World Health Day
World Health Day seeks to draw attention to a major global health concern each year. The day attempts to increase awareness about the major health concern and the repercussions of this concern while providing countries and organizations with materials and ideas as to how to best handle these global health concerns.
The World Health Organization (WHO) was founded on April 7, 1948, to better address the needs of global health issues. Every year, the WHO Assembly meets in Geneva, Switzerland to choose a major global health concern and promote it through World Health Day in the hopes of increasing awareness and preventing more cases. This day is celebrated annually on April 7. It was first celebrated worldwide in the year 1950 as World Health Day. Varieties of events related to the particular themes are organized on the international and national level by the WHO.
WHO is a vast health organization working under the UN for addressing health issues on a global basis. Since its establishment, it has addressed serious health issues including chickenpox, polio, smallpox, TB, leprosy and etc from various developing countries. It has played a significant role in aiming to make the world a healthy world. It has all the statistics about global health reports.
Click here for World Health Day 2019 -
Universal Health Coverage: Universal health coverage is WHO’s number one goal. The key to achieving it is ensuring that everyone can obtain the care they need, when they need it, right in the heart of the community. Progress is being made in countries in all regions of the world.
But millions of people still have no access at all to health care. Millions more are forced to choose between health care and other daily expenses such as food, clothing, and even a home. This is why WHO is focusing on universal health coverage for this year’s World Health Day, on 7 April 2019.
About the campaign – This campaign aims to help people better understand what universal health coverage means – what services and support should be available and where. We will provide visual material that helps people who have access to quality, affordable health care to understand what life is like for people without it and to advocate for equal access to care, everywhere.
Health-care workers will have an important role to play in the campaign, helping decision-makers for health recognize what people need in terms of care, particularly at the primary care level.
The campaign also presents an opportunity for ministers of health and other government decision-makers to commit to taking action to address gaps in universal health coverage in their countries, as well as to highlight the progress that has already been made.
For World Health Day, we will release WHO’s annual publication of health data, the World Health Statistics Report. The report will include information on health trends in specific areas such as newborn and child health, non-communicable diseases, mental health and environmental risks, and also data on universal health coverage and health systems.
Universal Health Coverage – the bigger picture : World Health Day 2019 falls midway between the Global Conference on Primary Health Care held in Astana, Kazakhstan in October 2018 and the High-level Meeting on universal health coverage to be held at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2019. The day is one of many opportunities to communicate about the importance of equity in health-care services, for not only the health of individuals but also for the health of economies and society at large.
Key Messages :
- Health is a human right; it’s time for health for all.
- We know universal health coverage is possible, let’s make it happen!
- Universal health coverage means that all people have access to the quality health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.
- At least half of the people in the world do not receive the health services they need.
- About 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of out-of-pocket spending on health.
- But who are these people and how can we help them? To get a better picture of who is missing out, we need data that is broken down by gender, age, income, location, education, and other factors that affect access to health services.
- Health is a human right; everyone should have the information and services they need to take care of their own health and the health of their families.
- Quality, accessible primary health care is the foundation for universal health coverage.
- Unsafe and low-quality health care ruins live and cost the world trillions of dollars every year, we must do more to improve the quality and safety of health services globally.
- Primary health care should be the first level of contact with the health system, where individuals, families, and communities receive most of their health care—from promotion and prevention to treatment, rehabilitation, and palliative care—as close as possible to where they live and work.
- At its heart, primary health care is about caring for people and helping them improve their health or maintain their well-being, rather than just treating a single disease or condition.
- Primary health care covers the majority of your health needs throughout your life including services such as screening for health problems, vaccines, information on how to prevent disease, family planning, treatment for long- and short-term conditions, coordination with other levels of care, and rehabilitation.
- Primary health care is a cost-effective and equitable way of delivering health services and helping countries make progress towards universal health coverage.
- A health system with strong primary health care delivers better health outcomes, is cost-efficient, and improves the quality of care.
- Health workers have a crucial role to play in educating patients on how to take care of their health, coordinating care, and advocating for their patients’ needs to health facility managers and policy-makers.
- Primary health-care workers have a continuing and trusted relationship with their patients and know their health history; knowing the full picture helps improve their care and saves money.
- Primary health-care workers know the traditions, cultures, and practices of their communities, making them indispensable during an outbreak or emergency.
- To make health for all a reality, we need individuals and communities who have access to high-quality health services so that they take care of their own health and the health of their families; skilled health workers providing quality, people-centered care; and policy-makers committed to investing in primary health care.
Key Messages –
General Public : Health care is your right and the right of your family, let’s tell our leaders all people deserve quality health care. Talk to your local health worker about getting the information and support you need to take care of your own health and the health of your family.
Quality health care is good for our health, good for economies, and good for society. Let’s call on world leaders to make health for all a reality!
Health Workers : You are the voice for your patients. Unite with your peers and let local leaders know that you support health for all. Health workers have the power to change people’s lives with quality health advice and care. Let’s make sure everyone can access the skills and expertise of health workers like you.
Empower your patients to take care of their own health. You play a vital role in learning about their needs and teaching them what they can do to get and stay healthy.
Policy Makers : Health is a political choice; make sure it is considered in all government policies. More investment in primary health care is needed to make universal health coverage a reality; you can make it happen. This year, commit to gathering better health data so we can target resources and make changes where they are needed most.
Click here for How and Why World Health Day is Celebrated -
World Health Day is celebrated worldwide by the government, non-government, NGOs including various health organizations at many places by organizing programs relating to the public health issues and awareness. Participated organizations highlight their activities and support through the media reports by means of press releases, news and etc. Health authorities from different countries take part in the celebration with their pledges in order to support health issues worldwide.
Varieties of activities are done in the conference of health workers to encourage people to maintain their health in the presence of media coverage. Debates on the related topics, art exhibitions, essay writing, competitions, and award ceremony are organized to fulfill the aim of world health day.
World Health Day celebration focuses on increasing life expectancy by adding good health to the lives of people and promoting healthier living habits. Youths of the new era are also targeted by this event to prevent and make them healthy to make the world healthy and free from AIDS and HIV.
Disease spreading vectors like mosquitoes (malaria, dengue fever, filaria, chikungunya, yellow fever and etc), ticks, bugs, sand flies, snails and etc are also spotlighted by the WHO to make the world free from a wide range of diseases caused by parasites and pathogens. It provides better prevention and cure from the vector-borne diseases spread by vectors and travelers from one country to another. WHO supports various health authorities on a global basis to make their own efforts for the public health problems to enhance a better life without any diseases.
Some of the objectives of why it is being celebrated yearly are listed below:
> To increase the public awareness of various causes and prevention of high blood pressure.
> To provide detailed knowledge of getting prevented from various diseases and their complications.
> To encourage the most vulnerable group of people to frequently check their blood pressure and follow medications from the professionals.
> To promote self-care among people.
> To motivate the worldwide health authorities to make their own efforts in creating healthy environments in their country.
> To protect families living in the disease vulnerable areas.
> To teach travelers and send them a message about how to get protected from vector-borne diseases while traveling.
> The theme of World Health Day 1950 was “Know your Health Services”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1951 was “Health for your Child and World’s Children”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1952 was “Healthy surroundings make Healthy people”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1953 was “Health is Wealth”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1954 was “The Nurse: Pioneer of Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1955 was “Clean water means better Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1956 was “Destroy disease-carrying Insects”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1957 was “Food for All”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1958 was “Ten years of Health progress”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1959 was “Mental illness and Mental Health in the World of today”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1960 was “Malaria eradication – A world challenge”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1961 was “Accidents and their prevention”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1962 was “Preserve sight- prevent Blindness”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1963 was “Hunger= Disease of millions”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1964 was “No Truce for Tuberculosis”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1965 was “Smallpox – constant alert”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1966 was “Man and his Cities”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1967 was “Partners in Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1968 was “Health in the World of Tomorrow”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1969 was “Health, Labor and Productivity”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1970 was “Early detection of Cancer saves Life”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1971 was “A full life despite Diabetes”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1972 was “Your Heart is your Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1973 was “Health begins at Home”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1974 was “Better food for a healthier World”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1975 was “Smallpox: Point of no return”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1976 was “Foresight Prevents Blindness”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1977 was “Immunize and protect your Child”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1978 was “Down with High Blood pressure”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1979 was “A healthy Child: A sure future”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1980 was “Smoking or Health: Choice is yours”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1981 was “Health for all by the year 2000 AD”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1982 was “Add life to years”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1983 was “Health for all by the year 2000 AD: Countdown has begun”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1984 was “Children’s Health: Tomorrow’s Wealth”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1985 was “Healthy Youth- Our best Resource”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1986 was “Healthy living: Everyone a winner”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1987 was “Immunization: A chance for every Child”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1988 was “Health for All: All for Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1989 was “Let’s talk Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1990 was “Our Planet our Earth: Think Globally Act Locally”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1991 was “Should Disaster Strike, be prepared”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1992 was “Heartbeat: A rhythm of Health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1993 was “Handle life with care: Prevent violence and Negligence”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1994 was “Oral Health for a Healthy Life”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1995 was “Global Polio Eradication”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1996 was “Healthy Cities for a better life”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1997 was “Emerging infectious diseases”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1998 was “Safe motherhood”.
> The theme of World Health Day 1999 was “Active aging makes the difference”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2000 was “Safe Blood starts with me”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2001 was “Mental Health: stop exclusion, dare to care”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2002 was “Move for health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2003 was “Shape the future of life: healthy environments for children”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2004 was “Road safety”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2005 was “Make every mother and child count”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2006 was “Working together for health”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2007 was “International health security”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2008 was “Protecting health from the adverse effects of climate change”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2009 was “Save lives, make hospitals safe in emergencies”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2010 was “Urbanization and health: make cities healthier”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2011 was “Anti-microbial resistance: no action today, no cure tomorrow”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2012 was “Good health adds life to years”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2013 was “Healthy heartbeat, Healthy blood pressure”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2014 was “Vector-borne diseases”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2015 was “Food safety” (with 5 keys; Key 1: Keep clean, Key 2: Separate raw and cooked food, Key 3: Cook food thoroughly, Key 4: Keep food at safe temperatures, Key 5: Use safe water and raw materials).
> The theme of World Health Day 2016 was “Diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance”.
> The theme of World Health Day 2017 was “Depression: Let’s talk”.
World Health Day top events and things To Do –
- Get your blood pressure checked! High blood pressure is a silent killer known to massively increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Reduce salt, oil, animal food, and alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption in large amounts has been associated with an increase in heart diseases, brain damage, cancers, and liver diseases. Salt consumption in large amounts has been associated with heart diseases, decreased brain functions, and kidney problems.
- Play sports or exercise. Exercise raises the heart rate, burns calories, releases endorphins, and helps lead a healthier lifestyle to combat diseases.
- Book an appointment for your annual check-up with your family doctor and Dentist.
- Learn to recognize the symptoms of diabetes. See your doctor and discuss your risk of diabetes.
Throughout 2019 aim is to Inspire, Motivate, and Guide UHC stakeholders to make commitments towards UHC.
- Inspire—by highlighting policy-makers’ power to transform the health of their nation, framing the challenge as exciting and ambitious, and inviting them to be part of the change.
- Motivate—by sharing examples of how countries are already progressing towards UHC and encourage others to find their own path.
- Guide—by providing tools for structured policy dialogue on how to advance UHC domestically or supporting such efforts in other countries (e.g. expanding service coverage, improving quality of services, reducing out-of-pocket payments).

Good Health and Well-being for all : Half of the world’s population does not have access to essential health services. Half are at risk of malaria. There are close to two million infant deaths a year that could be prevented by expanding access to existing vaccines.
The Preamble of the WHO Constitution defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” and the WHO Constitution claims the highest possible standard of health as a fundamental human right for all people (HealthforAll), deeming the healthy development of children of basic importance.
Health and medical care are often taken for granted in high-income countries. Many sicknesses are easily treated within a week and with a trip to the pharmacy. But in many low-income countries, access to convenient and rapid treatment is not the norm. When families are unable to afford necessary health services, even minor illnesses suddenly become life-threatening, especially for the most vulnerable children.
All children deserve access to the health services necessary to ensure their well-being. Proper health care and treatment are essential for establishing a firm foundation from which children can grow to their fullest potential, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Without proper medical services, a child can get caught in a repetitive cycle of sickness that impedes healthy development.
Ensuring that all children, especially those in low-income countries, are properly treated and cared for from an early age, is a pillar of holistic development. Donating to our Medical Assistance Initiative allows a child to receive preventative health measures and emergency treatment when needed.
When children are healthy, they can participate in life. They are able to play, grow, and learn. They can attend school and church. They can become who God made them be.
Health and Poverty : Health and poverty are closely intertwined. In low-income countries, diseases infect a greater number of people due to inadequate access to sanitation and health service. Illnesses that are treatable and easily managed in high-income countries are still widespread in nations without the ability to provide treatment to all citizens.
Diseases such as AIDS, Ebola, malaria, and tuberculosis are of high concern and consistently kill a large number of people who don’t have access to preventative training and proper treatment. When communities have access to health services, each individual is better protected from the spread of disease.
Even widespread and deadly diseases can be protected against. The World Health organization made history in 1979 when it declared that smallpox had been eradicated. Though a campaign of global cooperation, countries used prevention activities, mass vaccination, and containment measures to stop the disease outright.
But even when vaccinations and treatments are available, they aren’t always affordable. About 100 million people are still being pushed into “extreme poverty” because they have to pay for health care.
A cyclical pattern of sickness and debt takes hold, making increasingly important health care less and less attainable. Ultimately, low-income families have to go without health services to economically survive, at the expense of treating long-term health problems.
A child’s ability to receive basic health care then depends on his or her parent’s economic standing. Through no fault of their own, children may have to forgo even basic medical check-ups throughout their childhood.
Diseases that can be treated in their early stages remain undetected, and the consequences expand as the child remains undiagnosed and untreated.
Medical Assistance : Medical Assistance Initiative provides a wide range of help for whatever a child’s specific need may be. This assistance offers:
- Basic and specialized medical care for children facing temporary or chronic illness
- Emergency medical care for children with urgent medical needs, including broken bones, intestinal infections, and other conditions that require immediate attention
- Therapeutic feeding for children suffering from moderate to severe malnutrition
- Food stability assistance to improve and maintain nutrition levels through meal planning and sustainable farming
- Counseling for children and caregivers dealing with life-altering events such as trauma or major illness
- Oral health care, including dental screenings, fillings, extractions, and education
- Vision testing and provision of eyeglasses, which are closely linked to stronger educational performance
- Vaccinations to prevent diseases such as hepatitis, meningitis, tuberculosis, and typhoid
These services are both prescriptive and preventative. By treating existing diseases and conditions, and proactively working to promote individual well-being and healthy practices, we reduce the future number of cases that will need treatment. Instilling healthy practices from an early age and screening for disease throughout childhood lessens long-term effects and makes it easier to provide
Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it.
We must not allow other people’s limited perfection to define us.
One eye donation can make two blind people see.
Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.
Pain is real but so is hope
Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose
Hope you enjoy good health…