Tips for good health
In this post we give tips about how they can improve or augment actions in their life to have a healthy lifestyle; it is not meant to be all-inclusive but will include major components that are considered to be parts of a lifestyle that lead to good health. In addition to the tips about what people should do for healthy living, the article will mention some of the tips about avoiding actions (the don’ts) that lead to unhealthy living.
“Healthy living” to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental “healthy living.”
Click here for Diet Tips -
More and more research is showing that the key to lifelong good health is what experts call “lifestyle medicine” — making simple changes in diet, exercise, and stress management. To help you turn that knowledge into results, we’ve put together this manageable list of health and wellness suggestions.
A. Eat a variety of foods – For good health, we need more than 40 different nutrients, and no single food can supply them all. It is not about a single meal, it is about a balanced food choice over time that will make a difference! A high-fat lunch could be followed by a low-fat dinner.
B. Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates – About half the calories in our diet should come from foods rich in carbohydrates, such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread. It is a good idea to include at least one of these at every meal. Wholegrain foods, like wholegrain bread, pasta, and cereals, will increase our fiber intake.
C. Replace saturated with unsaturated fat – Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body. However, too much of it can negatively affect our weight and cardiovascular health. Different kinds of fats have different health effects, and some of these tips could help us keep the balance right:
- We should avoid the consumption of total and saturated fats (often coming from foods of animal origin), and completely avoid trans fats; reading the labels helps to identify the sources.
- When cooking, we should boil, steam, or bake, rather than frying, use vegetable oils.
D. Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods for giving us enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber. We should try to eat at least 5 servings a day. For example, a glass of fresh fruit juice at breakfast, perhaps an apple and a piece of watermelon as snacks, and a good portion of different vegetables at each meal.
E. Reduce salt and sugar intake – A high salt intake can result in high blood pressure, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are different ways to reduce salt in the diet:
- When shopping, we could choose products with lower sodium content.
- When cooking, salt can be substituted with spices, increasing the variety of flavors and tastes.
- When eating, it helps not to have salt at the table, or at least not to add salt before tasting.
Sugar provides sweetness and an attractive taste, but sugary foods and drinks are rich in energy and are best enjoyed in moderation, as an occasional treat. We could use fruits instead, even to sweeten our foods and drinks.
F. Eat regularly, control the portion size – Eating a variety of foods, regularly, and in the right amounts is the best formula for a healthy diet.
Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in helpless overeating. Snacking between meals can help control hunger, but snacking should not replace proper meals. For snacks, we could choose yogurt, a handful of fresh or dried fruits or vegetables (like carrot sticks), unsalted nuts, or perhaps some bread with cheese.
Paying attention to portion size will help us not to consume too many calories, and will allow us to eat all the foods we enjoy, without having to eliminate any.
- Cooking the right amount makes it easier to not overeat.
- Some reasonable serving sizes are 100 g of meat; one medium piece of fruit; half a cup of raw pasta.
- Using smaller plates helps with smaller servings.
- Packaged foods, with calorie values on the pack, could aid portion control.
- If eating out, we could share a portion with a friend.
G. Drink plenty of fluids – Adults need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day! Or more if it’s very hot or they are physically active. Water is the best source, of course, and we can use tap or mineral water, sparkling or non-sparkling, plain or flavored. Fruit juices, tea, soft drinks, milk, and other drinks, can all be okay – from time to time.
H. Maintain a healthy body weight – The right weight for each of us depends on factors like our gender, height, age, and genes. Being overweight increases the risks of a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer.
Excess body fat comes from eating more than we need. The extra calories can come from any caloric nutrient – protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol, but fat is the most concentrated source of energy. Physical activity helps us spend energy, and makes us feel good. The message is reasonably simple: if we are gaining weight, we need to eat less and be more active!
I. Get on the move, make it a habit! – Physical activity is important for people of all weight ranges and health conditions. It helps us burn off the extra calories, it is good for the heart and circulatory system, it maintains or increases our muscle mass, it helps us focus, and improves overall health well-being. We don’t have to be top athletes to get on the move! 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity are advised, and it can easily become part of our daily routine. We all could:
- use the stairs instead of the elevator,
- go for a walk during lunch breaks (and stretch in our offices in between)
- make time for a family weekend activity.
J. Start now! And keep changing gradually – Gradual changes in our lifestyle are easier to maintain than major changes introduced all at once. For three days, we could write down the foods and drinks we consume throughout the day, and make a note of the amount of movement we made. It won’t be difficult to spot where we could improve:
- Skipping breakfast? A small bowl of muesli, a piece of bread or fruit, could help slowly introduce it into our routine
- Too few fruits and vegetables? To start with, we can introduce one extra piece a day.
- Favourite foods high in fat? Eliminating them abruptly could fire back, and make us return to the old habits. We can choose low-fat options instead, eat them less frequently, and in smaller portions.
- Too little activity? Using the stairs daily could be a great first move.
Click here for Tips for Healthy Living –
- Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
- The bulk of food consumption should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
- Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars; look at the labels because the first listed items on the labels comprise the highest concentrations of ingredients.
- Control portion sizes; eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger and then stop eating.
- Snacks are OK in moderation and should consist of items like fruit, whole grains, or nuts to satisfy hunger and not cause excessive weight gain.
- Avoid sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks because of the excessive calories in the sodas and sugar drinks; diet drinks may not be a good choice as they make some people hungrier and increase food consumption.
- Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease weight gain.
- If a person is angry or depressed, eating will not solve these situations and may make the underlying problems worse.
- Avoid rewarding children with sugary snacks; such a pattern may become a lifelong habit for people.
- Avoid heavy meals in the summer months, especially during hot days.
- A vegetarian lifestyle has been promoted for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss; vegetarians should check with their physicians to be sure they are getting enough vitamins, minerals, and iron in their food.
- Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys the most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables, they should be thoroughly washed with running treated (safe to drink) tap water right before eating.
- Avoid eating raw or undercooked meats of any type.
Tips to create a healthy lifestyle –
- Maximize with nutrient-packed foods: Give your body the nutrients it needs by eating a variety of nutrient-packed food, including whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or fat-free dairy. Eat less food high in solid fats, added sugars, and sodium (salt).
- Energize with grains: Your body’s quickest energy source comes from foods such as bread, pasta, oatmeal, cereals, and tortillas. Be sure to make at least half of your grain food choices whole-grain foods like whole-wheat bread or pasta and brown rice.
- Power up with protein: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle. Get your protein from seafood twice a week. Quality protein sources come from plant-based foods, too.
- Mix it up with plant protein foods: Variety is great! Choose beans and peas (kidney, pinto, black, or white beans; split peas; chickpeas; hummus), soy products (tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers), and unsalted nuts and seeds.
- Vary your fruits and vegetables: Get the nutrients your body needs by eating a variety of colors, in various ways. Try blue, red, or blackberries; red and yellow peppers; and dark greens like spinach and kale. Choose fresh, frozen, low-sodium canned, dried, or 100 percent juice options.
- Don’t forget dairy: Foods like fat-free and low-fat milk, cheese, yogurt, and fortified soy beverages (soymilk) help to build and maintain strong bones needed for everyday activities.
- Balance your meals: Use MyPlate as a reminder to include all food groups each day.
- Drink water: Stay hydrated by drinking water instead of sugary drinks. Keep a reusable water bottle with you to always have water on hand.
- Know how much to eat: Get personalized nutrition information based on your age, gender, height, weight, current physical activity level, and other factors. Use some App to determine your calorie needs, plan a diet that’s right for you, and track progress toward your goals.
Tips for special situations:
- People with diabetes should use the above tips and monitor their glucose levels as directed; try to keep the daily blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible.
- People with unusual work schedules (night shifts, college students, military) should try to adhere to a breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine with minimal snacking.
- People trying to lose weight (body fat) should avoid all fatty and sugary foods and eat mainly vegetables, fruits, and nuts and markedly reduce his/her intake of meat and dairy products.
- Seek medical advice early if you cannot control your weight, food intake, or if you have diabetes and cannot control your blood glucose levels.
Click here for Tips for being Super Healthy –
Super Healthy Spices –
Oregano – helps soothe stomach muscles
Mint – Can ease hiccups
Ginger – Anti Nausea remedy
Garlic – Natural Antiseptic
Fenugreek – helps flush out harmful toxins
Fennel – Can reduce bad breath and body odor
Clove – Anti-microbial
Sage – Antiseptic and antibiotic
Thyme – Relaxes respiratory muscles
Turmeric – Anti Cancer
Basil – Can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets
Black pepper – helps relieve indigestion
Cayenne – Can stop a heart attack
Cinnamon – Helps lower blood pressure
Dill – Treats heartburn. Colic and gas
Rosemary – Antioxidant
Reasons to eat Fruits –
Cherries – help calm your nervous system
Peach – rich in potassium, fluoride, and iron
Watermelon – helps control your heart rate
Strawberries – Can potentially fight against cancer and aging
Pineapple – Helps fight arthritis
Kiwi – Increases bone mass
Grapes – Relaxes your blood vessels
Apple – Helps your body resistance against infections
Oranges – Helps maintain great skin and vision
Bananas – are great for athletes because they give more energy
Blueberries – Protect your heart
Mangoes – Protect against several kinds of cancer
Healthy Food Tips –
- Starchy food should be your base
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Cut down on saturated fat and sugar
- Eat less salt
- Get active and maintain a constant weight
- Don’t skip breakfast
General Important tips-
Don’t take your medicine with cold water
Don’t eat heavy meals after 5 pm
Drink more water in the morning, less at night
Don’t lie down after immediately after taking a meal
Best sleeping time is 10 pm to 4 am
Answer phone calls from the left ear
When the phone battery is low to the last bar, don’t answer the call because of the radiation 100 times stronger.
Salads before meals
Tips for weight loss –
Apple – Your tummy friend
Eggs – Your heart friend
Oats – healthful
Lentils – Belly flattener
Kale – Meal by tossing
Blueberries – Fiber-rich
Pomegranate – Low in calories
Chilies – Burns extra calories
Yogurt – Perfect food
Avocado – A weight loss of food
Olive oil – Taming your appetite
Five Colors of phytonutrients –
Red – Supports prostate, Urinary tract, and DNA health. It protects against cancer and heart diseases.
e.g. Pomegranate, Watermelon, Cherries, Strawberries, Beets, Tomatoes, Apples, Raspberries, cranberries, Red grapes, Red Onions
Purple – Good for heart, brain, bones, arteries, and cognitive health. Fights cancer and supports healthy aging
e.g. Eggplant (Brinjal), Purple grapes, Plum, Figs, Blueberry, Raisins
Green – Supports eye health, arterial function, lung health, liver function, and cell health. It helps wound healing and gum health.
e.g. Avocado, Kiwi, Broccoli, Cucumber, Celery, Asparagus, Cabbage, Green Apple, Lettuce, Spinach, Sweet Pepper
White – Supports healthy bones, circulatory systems, and internal functions. Fights heart disease and cancer. e.g. Cauliflower, Onion, Garlic, Potatoes, Ginger, Radish,
Yellow – Good for eye health, healthy immune function, and healthy growth development.
e.g. Pineapple, Carrot, Banana, Lemon, Grapefruit, Pear, Corn, Papaya, Oranges, Mango, Peach.
GOAL – Eat two foods from each color group daily.
Click here for Super Tips for Healthy YOU –
Don’t drink sugar calories: Sugary drinks are the most fattening things you can put into your body. Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and all sorts of health problems.
Eat Nuts: Despite being high in fat, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy. They are loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, and various other nutrients.
Copy your kitty: Learn to do stretching exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion and eases back pain.
Bone up daily: Get your daily calcium by popping a tab, chugging milk, or eating yogurt. It’ll keep your bones strong. Remember that your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.
Don’t fear Coffee: Coffee has been unfairly demonized. The truth is that it’s actually very healthy. Coffee is high in antioxidants, and studies show that coffee drinkers live longer, and have a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and numerous other diseases.
Drink some water especially before a meal : Drinking enough water can have numerous benefits. One important factor is that it can help boost the number of calories you burn.
Avoid bright lights before you sleep: When we’re exposed to bright lights in the evening, this disrupts the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. An interesting “hack” is to use a pair of amber-tinted glasses that block blue light from entering your eyes in the evening.
Take vitamin D3 if you don’t get much sunlight: Back in the day, most people got their vitamin D from the sun. If adequate sun exposure is not an option for you, then supplementing with vitamin D has been shown to have numerous benefits for health. This includes improved bone health, increased strength, reduced symptoms of depression, and a lower risk of cancer, to name a few. Vitamin D may also help you live longer.
Make sure to eat enough protein: Eating enough protein is incredibly important. Protein is particularly important for weight loss and works via several different mechanisms.
High protein intake can boost metabolism significantly while making you feel so full that you automatically eat fewer calories. It can also cut cravings and reduce the desire for late-night snacking. Eating plenty of protein has also been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
Curry favor: Hot, spicy foods containing chilies or cayenne pepper trigger endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Endorphins have a powerful, almost narcotic, effect, and make you feel good after exercising.
I say tomato: Tomato is a superstar in the fruit and veggie pantheon. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful cancer fighter. They’re also rich in vitamin C. The good news is that cooked tomatoes are also nutritious, so use them in pasta, soups, and casseroles, as well as in salads.
Eat your stress away: Prevent low blood sugar as it stresses you out. Eat regular and small healthy meals and keep fruit and veggies handy. Herbal teas will also soothe your frazzled nerves. Eating unrefined carbohydrates, nuts, and bananas boost the formation of serotonin, another feel-good drug. Small amounts of protein containing the amino acid tryptamine can give you a boost when stress tires you out.
Load up on vitamin C: We need at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day and the best way to get this is by eating at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
Use extra virgin olive oil: Extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat on the planet.
It is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that can fight inflammation. Extra virgin olive oil leads to many beneficial effects on heart health, and people who consume olive oil have a much lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes
Don’t eat a lot of refined carbohydrates: Not all carbs are created equal. Refined carbs have been highly processed, and have had all the fiber removed from them. They are low in nutrients (empty calories), and can be extremely harmful. Studies show that refined carbohydrates are linked to overeating and numerous metabolic diseases.
No folly in folic acid. Folic acid should be taken regularly by all pregnant mums and people with low immunity to disease. Folic acid prevents spina bifida in unborn babies and can play a role in cancer prevention. It is found in green leafy vegetables, fruit, and bran.
Lift heavy things: Lifting weights is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your body and improve your body composition. It also leads to massive improvements in metabolic health, including improved insulin sensitivity. The best approach is to go to a gym and lift weights, but doing bodyweight exercises can be just as effective.
Take care of your relationships: Social relationships are incredibly important. Not only for your mental wellbeing but your physical health as well. Studies show that people who are close to friends and family are healthier and live much longer than those who are not.
If you have excess belly fat, get rid of it: Not all body fat is equal. It is mostly the fat in your abdominal cavity, the belly fat, that causes problems. This fat builds up around the organs and is strongly linked to metabolic disease.
For this reason, your waist size may be a much stronger marker for your health than the number on the scale. Cutting carbs, eating more protein, and eating plenty of fiber are all excellent ways to get rid of belly fat.
Burn fat during intervals. To improve your fitness quickly and lose weight, harness the joys of interval training. Set the treadmill or step machine on the interval program, where your speed and workload varies from minute to minute. Build up gradually, every minute, and return to the starting speed. Repeat this routine. Not only will it be less monotonous, but you can train for a shorter time and achieve greater results.
Cool off without a beer. Don’t eat carbohydrates for at least an hour after exercise. This will force your body to break down body fat, rather than using the food you ingest. Stick to fruit and fluids during that hour, but avoid beer.
Stop fuming. Don’t smoke and if you smoke already, do everything in your power to quit. Apart from the well-known risks of heart disease and cancer, orthopedic surgeons have found that smoking accelerates bone density loss and constricts blood flow.
Don’t go on a diet: Diets are notoriously ineffective, and rarely work well in the long term. In fact, “dieting” is one of the strongest predictors for future weight gain. Instead of going on a diet, try adopting a healthier lifestyle. Focus on nourishing your body, instead of depriving it. Weight loss should follow as a natural side effect of better food choices and improved metabolic health.
Asthma-friendly sports. Swimming is the most asthma-friendly sport of all, but cycling, canoeing, fishing, sailing, and walking are also good, according to the experts.
Laugh and cry. Having a good sob is reputed to be good for you. So is laughter, which has been shown to help heal bodies, as well as broken hearts. Studies in Japan indicate that laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body shake off allergic reactions.
Avoid Steamy hot water: Showering or bathing in water that’s too hot will dry out your skin and cause it to age prematurely. Warm water is much better. Apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp – it’ll be absorbed more easily. Adding a little olive oil to your bath with help keep your skin moisturized too.
Here’s the rub. Improve your circulation and help your lymph glands to drain by the way you towel off. Helping your lymph glands function can help prevent them from becoming infected. When drying off your limbs and torso, brush towards the groin on your legs and towards the armpits on your upper body. You can do the same during gentle massage with your partner.