is also linked to more thorough chewing, which has also been linked to better weight maintenance. Therefore, simply by eating slower and chewing more often, you can reduce your risk of eating too much and gaining excess weight.
Crowd out bad habits: Those rock hard abs won’t be built in a day—they’ll be built in staggered days. Staying on the diet is the hardest part, and has a trick for sticking to the program: Alternate days of your new diet plan with your normal eating habits.
For example, do the new plan Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, and observe your regular habits Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. You can also apply the same principle when it comes to adopting a healthier exercise routine.
At the end of the first seven days, you will have improved your eating habits over half of the days of the week and will feel ready to launch into week two! The high you get from keeping it going for several weeks—not to mention the better body image—will eventually help you crowd out the bad eating patterns with even more good ones.
Call food ‘Healthy’ and less ‘Healthy’ instead of ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’: When people label food as ‘good’ and ‘bad,’ it carries over into a judgment of themselves—if you eat ‘good’ food, you’re a good person, if you eat ‘bad’ food, you’ve badly behaved.
That couldn’t be further from the truth, so stop putting yourself in an emotional timeout just because of what you eat. Truly, no foods are really bad and no foods are really good—some are healthier than others. Reframing your thinking like this will likely help you learn the art of indulging in moderation instead of bingeing on “bad” foods, plus it’s just a better way to treat yourself.
- Eat vegetables: Vegetables are the source of many nutrients and minerals like folate, vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, manganese, and potassium, not to mention dietary fiber which is important for good gut health. There are two types of vegetables: Starchy vegetables like potato, sweet potato, yam, and pumpkin; and non-starchy vegetables like kale, arugula, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, long beans, tomato, cucumber, and mushroom (technically a fungus). Some vegetables are slightly starchy and hence fall in the middle: Corn, green peas, carrot, artichoke, beetroot, cauliflower, and beans (technically legumes). All vegetables are important and enrich our diet.
- Pick different-colored fruits/veg: Always consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors. Firstly, fruits and vegetables with different colors represent different anti-oxidant content, which removes free radicals that damage our cells and fights inflammation in our bodies.
- Secondly, when we eat a large diversity of fruits/vegetables, it creates a wide variety of good bacteria in our gut, which creates a strong defense line between us and the environment, improves our immune system, and strengthens our long-term health. Eat fruits/vegetables of different colors: White (Bananas), Yellow (Pineapples, Mango), Orange (Orange, Papaya), Red (Apple, Strawberries, Raspberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon), Green (Avocado, Kale, Lettuce, Cucumber), Purple/Blue (Blackberries, Prunes).
- Choose intact grains over refined grains: Intact grains contain all the essential parts of the grain seed; in other words, they contain 100% of the original kernel, which includes the bran, germ, and endosperm. Because these layers are intact, the grain contains a richer nutritional profile of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals than refined grains (which are grains stripped of the bran and germ layers through processing).
- Mix up your greens: If your go-to green for salads is spinach or romaine, that’s great—they’re both packed with tons of nutrients. But a varied diet is a healthy diet, and there are tons of other greens out there that are equally delicious.
- If you like lighter leafy vegetables, try swapping your spinach for some arugula, leaf lettuce, watercress or parsley, or combine a few different greens to get an incredible mixture of vital nutrients that will power you through the rest of your day.
- Choose whole-grain bread – not refined: You can easily make your diet a bit healthier by choosing whole-grain bread in place of traditional refined-grain bread. As opposed to refined grains, which have been linked to many health issues, whole grains have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
- They are also a good source of fiber, B vitamins, and several minerals, such as zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese. There are many varieties of whole-grain bread available, and many of them even taste better than refined bread.
- Eat your way lean : Remember: A lean muscle is simply one with less fat covering it, which means leanness is accomplished mostly through your diet. Yes, proper training will help speed up the process, but slimming down starts at the mouth so make cleaning up your diet a top priority.
- Increase your protein intake: Protein is often referred to as the king of nutrients, and it does seem to have some superpowers. Due to its ability to affect your hunger and satiety hormones, it’s the most filling of the macronutrients. One study showed that simply increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories made people eat 441 fewer calories per day, without actively restricting their intake.
What’s more, protein helps you retain muscle mass, which determines the rate of your metabolism. High protein intake may increase the number of calories you burn by 80–100 per day. This is especially important for preventing the loss of muscle mass that can occur during weight loss and as you age.
Aim to add a source of protein to each meal and snack. It will help you feel fuller for longer, curb cravings, and make you less likely to overeat. Just make sure to read the label to ensure that your bread is made with whole grains only, not a mixture of whole and refined grains. It’s also preferable that the bread contains whole seeds or grains. Good sources of protein include dairy products, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, beans, and lean meat.
- Bake or Roast instead of Grilling or Frying: The way you prepare your food can drastically change its effects on your health. Grilling, broiling, frying, and deep-frying are all popular methods of preparing meat and fish. However, during these types of cooking methods, several potentially toxic compounds are formed, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs).
All of these compounds have been linked to several diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Healthier cooking methods include baking, broiling, simmering, slow-cooking, poaching, pressure cooking, stewing, and sous-vide.
These methods do not promote the formation of these harmful compounds and thus make your food healthier. Nevertheless, there is nothing to say you can’t enjoy the occasional grill or deep-fry, but try to use those methods sparingly.
- Ditch your food rules: When nourishing your body with foods, listen to what it needs. Discard dogma and food rules, and eat for fuel and energy, whatever that may be for that day. As much as you can, choose whole, unprocessed foods, but also allow for an occasional splurge or two to help maintain a healthy mindset. Our bodies are intelligent and always asking for what they need to function optimally, whether it’s vegetables or even a bit of sugar; there’s the reason behind the craving.
- Be practical not perfect: So what exactly, you ask, should you eat? Improving your eating habits is a process of being practical, not perfect. There are some specific foods that, realistically you know you will not live without. So, work with that. Keep that food to once a week or once a month instead of failing at never [eating it].
- Replace your favorite fast food restaurant: Eating out does not have to involve unhealthy foods. Consider “upgrading” your favorite fast food restaurant to one with healthier options. There are many healthy fast-food restaurants and fusion kitchens offering delicious and healthy meals. They may just be a great replacement for your favorite burger or pizza joint. What’s more, you can generally get these meals at a very decent price.
- Try at least one new healthy recipe per week: Deciding what to have for dinner can be a constant cause of frustration, which is why many people tend to use the same recipes again and again. Chances are you’ve been cooking the same recipes on autopilot for years.
- Whether these are healthy or unhealthy recipes, it’s always healthy to try something new. Aim to try making a new healthy recipe at least once per week. This can change up your food and nutrient intakes and hopefully add new and healthy recipes to your routine. Alternatively, try to make a healthier version of a favorite recipe.
- Use the 1 in 10 rule: For every 10 grams of carbohydrate listed on the label, look for at least one gram of fiber. Why 10:1? That’s the ratio of carbohydrate to fiber in a genuine, unprocessed whole grain. Foods that met the 10:1 ratio had had less sugar, sodium, and trans fats than those that didn’t. Speaking of magical ratios.
- Eat your fruits instead of drinking them: Fruits are very healthy. They are loaded with water, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Studies have repeatedly linked eating fruit to a reduced risk of several diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
- Because fruits contain fiber and various plant compounds, their sugars are generally digested very slowly and do not cause major spikes in blood sugar levels. However, the same does not apply to fruit juices. Many fruit juices aren’t even made from real fruit, but rather concentrate and sugar.
- They may even contain as much sugar as a sugary soft drink. Even real fruit juices lack the fiber and chewing resistance provided by whole fruits. This makes fruit juice much more likely to spike your blood sugar levels. It also makes it way too easy to consume too much in one sitting.
- Cook at home more often: Try to make a habit of cooking at home most nights, rather than eating out. For one, it’s easier on your budget. Second, by cooking your food yourself, you’ll know exactly what is in it. You won’t have to wonder about any hidden unhealthy or high-calorie ingredients.
- Also, by cooking large servings, you will also have leftovers for the next day, ensuring a healthy meal then, too. Finally, cooking at home has been shown to reduce the risk of excessive weight gain, especially among children
- Stay away from Diet food: So-called “diet foods” can be very deceiving. They‘ve usually had their fat content reduced dramatically and are often labeled “fat-free,” “low-fat,” “fat-reduced” or “low-calorie”. However, to compensate for the lost flavor and texture that the fat provided, sugar and other ingredients are often added. Therefore, many diet foods end up containing more sugar and sometimes even more calories than their full-fat counterparts. Instead, opt for whole foods like fruits and vegetables.
- Eat before you eat: Eating an appetizer of a broth-based soup or even an apple can reduce total calorie intake over the course of the meal by up to 20 percent. The average restaurant meal contains 1,128 calories. A 20 percent savings, just once a day, is enough to help you shed more than 23 pounds in a year.
- Scope before you scoop: This simple trick can save you hundreds of calories: Scan the buffet line strategically before you even pick up a plate. Studies show that individuals who are overweight tend to go through the line and fill their plates as they go through it.
- Meanwhile, people at a recommended weight tend to be more strategic and take inventory, decide what they’re going to eat and then grab a plate. If you’re contributing to the buffet offerings, be the one to bring a fruit or veggie dish to ensure you’ll have a healthy choice.
- Eat popcorn instead of Chips: It may be surprising that popcorn is a whole grain that’s loaded with nutrients and fiber. A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of air-popped popcorn contains 387 calories and 15 grams of fiber, while the same amount of chips contains 547 calories and only 4 grams of fiber.
- Diets rich in whole grains have been linked to health benefits, such as a reduced risk of inflammation and heart disease. For healthy popcorn, try making your own popcorn at home (not microwave popcorn varieties) or purchase air-popped popcorn.
- Eat from smaller plates: It has been proven that the size of your dinnerware can affect how much you eat. Eating from a large plate can make your portion look smaller while eating from a small plate can make it look bigger. Studies have supported this and shown that people tend to eat as much as 30% more when their food is served in a large bowl or on a large plate. Also, if you don’t realize that you’re eating more than usual, you will not compensate by eating less at the next meal.
- By eating from smaller dinnerware, you can trick your brain into thinking that you’re eating more, making yourself less likely to overeat.
- Remind yourself to lose weight: A recent study published online found that people who received weekly text reminders of their daily “calorie budget” and motivational emails made healthier meal and snack choices. A simple hack to help you slim down: set up reminders on your smartphone, so when 6 a.m. rolls around, it’s: You make 1200 calories-a-day look so good! And at lunchtime: Salad for the six-pack, baby!
- The bottom line: Completely overhauling your diet all at once can be a recipe for disaster. Instead, try to incorporate some of the small changes in this post to make your diet healthier. Some of these tips will help you keep your portion sizes reasonable, while others will help you add nutrients or adapt to something new. Together, they’ll have a big impact on making your overall diet healthier and more sustainable, without a huge change in your habits.
- Don’t smoke or do drugs, and only drink in moderation: If you’re a tobacco smoker or abuse drugs, then diet and exercise are the least of your worries. Tackle those problems first. If you choose to include alcohol in your life, then do so in moderation only, and consider avoiding it completely if you have alcoholic tendencies.
- Don’t eat a lot of refined carbohydrates: Not all carbs are created equal. Refined carbs have been highly processed, and have had all the fiber removed from them. They are low in nutrients (empty calories), and can be extremely harmful. Studies show that refined carbohydrates are linked to overeating and numerous metabolic diseases
- Use plenty of herbs and spices: There are many incredibly healthy herbs and spices out there. For example, ginger and turmeric both have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, leading to various health benefits. You should make an effort to include as many different herbs and spices as you can. Many of them can have powerful beneficial effects on your health.
Click here for Simple Habits to Kickstart a healthier lifestyle –
A total transformation of your health surely sounds appealing, but too many drastic lifestyle changes at once usually aren’t the recipe for long term success. Research shows we only have a limited amount of willpower each day.
So when you want to improve your health, it’s much easier to focus on creating small, doable habits – those automated, healthy behaviors you do without thinking about it. Some points are repeated here but it’s advisable to reiterate to emphasize and remind once again.
Start small: pick one tiny health habit at a time, until it’s a natural part of your routine.
- Spice up your food with herbs: Adding herbs and spices to your meals is one of the tastiest ways to boost your health. Not only are these seasonings packed with antioxidants and other nutrients that protect your health, but herbs and spices can also be used to replace salt and sugar in recipes without sacrificing flavor. Spicy food may even help you control your weight, as studies show people eat smaller portions of meals with fat-burning chili peppers than of bland-tasting dishes.
- Go for a walk in the park: Going for a 20-minute walk every day, especially in green environments, has many health benefits. Besides the more obvious invigorating effects of physical activity, moving around outdoors provides you with fresh air and exposes your skin to sunlight, which helps your body to produce vitamin D. A stroll through green surroundings is even an effective way to ease brain fatigue and to boost your happiness. Make walking outside a regular part of your day: go for a stroll through a nearby park on your lunch break or after dinner, or explore nature with a leisurely Sunday hike.
- Mind your mental diet: Since ‘we are what we eat’, we all know we have to choose wisely what we put into our bodies. But have you ever stopped to think about what you put into your mind every day? According to the Buddha, “we are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.” The first step to cleaning up your mental diet is to become aware of what you fill your mind with. Notice how the books and magazines you’re reading, the articles you’re browsing online or the TV shows you watch every week make you feel. Take a good look at what kind of people you surround yourself with, both in real life and on social media. The goal is to spend less time with media and people that suck away your energy or create pointless drama and focus more on those who inspire and motivate you.
- Give yourself a bedtime: Waking up feeling energized after a good night’s sleep is high on most of our wish lists, and yet it can be so challenging to head to bed in time to make that happen. Just one more email to check, one last chore to do, just five more minutes staring mesmerized at the screen…Pinpointing when it’s time to go to sleep can help you get in sync with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and keep a more regular sleep schedule. Giving yourself a bedtime is one of the secrets to more happiness and energy.
- Practice gratitude: Being thankful for the little things that are going well in your life is one of the most powerful techniques to feel happier. Studies have shown time and time again counting your blessings every day trains your mind to focus on the positive – and being optimistic in turn is strongly related to overall better health.
- Set up your surroundings for success: Sticking to new habits can be challenging. We’re used to automatically respond to everyday cues in our living environment – just think of checking your phone each time you’re waiting for the bus or buying popcorn at the cinema even when you’re not that hungry. But you can also use this principle to your advantage, by designing your surroundings in such a way that it triggers the desired behaviors.
- Fit several short bursts of physical activity into your busy day: Get into the habit of gently stretching yourself as you get out of bed, doing standing push-ups as you’re waiting for the tea to boil or knee-bends when you’re brushing your teeth. At work, take the stairs and try to get up from your chair every hour – even a short walk over to the printer or coffee machine will get your blood flowing again. Come up with out-of-the-box and fun ways to fit in some gentle exercises every day!
- Schedule buffer time: Are you often rushing from appointment to appointment? Somehow things like getting ready for work, commuting, or meetings always take longer than we expected. But being late can be pretty stressful. Your days might run a lot more relaxed if you plan extra pockets of time into your busy schedule. Try getting up 5 minutes earlier, plan extra time just in case you get stuck in traffic (again) and don’t schedule appointments back-to-back but leave a little space between events. Less stress!
- Develop meaningful connections: Modern technology enables us to communicate with friends and strangers all over the world. And although I love using social media to stay up-to-date with loved ones who live far away and meet new friends online, nothing replaces real-life meet-ups with deep conversations, hugs, and laughter. Make time each week to deepen your relationships with your family or hang out with your friends. Put down your phone, be fully present, and really listen to your loved ones when you’re together. Laugh! Be kind to everyone you meet: looking people in the eye, smiling and a genuinely friendly attitude can make all the difference in their day – and yours. spending time with friends and receiving social support during tough times boosts your happiness and overall health.
- Create a healthier home: Think of small ways how you can make the place where you spend so much time just a little healthier:
- Keep toxins out of your home. Aim to use natural materials like wood and organic fabrics.
- Take off your shoes when you get inside.
- Bring the outdoors inside! Open your windows regularly to let in some fresh air and buy air-purifying plants.
- Rearrange your cupboards so your healthy staples are always within sight and within reach. Over time, replace your standard, not so healthy ingredients for wholesome alternatives – like swapping white rice for brown rice or quinoa.
- Get out of your head: We spend such a large part of our days consuming and analyzing information, planning and thinking about all kinds of problems and possible solutions. But being inside our heads all the time can lead to informational overload and mental fatigue, not to mention rumination – a major risk factor for depression and anxiety disorders. Let go of your worries for a while and get back in touch with your body. You can refresh your mind by pottering around in the garden or going for a run. Working with your hands is also an effective way to get out of your head – take up knitting, baking wholesome cakes, or doing odd jobs around the house. Maybe now’s a great time to pick up that hobby you always want to do?
- Enrich your life with little wellness rituals: Do you dream of having a luxurious and relaxing spa holiday, but you can’t find the time or money? Create the same uplifting effects from your own home with little wellness rituals. Think of dry brushing your skin before your morning shower to stimulate your circulation or adding a few drops of essential oil to your warm bath. When you come home from a stressful day, you could put on some soft music and gently give yourself a reflexology foot massage. Seek some inspiration online about which holistic rituals you can start fitting into your schedule!
- Unplug: Taking a digital detox is related to many healthy habits on this list, like getting enough sleep, preventing information overload, and deepening your connections with others. Set little rules for yourself: maybe you want to set your phone on airplane mode after 9 pm or you turn off all your electronic devices one hour before bedtime to help you sleep quicker and deeper. Or perhaps a technology-free rule at mealtimes or an unplugged Sunday work wonders for your wellbeing – whatever works best for you! Just know when it’s time to forget your phone and enjoy life as it’s happening in front of you.
- Focus on ‘crowding out’ instead of ‘cutting out’: Do you get that rebellious feeling in your gut when someone advises you to quit eating junk food for good, stop watching TV and get off the couch? So why not focus on adding healthy habits to your routine instead of thinking about all the things you supposedly can no longer do? You can practice ‘crowding out’ by picking one healthy swap or trying one new healthy ingredient each week, which automatically leaves less space for unhealthier options.
“Quotes for Good Health——“
The First Wealth is Health
It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of Gold and Silver
A Healthy outside comes from Inside
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in
Health is not valued till sickness comes
Your body is your most priceless possession so go take care of it!
You are what you eat
You don’t have to eat less you just have to eat right
Being healthy and fit isn’t a fad or a trend. It’s a lifestyle
The food can be either the safest & most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of medicine
Don’t focus on losing weight, focus on being healthy
Health care is a right, not a privilege
If you think wellness is expensive…. then try illness
Health required healthy food
Happiness is the highest form of Health
Create healthy habits, not Restrictions
Motivation is what gets you started; Habit is what keeps you going
Small changes can make A Big Difference
I’m not losing weight, I am getting rid of it. I have no intention of finding it again
“Life Philosophies”