Health tips for heart mind and body
A healthy lifestyle is not about eating only veggies and fruits and lets go of every single thing which you love the most but whatever you eat or drink must be under some limits. Still, Vegetables, Fruits, and Plenty of water should be an essential component of your food. Excesses of anything are bad so maintain a 360°Health lifestyle.
Looking for the path toward a healthier you? It’s not hard to find. The journey begins with some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. The right diet, exercise, and stress-relief plan all play a big role.
Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet
There’s an easy recipe if your goal is to keep away problems like heart disease and strokes.
- Eat more fruits and veggies.
- Choose whole grains. Try brown rice instead of white. Switch to whole-wheat pasta.
- Choose lean proteins like poultry, fish, beans, and legumes.
- Cut down on processed foods, sugar, salt, and saturated fat.
If you like to follow a strict diet plan, go for it. If not, it’s OK. “Find what works for you.”
Exercise Every Day
The more active you are, the better. Exercise boosts your heart health, builds muscle and bone strength, and wards off health problems.
Aim for 2 and a half hours of moderate activity, like brisk walking or dancing, every week. If you’re OK with vigorous exercise, stick to 1 hour and 15 minutes a week of things like running, yoga, or playing tennis. Add a couple of days of strength training, too.
If you’re busy, try short bursts of activity throughout the day. Walk often. A good target is 10,000 steps a day. Take the stairs. Park your car far away from your destination.
Lose Weight
When you shed pounds you’ll lower your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Tips for a healthy life
No matter what your age, you have the power to change many of the variables that influence how long you live, and how active and vital you feel in your later years. Actions you can take to increase your odds of a longer and more satisfying life span are really quite simple:
- Don’t smoke.
- Enjoy physical and mental activities every day.
- Eat a healthy diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and substitute healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for unhealthy saturated fats and trans fats.
- Take a daily multivitamin, and be sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D.
- Maintain a healthy weight and body shape.
- Challenge your mind. Keep learning and trying new activities.
- Build a strong social network.
- Follow preventive care and screening guidelines.
- Floss, brush, and see a dentist regularly.
- Ask your doctor if the medication can help you control the potential long-term side effects of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or high cholesterol.
Smoking: An enemy of longevity
If you want to live a long, healthy life, make sure you’re among the nonsmokers. Smoking contributes to heart disease, osteoporosis, emphysema, and other chronic lung problems, and stroke. It makes breathing during exercise much harder and thus can make the activity less enticing. It appears to compromise memory, too.
The news does get better. People who quit smoking can repair some, if not all, of the damage, done. After a smoker quits, the risk of heart disease begins to drop within a few months, and in five years, it matches that of someone who never smoked. Stroke risk drops to equal that of a nonsmoker within two to four years after a smoker quits, according to one study. The death rate from colorectal cancer also decreases each year after quitting. At any age, quitting progressively cuts your risk of dying from cancer-related to smoking, although this drop is most marked in those who quit before age 50.
Click here for Turning the tide on weight gain
Turning the tide to lose weight — or just holding the line at your current weight — can be difficult.
The following tips may help:
Line up support. Work with your doctor and, possibly, a nutritionist or personal trainer. Ask for help in setting a reasonable goal and taking small steps that make success more likely. Tell friends and family about your goal, too.
Shut down the kitchen. Make your kitchen off-limits after dinner — even if you need to run a strip of crime tape across the door to do so.
Aim for a Small Change. Trimming 5% to 10% of your starting weight is a realistic goal with excellent health benefits, including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels and lowering the risk for diabetes.
Eat well. Focus on vegetables and whole grains, which are digested slowly. Limit refined carbohydrates. Enjoy moderate amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in your diet. Cut down on saturated fats and avoid trans fats.
Watch the balance. Taking in more calories than you burn off adds extra pounds. Burning off more calories than you take in shaves pounds. A moderately active person who gets about 30 minutes of exercise a day needs 15 calories of food for each pound of body weight. To lose a pound a week, you need to lop off about 500 calories a day by becoming more active and eating less.
Step up activity. If you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight or need to lose weight, the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 60 to 90 minutes a day of moderate activity. You can work out in one daily session or shorter bouts at least 10 minutes long. Walking is safe for practically everyone.
Talk to your doctor if you’d like to include more vigorous activities, which give you twice the bang for your exercise buck — that is, one minute of vigorous activity equals roughly two minutes of moderate activity.
Click here for Know Your Body Mass Index ( BMI )
You can use the above chart to check if you’re the right weight for your height.
Alternatively, you can use BMI = Mass (kg) / Height (mts)2.
This height/weight chart is only suitable for adult men and women. It isn’t suitable for children or young people under 18.
If you want to check if your child is a healthy weight, or if you are under 18 yourself, use the BMI healthy weight calculator, which is suitable for both adults and children.
Interpreting the height/weight chart
Remember that this chart is only suitable for people aged 18 and over.
If you’re in the underweight range, there are a number of possible reasons for this. Your GP can help you find out more and give you help and advice.
Healthy weight
If you’re in this range, it means you’re a healthy weight for your height. However, to stay in good health, it’s still important to eat a balanced diet and include physical activity in your daily life. Adults should be active for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) every week. Find out more about the benefits of exercise.
Overweight, obese, or very obese
If you’re in any of these ranges, you’re heavier than is healthy for someone of your height. Excess weight puts you at an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. It’s time to take action.
Is this chart suitable for all adults?
This chart is suitable for most people aged 18 and over. However, it may not be suitable if you have a very muscular build.
In addition to BMI, your waist circumference can provide information about your health.
To measure your waist:
- Find the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips
- Wrap a tape measure around your waist midway between these points
- Breathe out naturally before taking the measurement
Regardless of your height or BMI, you should try to lose weight if your waist is:
- 94 cm (37 ins) or more (men)
- 80 cm (31.5 ins) or more (women)
You are at very high risk if your waist is:
- 102 cm (40 ins) or more (men)
- 88 cm (34 ins) or more (women)
The following conclusion can be drawn based on BMI:-
- Overweight if BMI is greater than 23 kg/m2
- Obese if BMI is greater than 25 kg/m2.
- Severe or morbid obesity is defined as BMI greater than 37.5 kg/m2.
- An obese person with an obesity-related illness, such as diabetes, then obesity is considered severe or morbid if the BMI is 32.5 kg/m2 or more.
- BMI more than 50 kg/m2 is called super-obesity
- BMI greater than 60 kg/m2 is super-super obesity.
- Those with BMI GREATER THAN 32.5 KG/m2 need to be evaluated for bariatric surgery.
BMI | Meaning |
Below 18.5 | Underweight |
18.5 to 24.9 | Healthy weight |
25 to 29.9 | Above ideal range |
30 and above | Obese |
Click here for Diet and Aging: Gaining a Nutritional edge
Plenty of research suggests that eating healthy foods can help extend your life and improve your health. Studies reveal that a healthy diet can help you sidestep ailments that plague people more as they age, including heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and cataracts.
There is no shortage of new and conflicting advice on diet and nutrition. Stick to the basics with more broad-based changes, such as cutting back on meat; eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains; and striking a healthy balance between calories in and calories out.
Choose Fruits and Vegetables wisely
Get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. When filling your plate with fruits and vegetables, choose from a full-color palette. For even more health benefits, aim for nine servings a day. To get there, choose vegetable soups and vegetable or fruit salads. Sprinkle fruit on breakfast cereal, and select it for snacks or as a sweet end note after meals.
Choose Fats wisely
Whenever possible, use monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils. Avoid trans fats entirely. Limit saturated fats to less than 7% of daily calories and total fat to 20% to 30% of daily calories.
Choose Carbohydrates wisely
Choose whole-grain foods over those made with refined grains, such as white bread. Look beyond popular choices like whole oats and brown rice to lesser-known whole grains like barley, bulgur, kasha, and quinoa. Limit your intake of white potatoes.
Choose proteins wisely
Emphasize plant sources of protein, such as beans, nuts, and grains, to help you bypass unhealthy fats predominant in animal sources. Enjoying a wide variety of vegetables and eating beans and grains helps you get a full complement of amino acids over the course of a week. Shy away from protein sources high in saturated fat. Favor fish and well-trimmed poultry. If you do eat beef, pick lean cuts.
Don’t char or overcook the meat, poultry, or fish — it causes a buildup of carcinogens. Cutting off fat, which causes flames to flare on the grill, can help avoid charring; try gently sautéing, steaming, or braising these foods in liquid instead. Grilling vegetables is safe, however. Click here for health tips and recipes
Nutritional Facts:
❖ | Burn more calories with physical activities. Choose foods that are high in volume but are low in calories. |
❖ | Eight pieces of watermelon have the same calorie as one banana and are more filling. |
❖ | Similarly, three apples have the same number of calories as one mango. |
❖ | It is better to eat such high volume fruits or food frequently to keep your hunger under control and lose weight. |
❖ | If you briskly walk 10,000 steps a day, you will burn 3500 calories in a week and lose 1 pound of weight (for normal weight and height) |
❖ | By cutting down 500 calories from the daily calorie intake, you can lose 1 kilogram of weight in approximately 17 days. |
❖ | If you are overweight and walk briskly you will lose more weight then your normal contemporary. |
Click here for Calorific values of Food
Are you a fitness freak relishing Indian cuisine? Do you wish to lose weight?
A calorie is a unit that is used to measure energy. The Calorie you see on a food package is actually a kilocalorie or 1,000 calories. A Calorie(kcal) is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.
The approximate calorific value of a food product may be determined by multiplying the figures for the percentage composition of protein, fat, and carbohydrate by factors 4, 9, and 4 respectively in 1 gram each.
The calorific value of potato with 2 per cent protein, 0.1 per cent fat and 18 per cent carbohydrate will thus be (2 x 4) + (0.1 x 9) + (18 x 4) = 80.9 Calorie per 100 gram. These caloric conversion factors fluctuate with the food groups, which enable the measurement of calorific value.
In labs, the chromic acid oxidation method is used to precisely measure calorific value.
A detailed study of India’s meal patterns tells us that lunch (Protein:Fat:Carbs = 16:27:57) and dinner (P:F:C = 17:29:54) are the healthiest meals overall with respect to PFC balance. The percentage of energy from protein is highest for dinner and the percentage of energy from fat is the lowest for lunch.
Daily calorie requirements depend on your lifestyle. You can make a diet plan after calculating your daily average calorie intake for your height and weight.
A typical Indian diet contains more carbohydrates than proteins. Among the urban Indians, there is a tendency to lead a sedentary lifestyle and hence obesity is on the rise.
The energy accumulated in food substances (proteins, fat, and carbohydrates); the energy value of foodstuffs, expressed in calories (cal) or kilocalories (kcal). The concept is used, for example, in the comparative evaluation of food products and in planning diets.
The caloric value is determined by the presence of unoxidized atoms of carbon and hydrogen. A molecule of fat contains more unoxidized atoms of carbon and hydrogen than a carbohydrate molecule or a molecule of protein. One g of fat yields 9.3 kcal (1 kcal = 4.1868 × 103 joules); 1 g of carbohydrate, 4.1 kcal; and 1 g of protein, 4.1 kcal.
The following gives the caloric value (in kcal) of some products (per 100 g): milk (kefir, sour milk), 62; butter, 734; first-grade beef, 154; first-grade mutton, 206; ham, 365; choice sausage, 290; eggs, 150; scallions, 21; fresh cucumbers, 15; potatoes 89; cabbage, 27;carrots, 36; apples, 48; lemons, 41; cepes, 32; walnuts, 612; rye bread, 204; and sugar, 390. The caloric value of foodstuffs must be known in order to work out rations, which are determined by the energy expenditures of persons of different occupations, sexes, and ages.
Cereal | Kcal / 100g |
Wheat | 95 |
Bulgur | 95 |
Cornflakes | 385 |
Flour | 350 |
Porridge oats | 375 |
Powdered potato | 365 |
Fougasse (bread with olives) | 275 |
French fries | 405 |
Macaroni | 375 |
White bread | 275 |
Wholemeal bread with cereals | 190 |
Bran bread (black bread) | 250 |
Sweet potato | 100 |
Pasta | 120 |
Pizzas | 120 |
Potato | 87 |
White rice | 365 |
Brown rice | 120 |
Ground rice | 110 |
Tofu | 150 |
Dairy products | Kcal / 100g |
Skimmed milk | 35 |
Semi-skimmed milk | 50 |
Full-cream milk | 65 |
Cantal cheese | 385 |
Dutch cheese | 105 |
Natural yogurt (1 pot of 125g) | 60 |
Full-cream yogurt | 85 |
Fats | Kcal / 100g |
Butter | 750 |
Light butter | 400 |
Groundnut oil | 900 |
Rapeseed oil | 900 |
Walnut oil | 900 |
Olive oil | 900 |
Vegetable oils | 900 |
Margarine | 750 |
Mayonnaise | 710 |
Beverages | Kcal / 100g |
Hot chocolate | 370 |
Mineral water | 0 |
Pineapple juice | 45 |
Carrot juice | 35 |
Orange juice | 45 |
Apple juice | 45 |
Grape juice | 65 |
Tomato juice | 30 |
Lemonade | 50 |
Smoothie | 60 |
Fizzy drinks | 50 |
Sugar-free soda | 0,2 |
Alcohol | Kcal / 100g |
Cocktails | 200 |
Beer (1 can) | 143 |
Calvados (30 ml) | 250 |
Champagne (brut) | 85 |
Brandy (30 ml) | 230 |
Gin (30 ml) | 210 |
Port (15 ml) | 150 |
Rum (40 ml) | 270 |
Tequila (30 ml) | 170 |
White wine (1 glass 9° proof) | 70 |
Red wine (1 glass 10° proof) | 75 |
Vodka (30 ml) | 220 |
Whiskey (40 ml) | 250 |
Calorie chart of common Indian Food
- Going on a gluten-free diet? Add almonds to it.
- They provide much-needed iron, fiber, and protein.
- Almonds help reduce the risk of heart disease.
- They are rich in magnesium, which prevents heart attacks and hypertension.
- Almonds are ideal for headaches as they contain salicin, which is an agent in painkillers.
- Almonds have frolic acid, which helps to protect a fetus from birth defects.
- They also help in healthy cell growth and tissue configuration.
- The potassium present in almonds helps to regulate blood pressure, and they are low in sodium, helping manage blood pressure
- Feel a headache coming on? Cut a green apple in half and smell it to reduce the brain’s thumping symptoms of a migraine.
- Eating apples reduces the chances of getting a stroke.
- Ice apple is highly nutritious and is loaded with carbohydrates.
- It has a nearly neutral ph reading.
- Water apples are loaded with Vitamin A.
- They help to maintain good eye health.
- Your pearly whites can gleam. Eat apples, oranges, celery, carrots, and high fiber green.
- Biting and chewing an apple stimulates the production of saliva, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria.
Apple cider vinegar
- Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar to get rid of dandruff.
- It has enzymes, which will help open hair follicles.
- Apple cider vinegar is known to lower blood glucose.
- It also helps with weight loss and reduces one’s blood pressure.
- Apple cider vinegar has germicidal properties that can help cure a sore throat.
- Gargle with equal quantities of water and apple cider vinegar.
Aloe Vera
- Aloe Vera juice helps treat gastroesophageal reflux, which causes heartburn and chest pain by soothing the stomach lining and providing relief
- For dandruff-free hair, apply Aloe Vera gel to the scalp 15 minutes prior to washing
- People suffering from sinus problems should have Aloe Vera juice.
- It is rich in magnesium lactate, which helps reduce sinus troubles.
- Antioxidants and vitamin E present in Aloe Vera reduce puffiness around the eyes and keep wrinkles and fine lines at bay.
- Aloe Vera gel is loaded with proteolytic enzymes that help remove dead skin and cells.
- Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch and sustain your blood sugar level.
- On a hot day, eat a banana to lower your body temperature.
- It will also help you bring a fever down.
- Bananas are high in magnesium and potassium which relax the blood vessels and maintain electrolyte balance to cur0065 a headache.
- Bananas can reduce cramps associated with menstruation as they are loaded with potassium, which helps reduce water retention.
- Packed with natural sugars, and higher in starch than most other fruit, bananas provide the perfect blend of instant and slow-releasing energy
- Basil has low calories and is rich in compounds known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
- Basil is rich in Vitamin K. It helps in strengthening of bones and also has anti-aging properties
- Basil leaves are loaded with phytonutrients and healing oils.
- They help to fight off and cure fevers
- For an insect bite, chew a basil leaf or apply the juice of the leaf to the affected area
- Research suggests that this Ayurvedic herb, also called holy basil, may help manage levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping to boost your mood.
- A serving of beans, rich in protein, will make you full, restrict blood sugar, and stave off hunger.
- Kidney beans are an excellent dietary choice for diabetics and those who want to stabilize their blood sugar levels.
- Having trouble sleeping? Have soybeans. They contain magnesium, which affects the quality of sleep.
- Expecting mothers should add green beans to their diet — they are a good source of folates which help in cell division.
- Green beans are rich in folates, which help in cell division and DNA synthesis. They are great for women in their pre-conception period and pregnancy
- Beetroot is rich in soluble fibers that help reduce and control bad cholesterol. Add them to your regular diet.
- Beetroot has nitrates that ensure adequate blood supply and hence oxygenation to all parts of the body equally.
- This, in turn, prevents fatigue.
- Have a glass of beetroot juice every day to keep osteoporosis and brittle bone disease at bay.
- Beetroot can increase the blood flow to the brain which in turn reduces the effect of dementia.
- Beetroot helps maintain healthy skin by reducing acne and pimples.
- Bitter gourd
- Bitter gourd is rich in beta-carotene and potassium. It helps relieve constipation and improves circulation.
- Bitter gourd is a rich source of cellulose, which takes care of the quota of fiber that your body needs, thus improving digestion.
- Bitter gourd fights viruses and bacteria and strengthens
your immunity. It prevents allergies and indigestion. - Bitter gourd is a rich source of cellulose, which adds to your daily dietary requirement of fiber and improves digestion.
- A bitter gourd is essential for maintaining good cardiovascular health. It helps reduce bad cholesterol that clogs up the arteries.
- In addition to reducing cholesterol, broccoli can aid in heart health by helping to keep blood vessels strong.
- Add More broccoli to your diet as it is a rich source of antioxidant carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals.
- Broccoli is rich in fiber and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It also improves insulin sensitivity.
- For optimum health, it is vital to include both soluble insoluble fiber daily. Soluble fiber is found in foods such as psyllium husk, apples, oat bran, and legumes (chickpeas, lentils). Sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, broccoli, nuts, seeds, and vegetable skins.
- Cabbage is known for its high levels of sodium, which help in the detoxification of the liver.
- Cabbage are rich sources of minerals that are integral in the protection of bones from degradation.
- Cabbage has a range of health benefits — they are a great source of Vitamin C and are loaded with manganese.
- Cabbage, being rich in iodine, helps in the proper functioning of the brain and the nervous system.
- Cardamom works as a warm digestive tonic that can deal with indigestion, flatulence, and acidity.
- Cardamoms are very helpful to detox the body.
- They are rich in Vitamins A, B, C, and remove excess urea and toxins from the kidney.
- Black cardamom is useful for people suffering from respiratory problems. The spice warms up the respiratory tract to facilitate air circulation.
Coconut Oil
- Coconut oil can increase your energy expenditure, helping you burn more fat.
- Coconut oil lowers cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
- It is a great grooming product as well, for the skin and hair.
- A dab of coconut oil on a cotton pad is a natural makeup remover.
- It cleanses and moisturizes the skin without harming it.
- Applying coconut oil on the skin helps its connective tissues remain strong and prevents wrinkles
- Coconut oil lowers cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
- It is a great grooming product as well for the skin and hair
- Dates contain organic sulfur, which helps in the reduction of allergic reactions and seasonal allergies.
- Dates contain magnesium, which helps reduce blood pressure
- Dates are known to boost the immune system as they are loaded with nutrients.
- Eating them regularly keeps chronic diseases at bay.
- Dates are loaded with minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc, making it a great snack
- Dates are rich in carotene and lutein, which are useful for the eyes.
- They secure the retina and avert muscular degeneration
- Eat eggs regularly to make your hair lustrous and shiny.
- They are loaded with Vitamin E, which makes hair stronger Soak your fingernails in a mix of warm milk and egg yolk for 10 minutes to nourish and smoothen cuticles
- Eggs are rich in Vitamin D. They strengthen the immune system and make the body resist common ailments.
- Eggs contain a nutrient called choline, which is used to build cell membranes and produce signaling molecules in the brain.
- If you want to increase your intake of protein, have more eggs. They have nutrients like vitamin B2, selenium, vitamin D, B6 and B12
Fennel seeds
- Fennel seeds are a good source of dietary fiber, it helps improve digestion and facilitates the breakdown of food molecules
- Drinking fennel tea on a regular basis helps flush out excess fluids from the body as it works as a diuretic
- Fennel seeds are considered a carminative, a substance that helps relieve gas. Chew and then swallow about half a teaspoon of the seeds after meals.
- Drink fennel tea made from brewing fennel seeds in water.
- It will help cure acne and make your skin look youthful.
- Fennel is good for cardiovascular health. They decrease the re-absorption of cholesterol by the body
- Have a runny nose? Add garlic to your diet to help reduce the severity of illnesses like flu and the common cold
- Suffering from hair loss? Infuse oil with garlic and massage it into your scalp for luscious locks.
- Garlic is low in calories and rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Manganese.
- Garlic helps remove scars and marks from the skin.
- Just add mashed garlic to any hot oil and massage the affected area.
- Spices such as garlic, pepper, and coriander should be added to the diet to help improve the immune system
- Mixing a teaspoon of honey in a glass of pomegranate juice is sure to cure indigestion problems
- Having a simple concoction of honey and cinnamon can help keep your breath fresh
- Honey works as a natural antibiotic, killing the propionibacterium which causes acne. Its acidic property doesn’t allow bacteria to grow on your skin.
- A teaspoon of honey with freshly crushed pepper can help provide relief from cold and cough.
- For dry skin, apply the avocado paste with honey on your face and wash it off after 15 minutes
- Litchi keeps digestion strong, maintains a clean stomach, improves appetite, and cures heartburn and burning sensation in the stomach.
- Keep your skin supple and healthy by eating litchis.
- They are loaded with antioxidants and battle the damage caused by any free radicals.
- Litchi is a rich source of phosphorus and magnesium, which aids in strengthening brittle bones.
- Litchis are rich in phytochemicals and have antineoplastic properties. These chemicals curb abnormal cell growth and prevent cataract formation.
- Add more mangoes to your diet. Rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, it protects one from breast and prostate cancer.
- If you experience weakness, then eat a piece of mango every morning on an empty stomach.
- Mangoes are loaded with antioxidants. They prevent pigmentation and early onset of wrinkles.
- Mangoes are rich in antioxidants. They help in cell rejuvenation and cell repair. They also prevent the occurrence of acne
- One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which prevents dry eyes.
- A small piece of onion when inhaled can slow down the bleeding through the nose
- Onions contain chromium, which assists in regulating blood sugar.
- Onions are an effective cure for the common cold, sore throat, and allergies. Have a spoonful of onion juice mixed with honey to cure symptoms.
- Honey onion soup is wonderful for healing sore throats.
- If you suffer from constant hair fall, then consume onions.
- They have a high sulphur content, which strengthens them
- Having papaya in your diet will help you prevent recurrent ear infections, cold, and flu.
- Papaya can help keep your digestive system healthy.
- It helps keep indigestion, acid reflux, and stomach ulcers at bay.
- Applying papaya paste over your face and leaving it for 30 minutes can help reduce pimples.
- Being a good source of Vitamin A and Papain, papaya helps in removing dead skin cells along with breaking down the inactive proteins.
- Papaya has great antimicrobial properties that help to kill bacteria and help heal a wound faster.
- To rid yourself of sleepiness, shake drops of aromatherapy oils like rosemary, lemon, or juniper on a tissue and inhale for a few seconds.
- Before a meeting, try smelling fresh rosemary to stay sharp.
- Rosemary has been known to improve one’s mood and alleviate extra anxiety and stress. Rosemary is a rich source of Vitamin A, which is required for maintaining mucous membranes.
- Rosemary is known for its astringent and antibacterial properties. It helps treat dental issues and prevents plaque from forming.
- Add a healthy dose of spinach to your diet for all your vitamin K needs. It will help fortify your bones.
- Add more spinach to your diet as it is rich in vitamins and minerals and is also loaded with phytonutrients such as carotenoids.
- Spinach is high in vitamin C, which helps to lower hypertension and also reduce stress and anxiety.
- Spinach is rich in the amino acid glutamine, which raises growth hormone level and protein synthesis boosting leucine in muscle tissue.
- Spinach is very good for maintaining gastrointestinal health. It has beta-carotene and Vitamin C which protect the colon.
- Eat five teaspoons of tomato paste daily for better sun protection. The fruit’s lycopene helps improve the skin’s sun protection factor.
- Eating foods that are rich in water content and fiber like tomatoes can help with hydration and promote regular bowel movements.
- Have at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day, especially tomatoes, red grapes.
- Since tomatoes are in Vitamin A, they work well to keep your hair strong and lustrous. Tomatoes are loaded with potassium. The mineral is useful for stabilizing one’s heart rate and prevents heart diseases.
Alkaline Food Chart: Eat less acidic food and eat more of alkaline food
Benefits of Meditation :
- Increased Focus
- Reduce Anxiety
- Increased Creativity
- Reduced Stress
- Increased Memory
- Reduced pain
- Increased Compassion
- Reduced Depression
- Increased Productivity
- Emotional Balance
Daily Health Tips for you :
- Make time for yourself
- Take Breaks To Refocus
- Take Time To Eat
- Be Punctual
- Enjoy Outdoors
- Disengage From Work
- Sleep 7 – 8 Hours a day
- Take a Daily 10 minutes Nap
- Be Realistic With Your To-Do List
- Eat Organic Food Whenever Possible
- Drink 6-8 Glasses Filtered Water Daily
Click here for Golden tips for health
- 1 Apple / Day = No Doctor
- 1 Tulsi Leaf / Day = No Cancer
- 1 Lemon / Day = No Fat
- 1 Cup Milk / Day = No Bone Problem
- 3 Liters Water / Day = No Diseases
- Sleep is as critical as food and water
- Keep attainable realistic goals
- Breakfast should be high on fiber
- Crash diets don’t work
- Being overweight is dangerous
- Laugh and smile more often
- Be Active daily for Mental and Physical Health
- Load up on Vitamin C
- Brush up on dental hygiene
- Eat Less Salt
- Cut down on saturated FAT and SUGAR
- Take the Stairs
- Keep a Food Log
- Weigh in regularly
- Avoid Microwaved food
- Take regular health checkup
- Visit the dentist regularly
- Surround yourself with positive energy
- Stay active to boost your metabolism
- Lose weight and delay the effects of aging
Tips to reduce tummy
- Drink a glass of water before eating
- Eat five small meals a day
- Chew and eat slowly
- Do cardio 20 minutes a day five days a week
- Know your serving sizes
- Swim
- Do push-ups accurately
- Do reverse sit-ups
- Never skip breakfast
- Drink lots of water every day
- Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night
- Alcohol consumption should be stopped
- Reduce salt intake
- Cut out fast food and soda
- Avoid stress
- Practice Aerobics
- Don’t starve yourself
- Enrich your diet with fiber
- Do crunches with an exercise ball
- Climb stairs
- Do yoga
- Stay inspired
- You can’t enjoy wealth if you’re not in good health
- The greatest wealth is health
- Better health through better living
- Embrace your health
- Health empowers you
- Empowering individuals with personal health
- Experience the difference
- Stay conscious about your health
- Healthy lifestyle to the core
- Health is wealth
- Healthy is the new “Happy”
- It’s your future. Be there happy and healthy.
- See you in your healthy-self
- Keeping your family healthy & happy
- Start on your path to a better health
- We can help you be at your best
- Discover wellness
- Don’t starve your health in pursuit of wealth
Common Health Myths
Myth #1. The more you sweat during exercise, the more fat you are burning.
FALSE! Sweat has nothing to do with how much fat you lose, it’s simply the body’s way of regulating itself and staying at a consistent temperature. Sweat works as a coolant for the body as it is released on the skin. As the sweat evaporates, the body’s temperature is lowered.
Myth #2. Having a pessimistic attitude can decrease your life expectancy.
TRUE! Optimistic people are less likely to suffer from heart disease. Studies also show that heart patients who were more optimistic about treatment lived longer than those who were not.
Myth #3. Honey isn’t just good in your tea — it can also help disinfect a wound!
TRUE! Honey can be used to keep a cut or scrape from becoming infected, as it contains antimicrobial properties that eliminate the bacteria in and around the affected area. After clinical trials in New Zealand, doctors proved that honey helped wounds heal quicker than normal gauze and dressings that were commonly used to treat burns. If you’re going to use honey on your cuts and scrapes, honey is best.
Myth #4. Beware of knuckle cracking — people who do this increase their risk of getting arthritis.
FALSE! Knuckle cracking loosens stiffness in fingers, but it doesn’t cause arthritis. However, cracking can place minor stress on joints if you already have arthritis and can make osteoarthritis worse.
Myth #5. Being Cold gives you cold.
FALSE! Spending too much time in the cold air doesn’t make you sick. One study found that healthy men who spent several hours in temperatures just above freezing had an increase in healthy, virus-fighting activity in their immune systems. In fact, you’re more likely to get sick indoors, where germs are easily passed.
Myth #6. You need a daily Multivitamin.
FALSE! You may have heard that a multivitamin can make up for nutrients that aren’t in your diet. Researchers don’t all agree on that point. Still, the best way to get your nutrients is to eat a diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and healthy oils. But if your doctor tells you to take the vitamin, do it.
Myth #7. Women are nine times more likely to suffer from a broken heart.
TRUE! The release of adrenaline caused by shock can lead to heart failure. So, Broken Heart Syndrome is REAL, and it does hit women harder than men.
Myth #8. Sex increases your risk of a heart attack.
FALSE! Researchers found that men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease. Sex also keeps your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance, and even lowers your chance of osteoporosis!
Myth #9. Chewing gum boosts your brainpower.
TRUE! But the flavor does matter! Researchers at Coventry University found that mint-flavored gum increases alertness, and dramatically reduces fatigue. Studies also show chewing gum improves memory by about 35 percent!
Myth #10. You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
FALSE! Dietitians say drinking eight glasses a day to stay healthy is a myth. How much fluid your body needs every day depends on your age, sex, and activity level. If you’re thirsty or sweating remember to drink to replace what’s lost. You might need to drink more water if your urine is dark yellow. Water-rich foods like soup, fruit, and vegetables and drinks like juice, tea, and coffee all help you get your fill.
Myth #11. If you go outside with wet hair you’ll catch a cold.
FALSE! Colds are caused by viruses. There is no evidence that going out with wet hair will make you catch a cold.
Myth #12. It’s healthier to eat egg whites rather than whole eggs.
FALSE! The yolk is where a lot of nutrition is. It contains over 40 percent of the protein and 90 percent of the calcium, iron, and B vitamins in a whole egg. Eating an egg or two also doesn’t raise the risk of heart disease in healthy people.
Exclusive Health Tips in Pictures –
Juice Cure
Asthma – Carrot, Grapefruit, Celery
Arthritis – Carrot, Cucumber, Beet, Grapefruit
Cellulite – Apple, Ginger, Carrot, Beet
Cold – Carrot, Ginger, Garlic, Parsley
Constipation – Carrot, Spinach, Apple
Depression – Carrot, Apple, Beet, Spinach
Diabetes – Carrot, Celery, Parsley
Diarrhea – Mixed Vegetables
Eyes – Carrot, Celery
Fatigue – Carrot, Spinach, Lemon, Grapefruit
Hangover – Pineapple, Honey, Brewers yeast
Headache – Carrot, Celery, Parsley
Indigestion – Carrot, Cabbage, Beet
Kidney – Carrot, Beet, Celery
Memory Loss – Peach, Lime, Banana
Menstrual – Pineapple, Ginger, Apple
Nervousness – Carrot, Celery
PMS – Pineapple, Banana, Soy Milk
Stress – Banana, Strawberry, Pear
Ulcer – Carrot, Cabbage, Pineapple, Papaya
Varicose Vein – Banana, Kiwi, Cantaloupe
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