Health Tips and Quotes
We have posted many articles and posts related to health for the benefit of all. In these posts we will show pictures related to health tips and quotes to inspire all and the same is for all ages.
Let’s begin with tips and quotes for newborns and babies !!
The Kitchen :
- Install Door Cabinet and Appliance lock
- Consider natural alternatives to chemical cleaning products
- Store plastic bags and foil out of reach
- Lock multivitamins and supplements away
- Keep breakables dishes and cutlery high up
- Watch for any dangling chords
- Cover exposed electrical outlets
- Keep small magnets off your refrigerators
The bathroom :
- Keep the toiled lid or invest in a toilet lid lock
- Remove toilet bowl cleaner
- Keep razors out of reach in the shower
- Lock medicines and supplements away
- Reduce your water heater temperature less than 120 Degrees
- Get a non-slip mat bath
- Check the screw covers on the base of the toilet
- Keep soaps and toothpaste out of reach
The Stairs :
- Get a baby gate
- Teach your child how to safely walk stairs
- Make sure you have a handrail
- Consider some carpeting or non-slip mats
- Keep stairways well lit
The Living areas :
- Consider carpeting to cushion fall blows
- Safeguards sharp coffee table corners and edges
- Check furniture sturdiness
- Make sure there’s nothing the dangerous baby can climb
- Check window cords do not dangle too low
- Close off the fireplace
- Remove dangling cords around TV & Music systems
- Install electrical outlets and door know covers
- Install window locks
The Nursery Bedroom :
- Invest in a baby monitor
- Be wary of second-hand cribs
- Put up a window guard
- Look at the crib with fixed sides
- Your baby doesn’t need a pillow
- Toy chests are dangerous for little fingers
- Keep the walls around the crib free of decorations
- Consider a glider over a rocking chair
- Take mobiles down as your baby becomes more mobile
Around the homes :
- Remember to keep doors closed
- Anchor wobbly furniture
- Keep heavy items safely
- Use a vacuum to help find small dangerous objects
- Keep pools and tubs covered when not in use.
Tips for babies –
D. Help your baby bond with dad – Make sure your baby has ample time alone with Daddy. His touch and voice are different than yours, and this will begin a bonding process and give you a break. Plus, it gets the baby used to be with someone other than you. The first few times can be hard. Make sure your baby is fed and well-rested, as this will give you at least one or two hours before you’re needed again. Then leave Dad and the baby alone. If you stay nearby, make sure the baby can’t see or hear you, By allowing this time, your child will learn there is more than one way to receive comfort, which will help immensely when you leave your baby with a sitter or another family member for the first time. You could have your partner bathe her, put her to bed, or just read or talk to her.
E. Crib Comfort – When your baby is about 2-3 weeks, she likes to sleep only on mom. Every time mom puts her in her bassinet ( crib or cradle ) after she fell asleep, she would wake up. She probably liked the warmth. So started wrapping a blanket around a heating pad and letting it warm up her bed while you fed her. After she was done and had fallen asleep, remove the heating pad and slip the baby between the folds of the warm blanket. She would snuggle right in. Pre-warming a blanket in the dryer also works.
F. Sleep Trick – When a baby is about 2- 3 weeks old, she would cry and fuss because she was having a hard time falling asleep. Start rubbing her nose, and it will work. In fact, it will work every time. Start rubbing at the top and stroke it straight down to the tip, over and over. Her eyes would grow heavy and eventually close.
G. Let your baby lead the way – Being a first-time parent can be stressful – especially when everyone wants to put in their advice and what they’re telling you doesn’t feel right. It’s nerve-racking, but learn to ignore it and remember that this is your child. Naturally, you couldn’t bear the thought of hearing him cry in hunger because it hadn’t been three hours since his last feeding. If you let your baby – not someone else – tell you when he is hungry or tired, you will find that he (and you!) will be much happier and healthier.
H. Baby’s first bath – After the baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off (generally by week 3), you’ll finally be able to give her a real bath. To keep the baby warmer, more comfortable, and less likely to cry, place a warm washcloth over her tummy during the bath. It makes all the difference between a happy water baby and a miserable one. Your baby will start loving bath time.
J. Layer your baby’s crib – When a baby has a diaper blowout or upset tummy in the middle of the night, it can be hard on both mom and baby to have to completely unmake the crib or bassinet and change all the sheets – and all the fussing makes it that much harder to get the baby back to sleep.
So put two layers of sheets and waterproof mattress covers on the crib mattress at a time (mattress cover, sheet, mattress cover, sheet). That way, just pull off the top two layers, change her and put her back in bed. No fumbling for clean bedclothes – and no 2 a.m. laundry detail!
T. Health Tips –
- Plan your first visit to the pediatrician to be within your baby’s first three to five days and then again when he is two weeks old.
- Expect your baby to lose between five to ten percent of his birth weight during his first week; he should return to his birth weight by the time he is two weeks old.
- Watch for common newborn problems such as jaundice, thrush, reflux, cradle cap, heat rashes, and baby acne.
- Avoid letting your baby stay in the same position for too long when on his back to avoid getting a flat head and learn about the importance of tummy time.
- Until your baby’s immune system is stronger (at least two to three months old) it is probably best to keep him from large groups of people (including daycare, malls, sporting events, etc.) or other sick children to minimize his exposure to infections.
- Know the signs and symptoms of illness: fever, decreased appetite, vomiting, irritability, and lethargy.
If nothing else, remember that everyone makes it through. Soon enough you’ll be rewarded with your baby’s first smile, and that will help make up for all the initial craziness.
Road Map For Teens Health

4. Scrubbing – Scrub your face once a week with a gentle scrubber. This helps you get rid of the dead skin cells and promotes cell regeneration. It is best to use a homemade scrub with sugar as it is gentle on your skin.
9. Moisturize your lips – Do this as frequently as you can. This helps in avoiding drying them out. Avoid licking your lips as it makes them dry. And don’t peel the dry skin.
10. Oil your hair – Hot oil massages are extremely good for your scalp and hair and are relaxing as well. Do this twice a week to keep your hair healthy.
11. Don’t forget the conditioner – You might want to skip conditioning after the shampoo, but don’t do that. Conditioning protects your hair from UV damage and pollution.
12. Go easy on hair color – you are tempted to try the latest hair color trends – blond highlights, silver bangs – everything seems tempting. But straying too far from your natural hair color is not good for your hair. Try to keep it close to your natural hair color.
13. Clean your hair properly – Shampoos are meant for your scalp and conditioners for the shaft of your hair. No matter what your age is, this rule does not change. Shampooing the tips will end up stripping away too many natural oils, and applying conditioner to the scalp will make your hair greasy.
14. Look always before your leap – Don’t buy anything without testing it first. Different brands and types of makeup contain different ingredients. Always try it on your skin to find out whether it suits you or not. If possible, ask for samples at the store. Check if it is causing breakouts.
15. Consider your age – Some makeup tricks look good only on grown-ups. For instance, the gothic look with smokey eyes and dark lips suits the runway models, but at your tender age, and on your young face, it will look tacky.
16. Identify your best feature and enhance it – Have pretty eyes? Line them correctly to highlight them. Have full lips? Why not line them and put on some gloss or lipstick?
17. Avoid overdoing your foundation – Firstly, you should not use too much foundation on your skin. This is because your skin is tender and needs to breathe. Too much foundation clogs the pores and makes your makeup look fake and cakey. Secondly, if you have acne-prone skin, using a foundation can worsen your condition. Ideally, you should use a concealer to hide the blemishes and a tinted moisturizer on your face.
Believe in ‘simplicity is the best policy’. But then, it’s not bad to experiment with fashion and makeup just a bit. Of course, overdoing anything will make you appear like a clown instead of a diva.
18. Know what suits you and stick to it – Those who blindly follow trends and are slaves of fashion can never be classy and chic. Know what suits you and stick to your signature style.
19. Try to strike a balance – Being a teenager gives you the liberty to experiment with styles and colors. While you can color your hair electric blue and wear a canary yellow shirt with lime green pants, and yet not get punished for it, rather learn how to strike a balance. Avoid mixing more than three colors in a dress. Also, if you are wearing printed or embroidered tops, wear solid skirts or pants.
20. Accessorize- Because they are your best friends! A pendant, earrings, a bracelet, a watch, or a hairpin adds a personal touch to your personality. Keep them handy and mix and match whenever possible. However, don’t overdo it. For instance, if you are wearing a blingy watch, avoid wearing any other accessories. Let it be the focal point of your ensemble.
21. Try layering – This is a fashion trend that never goes wrong and is easily customized. You can try layering funky and colorful clothes. For instance, a dark vest with a bright (floral and printed) jacket or a shirt with denim pants can never go wrong.
22. Belt it up – A suitable belt can transform the most mundane outfit into something chic. And if you use the belt in the right way, it will accentuate your figure and make your waist appear slimmer. A chunky wide belt over a cardigan or a low slung belt on a maxi dress or layered with a boyfriend sweater adds an eccentric touch to your attire.
23. Embrace the half-tuck style – Tucking your tees and shirts in the right way is an art. And the half-tuck style is a favorite of all fashion-conscious teens. For the right impact and effect, tuck the front of your tee and let the tail hang.
Tips for a simple and healthy life –
A. Things that inspire you
B. Things that make you happy
C. Your priorities for Life, This year, This month, This week, Today
D. A meal plan for the week
E. Words of wisdom when times get tough
F. Things you love about yourself
G. Your To-Do List
H. Gift ideas for …
I. Things that are causing you stress
J. Key Dates – Birthdays, appointments, & more
K. Your happiest memories – So far
L. Your Bucket list
M. Who are your favorite people and why
Yoga Asanas for teens –
Yoga is a holistic exercise regimen that works well on the body, mind, and breath. Teenage is a time when there is a rapid growth spurt, and yoga only makes it better and easier by making the teen’s body strong and flexible. Yoga will not only help the kids develop a good posture but also help them focus better and keep random thoughts at bay. Above all, yoga will empower self-detesting teenagers to love themselves more.
Teenage is not easy. Body image issues, low confidence, and constant pressure plague the kids and bring their morale down. They must be trained to overcome these problems and take on tougher challenges. Yoga is an ideal training tool to help them fight off the demons, – Yoga asanas could help them do so.
Eat less CRAP -:
C – Carbonated Drinks
R – Refined Sugar
A – Artificial Sweeteners and Colors
P – Processed Foods
Eat more FOOD -:
F – Fruits and Veggies
O – Organic lean proteins
O – Omega 3 fatty acids
D – Drink Water
Healthy eating tips for your guidance –
Your health depends on the metabolism of your body. Digestion is one important factor that affects your health. What you eat and how you eat is very important for your health and proper growth and development.
A. Eat only if you feel hungry – If you eat only when you’re hungry, it helps in the secretion of gastric juices and digestive enzymes in the body. Wait for your body to feel hungry and then eat. You also need to make sure that you do not neglect your hunger.
B. Eat at regular intervals – Eating at regular intervals helps the body set its own time to release digestive enzymes. This makes digestion easier.
C. Wait for proper digestion of food – The wrong combination of foods can lead to indigestion. If you eat before the food that you had consumed earlier gets digested, it can create further complications in your body.
D. Eat a balanced diet – By a balanced diet, it means that you should include all the six tastes in your food – sweet, sour, salt, pungent, bitter, and astringent. An ideal and balanced diet is a perfect combination of all these tastes.
E. Have pinch ginger and rock salt before your meals – It is suggested to have a small amount of rock salt along with a dash of lemon and ginger before you eat. This helps in proper secretion of digestive enzymes. Thus, it aids digestion and also stimulates the digestive fire. A dull digestive fire (Agni) is not capable enough to absorb the nutrients from the food.
F. Avoid cold beverages – Drinking cold beverages right before you eat extinguishes the digestive fire (Agni). Avoid drinking cold beverages such as iced tea, cold coffee, aerated drinks, and even chilled water before having your meals as they cause an imbalance in the digestive fire. Hence, it is best to have liquids either in the warm state or at room temperature.
G. Eat Calmly and comfortably – The speed of consuming food also has an effect on the quantity of food that you eat. If you eat fast, you will end up eating more, whereas if you eat slowly, eventually, you will eat less. Thus, you should eat neither too fast nor too slow. Maintain an average speed. However, if you’re on a weight loss program, you should eat slowly. Whenever you eat, make sure that your stomach and mind are relaxed. Your focus must be on the smell and taste of the food.
H. The quantity of food matter too – The quantity of the food should vary according to what you eat. For example, if you eat oily food, which is heavy to digest, eat only half the capacity of your digestive strength. But, if you’re eating light food, you can eat until you feel full. Do not overeat.
I. Eat at the right time – Make sure that you maintain proper meal timings. Try to finish your lunch at noon as, during that time of the day, the digestive fire is at its peak, which will enhance digestion. Similarly, finish your dinner before sunset as late-night dinners lead to indigestion and build-up of toxins in the body.
J. Drink water in between – Never eat food while you’re feeling thirsty. At the same time, you should never drink water if you’re feeling hungry. Similarly, you must not drink water immediately before or after the meal. However, you can sip a small amount of water while having food, but make sure the water is warm.
K. Give a finishing touch – Preferably you must finish your meal with a dairy product as it helps in reducing pitta. Thus, you can have a cup of yogurt or a glass of warm milk.
Try to incorporate these habits into your daily lifestyle and stay healthy!
Simple Tips to Stay Healthy –
We’ve been hearing the statement “Health is wealth” since our childhood. However, not all of us are acquainted with its literal meaning. It means that no matter how wealthy you are if you are not healthy, there is nothing you can cherish in life.

- Reduce sugar
- Eat lean protein
- Move your body
- Increase green leaf tea
- Manage stress
- Drink lemon daily
- Eat a balanced meal every day
- Limit your screen time
- Get regular doctor checkups
- Get enough sleep
- Physical activity is very important
- Eat less salt
- Eat lots of fruits and veg
- Don’t skip the breakfast
- Drink water 8-9 glasses
- Eat less salt
- Wake up 15 minutes earlier
- Read for 20-30 minutes
- Write your daily to-do-list
- Maintain a good body weight
- Become happy and active
- Nourish your body
- Never stop learning
- Help others
- Be grateful
- Watch calories to maintain a healthy weight
- Choose beverages wisely
- Choose whole-grain foods as a good source of fiber
- Don’t snack after dinner
- Don’t grocery shop hungry
- Exercise regularly ( 5 days a week at least 30 minutes)
- Visit the Dentist Regularly
- Eat plenty of raw food
- limit toxin exposure
- Avoid all genetically engineered foods
- Meditate
- Breathe deeply
- Stop eating when you feel full
- Go Organic
- Improve your posture
- Drink fruit and veg. smoothies
- Cut down on processed food
- Go for brown carbs Vs. white carbs
- Don’t drink alcohol
- Avoid trigger foods
- Avoid smoking
- Appreciate what’s good in your life
- Build and enjoy your relationships
- Learn from your mistakes
- Do not give up
- Discover and nurture your talents
- Cherish the ones you love
- Take short mental breaks
- Love yourself
- Live a life with purpose
- Live life with gratitude
Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are challenges for almost everyone.
It’s tough to find the time and motivation to devote to a healthy diet and workout
routine, and to balance those factors with other activities.
However, the mental and physical benefits of following a healthy lifestyle are significant,
and the bottom line is that consistently healthy choices lead to a healthy long life.
Best Doctors in the world –
Want Glowing Skin? Eat water
Fitness tips for Women –
Consistency is the key
Keep track of your daily routine
Strengthen your core
Loft weights
Don’t compare yourself to other women
Get a workout buddy
Practice yoga
Follow a well-rounded routine
Be patient
Just get moving
Think of self-care. Think of self-compassion
Do more of what you love – hobbies, Interests, Sports, Etc.,
Eat regularly nutritiously