Fruit nutrition in daily diet


Fruit Nutrition in daily diet

Fruit nutrition in daily diet

How much fruit nutrition should be included in our daily diet?

Research studies suggest that one may eat any servings of fruits daily. It is recommended to eat at least 2-3 servings of fresh fruits every day.

The term, “one fruit serving” is about 250 g of cleaned, “edible-portion” of the fruit, excluding discards like the peel, seeds, etc.

Include seasonal fruits in the daily diet. Varieties of fruit types (tropical, sub-arctic berries, tree fruits, etc.), color (blueberries, mangoes, pink guava, yellow-watermelon, black grapes, black sapodilla, etc.), and different flavored should be encouraged to get maximum health benefits. Yellow and orange color fruits are rich sources of &alfa; and ß carotenes, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin, while blue, black colored like black or blueberries are an excellent source of polyphenolic anthocyanin antioxidants.

Selection of fruits-

Prefer organic over inorganic produce to avail maximum fruit nutrition benefits. Many “wild” varieties of berries and “tropical tree” fruits are still not treated with any chemical fertilizers or insecticide sprays and can be safely purchased from the local farm owners. Organic fruits tend to be smaller and expensive; however, they endowed with a special flavor, rich in vitamins and minerals, and stuffed with numerous health-benefiting antioxidants.

In the store, however, choose fruits that feature freshness, bright in color and flavor and feel heavy in your hands. Look carefully for blemishes, spots, molds, and signs of insecticide spray. Buy whole fruits instead of a section (portion) of them (for example, buy a small size watermelon instead of a big cut section).

How to use fruits?

Barring few fruits like wild berries, always wash them soon after shopping. Rinse them in saltwater for a few minutes and then wash in cold running water until you are satisfied with the complete cleanliness. This way, you make sure that the fruit you eat is rid of dirt, sand, and any residual chemical spray. Eat them while they are fresh since certain fruits have a very short shelf life and their health-benefiting properties decline with time. To store, place them in paper wrappings or zipping pouches and keep them in the refrigerator for short periods until you are ready to use them. Eat fruits as a whole without any additions to enjoy their true flavor, taste, and to get maximum fruit nutrition benefits.

Here are the top healthiest fruit nutrition in daily diet to enjoy on a regular basis.


Research has shown that there is a link between eating apples regularly and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. Apples also have high levels of quercetin, a flavonoid which may have anti-cancer properties.

One study found that people who ate whole apples were 30 percent less likely to be obese than those who did not. This can lower the risk for diabetes and heart disease. One of the most popular fruits, apples are chock-full of nutrition.

They’re rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, such as pectin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. These help you manage your blood sugar levels, promote good digestion, and support gut and heart health.

In addition, they’re a good source of vitamin C and plant polyphenols, which are disease-fighting compounds found in plants. In fact, consuming apples regularly may lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, overweight, obesity, and neurological disorders. Apples make a quick and easy addition to the diet. Eat them with the skin on for the greatest health benefits.

Apples are high-fiber fruits, meaning that eating them could boost heart health and promote weight loss. The pectin in apples helps to maintain good gut health. How to eat apples- Raw apples make a great snack and combining them with almond butter helps balance protein and fat intake. People can also add raw or stewed apples to yogurt, or use applesauce in cooking.


Limes are small, round, greenish-yellow, intensely acidic citrus fruits. Lime is primarily used for its juice in the western world, and for preparing “condiment-pickle” in many Southeast Asian countries. Botanically, lime fruit is a member citrus Rutaceae family fruits; a broad family which also includes lemon, orange, pomelo, tangerine, and grapefruit).

Scientific name: Citrus aurantifolia. It is the smallest among citrus fruits; nevertheless, it holds more health-benefiting nutrient profile than other citrus counterparts like lemon, orange, etc.

Generally, limes are smaller in size but more acidic than lemons. Their outer rind is green and glossy, a bit thinner than lemons. The peel is turning yellow at maturity. The pulp is light-green, with 6-15 segments, aromatic, juicy, and highly acidic arils. Each fruit measures about 1.5-2 inches across and weighs about 50 to 60 g.

Health benefits of like-

  1. Limes carry almost the same amount of calories as lemons; 30 cal/100 g. They are one of the very low glycemic index fruits.
  2. Lime juice contains citric acid, an organic acid which gives sour taste. Citric acid constitutes about 5 mg per oz of its juice. Citric acid is a natural preservative, antioxidant, helps dissolve kidney stones and helps in smooth digestion.
  3. Limes carry moderate concentrations of vitamin-C on comparison to other citrus ategory fruits like oragnge and lemon. 100 g of fresh fruit contains 29.1 mg or 48.5% of daily average intake. Vitamin C is a natural water-soluble anti-oxidant. It helps in the prevention and cure of scurvy disease.
  4. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the human body.
  5. Limes carry relatively more vitamin-A content than lemons. Vitamin-A is a natural antioxidant that helps in the mucosa and skin integrity as well as acuity of vision. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A and carotenoids helps the body to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  6. They compose modest amounts of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, and folates. These essential in the sense that the body requires them from external sources to replenish.
  7. Further, they carry a modest amounts of minerals like iron, copper, potassium, and calcium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  8. The outer peel of lime fruit composes aromatic essential oils. The oil is used in the food and pharmaceutical industry for its preservative, anti-viral and antioxidant properties


Sweet, juicy blueberries are rich source of natural pro-anthocyanin pigment antioxidants. These tiny, round blue-purple berries have long been attributed to the longevity and wellness of indigenous people living around subarctic regions in the Northern hemisphere.

Blueberries are well known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, they’re high in anthocyanin, a plant pigment and flavonoid that gives blueberries their characteristic blue-purple color. This compound helps fight cell-damaging free radicals that can lead to disease.

Numerous studies have pointed to the health benefits of a diet high in anthocyanins, such as a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, overweight, obesity, high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, and cognitive decline.

For example, a study including over 200,000 participants observed a 5% decrease in the risk of type 2 diabetes for every 17 grams of anthocyanin-rich berries they consumed per day. Other berries high in anthocyanins include blackberries, bilberry, elderberry, cherries, and chokeberries.

Health benefits of blueberries-

  1. Blueberries are very low in calories. 100 g fresh berries carry just 57 calories. Nonetheless, they possess essential health benefiting phytonutrients such as soluble dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and pigment antioxidants that contribute immensely towards optimum health and wellness.
  2. Additionally, they compose of other flavonoid antioxidants such as carotene-ß, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
  3. Altogether, the phytochemical compounds in the blueberry help rid off harmful oxygen-derived free radicals from the human body, and thereby, protect it against cancers, aging, degenerative diseases, and infections.
  4. Further, research studies suggest that chlorogenic acid in these berries help lower blood sugar levels and control blood-glucose levels in type-II diabetes mellitus condition.
  5. Fresh berries carry small amount of vitamin-C, vitamin-A, and vitamin-E. Altogether, these vitamins work as potent antioxidants which help limit free radical mediated injury to the body.
  6. The berries also carry a small amount of B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine, folates, and pantothenic acid. These vitamins are acting as co-factors that help in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
  7. Furthermore, they contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Copper required for the production of red blood cells. Iron required for red blood cell formation.


Strawberries are a juicy, red fruit with a high water content. The seeds provide plenty of dietary fiber per serving. Strawberries contain many healthful vitamins and minerals. Each berry features a conical shape, weighs about 25 grams, and measures about 3 cm in diameter. The berries have a taste that varies by cultivar type and ranges from quite sweet to acidic.

Of particular note, they contain anthocyanins, which are flavonoids that can help boost heart health. The fiber and potassium in strawberries can also support a healthy heart.

In one study, women who ate 3 or more servings per week of strawberries and blueberries — which are both known for their high anthocyanin content — had a lower risk of having a heart attack than those with lower intake.

Strawberries and other colorful berries also contain a flavonoid called quercetin. This is a natural anti-inflammatory compound. Strawberries also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, and vitamins B-6, A and K.

Health benefits of Strawberries-

  1. Strawberry is low in calories (32 cal/100 g) and fats but rich source of health-promoting phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
  2. Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C (100 g provide 58.8 mg or about 98% of RDI), which is also a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin-C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and scavenge harmful free radicals.
  3. The fruit is rich in the B-complex group of vitamins. It contains good amounts of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and folic acid. These vitamins are acting as co-factors help the body metabolize carbohydrate, proteins, and fats.
  4. Strawberries contain vitamin-A, vitamin-E and health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene in small amounts. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes.
  5. Furthermore, They contain a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, fluorine, copper, iron and iodine. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. The human body uses manganese as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
  6. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells. Iron is esential for red blood cell formation. Fluoride is a component of bones and teeth and offers protection from dental caries.


The benefits of bananas go beyond their potassium content. Along with providing 7% of the Daily Value (DV) for potassium, bananas contain:

  • Vitamin B6: 27% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 12% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 8% of the DV

In addition, they offer a wide variety of plant compounds called polyphenols and phytosterols, both of which support your overall health. Furthermore, they’re high in prebiotics, a type of fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Note that green, unripe bananas are higher in resistant starch than ripe ones, and they’re a good source of the dietary fiber pectin. Both of these have been linked to a number of health benefits, including improved blood sugar control and better digestive health. Meanwhile, ripe bananas are an excellent source of easily digested carbs, making them great to fuel up on before a workout.


Oranges are known for their high vitamin C content, providing 91% of the DV in a single fruit. They’re also high in potassium, folate, thiamine (vitamin B1), fiber, and plant polyphenols.

Banana has a unique growth characteristic. In fact, the whole plant is a false stem (pseudostem). This pseudostem is consisting of broad leaves with long petioles, overlapping one another in a disc-like fashion. Studies have found that consuming whole oranges may lower levels of inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and post-meal blood sugar.

Though 100% orange juice provides a high volume of nutrients and antioxidants, it usually lacks dietary fiber. Varieties that include the pulp do include some fiber, so opt for these over juices without pulp. That said, try to eat whole oranges more often, and keep juice portions to 1 cup (235 mL) or less per serving.


Many people consider pomegranates to be a ‘superfood.’ They are high in antioxidants and polyphenols, which help to combat the oxidative stress that can cause disease in the body. Eat pomegranates with the seeds to get the fiber benefits.

One raw pomegranate contains:

  • 234 calories
  • 52.73 g of carbohydrate
  • 11.3 g of fiber
  • 666 mg of potassium
  • 28 mg calcium
  • 28.8 mg vitamin C

One pomegranate also contains 46.2 micrograms (mcg) of the recommended 80 mcg daily allowance of vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for strong bones and healthy blood cells.

A review study about the health benefits of pomegranates suggests that they have anti-inflammatory effects and may help protect against brain-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. This may be because pomegranates contain particularly high levels of polyphenols.

Research discussed in this review also suggests that pomegranates may restrict the growth of human prostate cancer cells.

Dragon Fruit

Also known as pitaya or pitahaya, dragon fruit is rich in many nutrients, including fiber, iron, magnesium, and vitamins C and E. It’s also an excellent source of carotenoids, such as lycopene and beta carotene.

People in Southeast Asian cultures have regarded dragon fruit highly for hundreds of years as a health-promoting fruit. Over recent decades, it has gained popularity in Western countries.


Pineapple is an exotic fruit that may help reduce inflammation and promote healthy tissue growth.

Pineapple contains an active compound called bromelain, which many people take as a dietary supplement because of its potential health benefits.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health state that bromelain can help with reducing nasal inflammation or sinusitis. However, scientists need to carry out more research into its benefits for osteoarthritis and its anticancer potential.


Known as the “king of fruits,” mangoes are an excellent source of potassium, folate, fiber, and vitamins A, C, B6, E, and K. They’re also rich in numerous plant polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In particular, mangoes are high in mangiferin, a potent antioxidant. Studies have shown it may protect the body from chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and certain forms of cancer.

What’s more, mangoes contain fiber, which helps support regular bowel movements and aids digestive health.


Many people refer to avocados as a superfood because of their healthful qualities.

Avocados are rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat which helps lower cholesterol levels. The American Heart Association say that maintaining healthy cholesterol levels with healthful fats could reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Like bananas, avocados are rich in potassium. They also contain lutein, an antioxidant which is important for healthy eyes and skin. Avocados also contain folate, vitamin A, and beta-carotene.


Lychee, which is also known as litchi and Chinese cherry, is packed with nutrition. In particular, it’s a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and many polyphenols with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

These include:

  • gallic acid
  • chlorogenic acid
  • catechins
  • caffeic acid

One serving of lychee is around seven small individual fruits.


Cherries are a great source of fiber and potassium, both of which are important for heart and gut health.

They’re also high in antioxidant plant compounds, such as anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamates, which help protect the body from oxidative stress.

Furthermore, they’re a good source of serotonin, tryptophan, and melatonin, which support good mood and sleep.


Watermelon is a highly nutritious summer favorite. It’s an abundant source of antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C, beta carotene, and lycopene. It’s also a good source of potassium and magnesium.

In particular, watermelon is one of the top sources of lycopene, a carotenoid that gives watermelon its pink-red color. A diet high in lycopene is linked to lower levels of oxidative stress and inflammation. The nutrient may also decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Interestingly, lycopene and beta carotene may also provide minor skin protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays, reduce the risk of sunburns, and help your skin heal faster. That said, you’ll still need to use sunscreen to keep your skin fully protected.

Finally, watermelon has a uniquely high water content. A single wedge (434 grams) provides 13.4 ounces (395 mL) of water. Since it’s high in both water and potassium, it can help hydrate and replenish electrolytes after a workout or on a hot summer day.


Grapes are convenient, healthy, and particularly high in potassium and vitamin K, which both support heart health.

They’re a rich source of beneficial plant compounds that have been linked to numerous health benefits, such as a lowered risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. These compounds include:

  • resveratrol
  • anthocyanins
  • caffeic acid
  • quercetin
  • kaempferol

While all varieties of grapes provide benefits, red and purple grapes have the highest antioxidant content. In particular, they produce purple-red pigments called anthocyanins, which have been linked to better heart and brain health.


Guava is a fantastic source of vitamin C. In fact, a single fruit (55 grams) provides 140% of the DV for this nutrient.

Along with this, guava contains some of the highest amounts of lycopene compared with other lycopene-rich foods like tomatoes, watermelon, and grapefruit. It’s also a high source of other antioxidants, such as beta carotene and various flavonoids.

Because guava is so high in nutrients and antioxidants, consuming it regularly may support the health of your eyes, heart, kidneys, and skin.

It may likewise protect against chronic diseases and support a healthy immune system.

Health Benefits of Peanuts


Health benefits of peanuts


Health Benefits of Peanuts

Before we start to discuss the health benefits of peanuts, want to share an interesting fact about peanuts. To our surprise, peanuts are neither a type of Pea nor Nuts technically plant-based. They belong to the Legume family. But their nutritional profile is the same as other tree nuts, which makes them a part of the Nuts family.

Confusing right? Don’t worry! Continue to read below, and you will know some more amazing facts that will change the way you snack!

Peanuts Nutritional Value:

Peanuts, despite not being technically classified as nuts, have a nutritional profile similar to other tree nuts. They are rich in healthy fats, fiber, and plant-based protein, making them a valuable addition to any diet. With almost 567 calories per 3.5 ounces (100 grams), peanuts are low in carbs and nutrient-dense.

In addition to their culinary use, they offer a range of health benefits.

Confusing right? Don’t worry! Continue to read below, and you will know some more amazing facts that will change the way you snack!

Excellent Source of Necessary Minerals and Vitamins

Peanuts are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals for the overall proper functioning of the human body. The benefits of vitamins and minerals present in peanuts include:

  • Biotin-Peanuts are one of the rich dietary sources of biotin, which is an extremely beneficial nutrient for your physiological well-being. Biotin is important during pregnancy and involves dozens of enzymatic reactions in the body that regulate the expression of your genes.
  • Niacin– also known as vitamin B3, has various important functions in your body as it helps convert food into energy and helps with healthy skin. Niacin also aids the digestive and nervous systems and has been found effective in reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Phosphorus is a mineral that plays an essential role in the growth and maintenance of the human body tissues, in the formation of teeth and bones and muscle function. It promotes cell growth as well as helps the body use vitamins to create energy for the cells.
  • Magnesium-An essential dietary mineral responsible for various important muscle functions, including the heart, enzyme function, and energy production. Just 100 grams of raw peanuts can provide sufficient magnesium intake that is believed to protect against heart diseases.

Following are the major Health Benefits of Peanuts

Considering the nutritional values of peanuts, one can get the idea of how beneficial just 100g of these tiny, mouth-watering nuts can be. Having a significant amount of proteins, antioxidants, and fatty acids, peanuts have an extraordinary quality of promoting your health.

Here are a few health benefits of pea-sized legume peanuts and their nutrients, which will make you fall in love with them.

1) Peanuts for Muscles

Peanut contains Vitamin B-complex that supports your muscle health and helps prevent muscle spasms and cramps. Those who want muscle gain can eat peanuts which will increase metabolism and help with healthy muscle development.

Ample protein is required for muscle development. Being a rich source of plant protein, peanuts can strengthen the bones and helps in bodybuilding. Adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to your shake will give you all the nutritional benefits your muscles need.

2) Healthy Fats

Peanuts consist of all the healthful types of fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which are an essential part of every diet. These healthy fats are responsible for improving blood cholesterol levels in the human body.  A large number of peanuts are used to make peanut oil due to their healthy fat content, which makes them classified as oilseeds.

A small amount of saturated fat is also available in peanuts which are considered less healthy as compared to the other two unsaturated fat types. So for optimal health benefits, it is better to at peanuts in moderation.

3) Dietary Fibre 

The fiber in your diet helps you feel full for a long while and aids indigestion. Per 100g of Peanuts contain 8.5 g of fiber. The human body requires almost 34 grams of fiber in men and 28 grams in females. Considering these values, peanuts provide one-quarter of optimal intake in men and one-third of fiber intake in females.

Hence taking peanuts can fulfill your dietary fiber intake that can help promote bowel movements, helps control blood sugar levels, and lowers the risk of type-II diabetes.

4) Source of Protein

Peanuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein, in which the most abundant proteins include reaching and contracting. 100 grams of peanuts are said to offer 25.8 g of protein, which makes it half of a person’s daily intake need of protein i-e 46grams for women and 56 grams for men.

The protein we consume helps build our muscles, and for this need, peanut powder, naturally gluten-free, defatted flour made from peanuts, is getting popular among bodybuilders and athletes. Peanut powders that contain only peanuts, no fillers, or other ingredients deliver nutrients that support overall health.

So, if you desire to take protein that delivers desired nutrients you need, try adding peanut powders to your diet that contain approximately a half gram of leucine per serving. Leucine is an amino acid that activates muscle building and helps repair as well as stimulates the synthesis of new proteins in muscles. Peanut butter is also a good option for consuming desired protein intake.

5) Maintaining a Healthy Weight

According to the nutritional breakdown of peanuts discussed above, we can analyze that it is a source of protein, healthy fats, and fiber, and are low in carbs. Consuming all these nutrients of peanuts can help maintain a healthy weight because they have a low glycemic index (GI). The Glycemic index is a measure of carbs absorption in the human bloodstream, and a low index is crucial for weight management.

The risk of weight gain and obesity in those who eat nuts, including peanuts, twice a week is lower as compared to those who rarely eat nuts. A small bowl of peanuts is a fiber-dense snack that makes you feel filled for a longer period, thus guaranteeing fewer calories consumed throughout the day. And they not only make you feel filled, but nutrient-dense peanuts also boost your metabolism, which in turn results in weight loss.

6) Lowers Cholesterol and Maintains a Healthy Heart

Peanuts are a mixture of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that are considered effective in lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream and adding good cholesterol to the human body. Adding plenty of these monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats stimulates the artery-clearing process that maintains your blood flow.

Peanuts are, therefore, a good remedy for cholesterol control due to the predominance of monounsaturated fat, i.e., 24.43 grams per 100 grams of raw peanuts serving. Another nutrient found in peanuts that contributes to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases is copper, which lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. Almost 0.42 micrograms of copper are present in a quarter-cup serving of peanuts which is equal to 47% of the DV for the mineral.

7) Promotes Good Memory and Brain Health

Nutrients like vitamin B1, niacin, and folate are required for a healthy as well as sharper brain. Make your brain sharper by consuming peanuts that can fuel your body with these nutrients crucial for an active and healthy brain. Apart from promoting normal functioning of the brain, vitamin B3 in peanuts also boosts your memory power, due to which they are given the tag of “brain food.”

8) Effective in Gallstones Prevention

Gallstones are developed in the gall bladder due to uncontrolled and undissolved cholesterol levels. The risk of gallstones is higher in people who are overweight, over age 40, and those with a diet high in calories and refined carbohydrates. As we know, the role of peanuts is in weight loss and reducing bad cholesterol levels. This cholesterol-lowering effect associates eating one serving of peanuts at least per day with a reduced risk of gallstone formation.

9) Manage Blood Sugar Levels

The fiber, magnesium, and other healthy oils in peanuts play a role in lowering blood sugar levels. Due to the low glycemic index (GI), adding peanuts or peanut butter to your meal does not cause a big spike in blood sugar levels.

Another factor that makes peanuts helpful in controlling blood sugar levels is that they are relatively low in carbohydrates but high in protein, fat, and fiber. Peanut Fiber allows a steadier release of energy by slowing down the digestive processes, and the protein content takes longer to break down than simple carbohydrates, that in turn helps in controlling blood sugar levels.


Peanuts are rich in essential nutrients, and eating them in moderation will not only help you increase the amount of protein that you take per day. But will also reduce the calorie count that you consume. Peanuts help lower fat percentage, support heart health, help a person maintain a healthy weightand manage blood sugar levels while helping you build muscle mass.

Health benefits of fruits and vegetables

Health benefits of fruits and vegetables


Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

You get the health benefits of fruits and vegetables since fruits and vegetables are nature’s marvelous gift to humankind; indeed, they are life-enhancing medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and many phytonutrients (Plant-derived micronutrients).

They are an absolute feast to our sight, not just because of their color and flavor but of their unique nutrient profile that helps the human body be fit, rejuvenate, and free of diseases!

since eating more fruit is an excellent way to improve overall health and reduce the risk of disease.

A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower the risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect on blood sugar, which can help keep the appetite in check.

Eating non-starchy vegetables and fruits like apples, pears, and green leafy vegetables may even promote weight loss. Their low glycaemic loads prevent blood sugar spikes that can increase hunger.

Fruits are an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, and they are high in fiber. Fruits also provide a wide range of health-boosting antioxidants, including flavonoids.

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables can reduce a person’s risk of developing heart disease, cancer, inflammation, and diabetes. Citrus fruits and berries may be especially powerful for preventing disease.

At least nine different families of fruits and vegetables exist, each with potentially hundreds of different plant compounds that are beneficial to health. Eat a variety of types and colors of produce in order to give your body the mix of nutrients it needs. This not only ensures a greater diversity of beneficial plant chemicals but also creates eye-appealing meals.

Healthcare professionals know that fruit is a highly nutritious, delicious, and convenient addition to any diet. With more than 2,000 varieties of fruit available, you may wonder which ones you should pick.

Each type of fruit brings its own unique set of nutrients and benefits to the table. The key is to eat fruits of various colors, as each color provides a different set of healthy nutrients.

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” or so the saying goes.

Health benefits of fruits and vegetables

Tips for health benefits of fruits and vegetables

  1. Keep fruit where you can see it.Place several ready-to-eat washed whole fruits in a bowl or store chopped colorful fruits in a glass bowl in the refrigerator to tempt a sweet tooth.
  2. Explore the produce aisle and choose something new.Variety and color are key to a healthy diet. On most days, try to get at least one serving from each of the following categories: dark green leafy vegetables; yellow or orange fruits and vegetables; red fruits and vegetables; legumes (beans) and peas; and citrus fruits.
  3. Skip the potatoes.Choose other vegetables that are packed with different nutrients and more slowly digested carbohydrates.
  4. Make it a meal.Try cooking new recipes that include more vegetables. Salads, soups, and stir-fries are just a few ideas for increasing the number of tasty vegetables in your meals.

Researchers have studied various fruits and vegetables and ranked “powerhouse” fruit and vegetables by high nutrient density and low calories. Lemons came out top of the list, followed by strawberry, orange, lime, and pink and red grapefruit.

Green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, and fresh fruits are a treasure trove of several minerals and vitamins and hence, protect from diseases

  • Normal diet, to be wholesome and tasty, should include fresh vegetables and fruits, which are storehouses of micronutrients
  • Vegetables/fruits are rich sources of micronutrients.
  • Fruits and vegetables also provide phytonutrients and fiber which are of vital health significance
  • They help in the prevention of micronutrient malnutrition and certain chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, and cancer.
  • Fresh fruits are nutritionally superior to fruit juices.
  • Eat as many other vegetables as possible daily.
  • Eat vegetables/ fruits in all your meals in various forms (curry, soups, mixed with curd, added to pulse preparations, and rice).
  • Consume raw and fresh vegetables as salads.
  • Grow the family’s requirements of vegetables in the kitchen garden if possible.
  • Green leafy vegetables, when properly cleaned and cooked are safe even for infants.
  • Let different varieties of vegetables and fruits add color to your plate and vitality to your life.
  • Beta-carotene-rich foods like dark green, yellow, and orange-colored vegetables and fruits (GLVs, carrots, papaya, and mangoes) protect from vitamin A deficiency.

Fruits, Vegetables, and disease-

Cardiovascular disease

There is compelling evidence that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • A meta-analysis of cohort studies found that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, with an average reduction in risk of 4% for each additional serving per day of fruit and vegetables.
  • The higher the average daily intake of fruits and vegetables, the lower the chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Compared with those in the lowest category of fruit and vegetable intake (less than 1.5 servings a day), those who averaged 8 or more servings a day were 30% less likely to have had a heart attack or stroke.
  • Although all fruits and vegetables likely contributed to this benefit, green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, and mustard greens, were most strongly associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, and kale; and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruit (and their juices) also made important contributions.

Blood pressure

  • The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) study examined the effect on blood pressure of a diet that was rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that restricted the amount of saturated and total fat. The researchers found that people with high blood pressure who followed this diet reduced their systolic blood pressure (the upper number of a blood pressure reading) by about 11 mm Hg and their diastolic blood pressure (the lower number) by almost 6 mm Hg—as much as medications can achieve.
  • A randomized trial showed that this fruit and vegetable-rich diet lowered blood pressure, even more, when some of the carbohydrates were replaced with healthy unsaturated fat or protein.


A more likely possibility is that some types of fruits and vegetables may protect against certain cancers.

  • A study found that those who ate the most fruit during adolescence (about 3 servings a day) compared with those who ate the lowest intakes (0.5 servings a day) had a 25% lower risk of developing breast cancer. There was a significant reduction in breast cancer in women who had eaten higher intakes of apples, bananas, grapes, and corn during adolescence, and oranges and kale during early adulthood. No protection was found from drinking fruit juices at younger ages.
  • Another study was done over 20 years and found that higher fiber intakes during adolescence and early adulthood were associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer later in life. When comparing the highest and lowest fiber intakes from fruits and vegetables, women with the highest fruit fiber intake had a 12% reduced risk of breast cancer; those with the highest vegetable fiber intake had an 11% reduced risk.
  • After following a large number of women it was found that women who ate more than 5.5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day (especially cruciferous and yellow/orange vegetables) had an 11% lower risk of breast cancer than those who ate 2.5 or fewer servings. Vegetable intake was strongly associated with a 15% lower risk of estrogen-receptor-negative tumors for every two additional servings of vegetables eaten daily. A higher intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with a lower risk of other aggressive tumors including HER2-enriched and basal-like tumors.
  • A report by the World Cancer Research Fund suggests that non-starchy vegetables—such as lettuce and other leafy greens, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, as well as garlic, onions, and the like—and fruits “probably” protect against several types of cancers, including those of the mouth, throat, voice box, esophagus, and stomach. Fruit probably also protects against lung cancer.

Specific components of fruits and vegetables may also be protective against cancer. For example:

  • A line of research stemming from a finding from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study suggests that tomatoes may help protect men against prostate cancer, especially aggressive forms of it. One of the pigments that give tomatoes their red hue—lycopene—could be involved in this protective effect. Although several studies other than the Health Professionals Study have also demonstrated a link between tomatoes or lycopene and prostate cancer, others have not or have found only a weak connection.
  • Taken as a whole, however, these studies suggest that increased consumption of tomato-based products (especially cooked tomato products) and other lycopene-containing foods may reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer. Lycopene is one of several carotenoids (compounds that the body can turn into vitamin A) found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and research suggests that foods containing carotenoids may protect against lung, mouth, and throat cancer. But more research is needed to understand the exact relationship between fruits and vegetables, carotenoids, and cancer.


Some research looks specifically at whether individual fruits are associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. While there isn’t an abundance of research into this area yet, preliminary results are compelling.

  • A study of women and men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study—who were free of major chronic diseases—found that greater consumption of whole fruits—especially blueberries, grapes, and apples—was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Another important finding was that greater consumption of fruit juice was associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Additionally a study of over 70,000 female nurses aged 38-63 years, who were free of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, showed that consumption of green leafy vegetables and fruit was associated with a lower risk of diabetes.
  • A study of over 2,300 Finnish men showed that vegetables and fruits, especially berries, may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Data from the Nurses’ Health Studies and the Health Professional’s Follow-up Study show that women and men who increased their intake of fruits and vegetables over a 24-year period were more likely to have lost weight than those who ate the same amount or those who decreased their intake. Berries, apples, pears, soy, and cauliflower were associated with weight loss while starchier vegetables like potatoes, corn, and peas were linked with weight gain. However, keep in mind that adding more produce to the diet won’t necessarily help with weight loss unless it replaces another food, such as refined carbohydrates of white bread and crackers.

Gastrointestinal health

Fruits and vegetables contain indigestible fiber, which absorbs water and expands as it passes through the digestive system. This can calm symptoms of irritable bowel and, by triggering regular bowel movements, can relieve or prevent constipation. The bulking and softening action of insoluble fiber also decreases pressure inside the intestinal tract and may help prevent diverticulosis.


Eating fruits and vegetables can also keep your eyes healthy, and may help prevent two common aging-related eye diseases—cataracts and macular degeneration—which afflict millions of Americans over age 65. Lutein and zeaxanthin, in particular, seem to reduce the risk of cataracts.

Why should we eat Vegetables and Fruits?

Why should we eat vegetables and fruits?

Why should we eat Vegetables and Fruits?

Why should we eat Vegetables and Fruits? Because green leafy vegetables, other vegetables, and fresh fruits are treasure trove of several minerals and vitamins and hence, protect from diseases.

  • Normal diet, to be wholesome and tasty, should include fresh vegetables and fruits, which are store houses of micronutrients
  • Vegetables/fruits are rich sources of micronutrients.
  • Fruits and vegetables also provide phytonutrients and fiber which are of vital health significance
  • They help in the prevention of micronutrient malnutrition and certain chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, and cancer.
  • Fresh fruits are nutritionally superior to fruit juices.

Why should we eat vegetables and fruits?

Fresh Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of micronutrients and macronutrients. The micronutrients present are minerals (like iron

and calcium) and vitamins (like vitamin C, folic acid, B complex vitamins and carotenoids) whereas, the macronutrients present are complex carbohydrates/ fiber.

They contain abundant amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin C, folic acid, carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A) and phytochemicals. Some vegetables and fruits provide very low calories (Annexure 6), whereas some others such as potato, sweet potato, tapioca, and yam as well as fruits like banana are rich in starch which provides energy in good amount. Therefore, vegetables and fruits can be used to increase or decrease calories in our diet.

What functions do these nutrients and special factors in vegetables and fruits perform in our body?

Antioxidants: In the recent past, the role of vegetables and fruits as sources of antioxidants has been receiving considerable attention. Antioxidants restrict the damage that reactive oxygen free radicals can cause to the cell and cellular components. They are of primary biological value in giving protection from certain diseases.

Some of the diseases that have their origin in deleterious free radical reactions are atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint diseases, asthma, diabetes, etc. Raw and fresh vegetables like green leafy vegetables, carrots, and fresh fruits including citrus and tomatoes have been identified as good sources of antioxidants (free radical scavengers).

The nutrients vitamin C and carotenoids that are present in these vegetables are also potent antioxidants. Different colored vegetables provide different antioxidants like orange-colored provide beta-carotene, red provide lycopene, deep red provide betalains, and blue and purple provide anthocyanins.

Calories : Many vegetables and fruits have low calories (Annexure 6). A large intake of low-calorie vegetables and fruits can help in reducing calories in the diet and help in obesity management. On the other hand vegetables like colocasia, potato, tapioca, yam, sweet potato and fruits like banana, avocado pear (215 Kcal) and mahua (111 Kcal) have more than 100 kcal per 100gram (Annexure 7).

Folic Acid : Folic acid is a hemopoietic vitamin essential for the multiplication and maturation of red cells in our body. Its deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemias. Folic acid intake during pregnancy protects the foetus from developing certain congenital defects. It also promotes the birth weight of infants. Folic acid deficiency increases homocysteine levels in the blood, thereby increasing the risk for heart disease. Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, and liver are good sources of folates.

Dietary Fiber : Dietary fiber delays the intestinal transit of the food consumed. Dietary fiber is important for proper bowel function, to reduce chronic constipation, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids coronary heart diseases, diabetes, and obesity. They also reduce plasma cholesterol. The protective role of dietary fiber against colon cancer has long been recognized.

Iron: Iron is an essential element necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, the red pigment present in the red cells of the blood. Hemoglobin plays an important role in the transport of oxygen to the tissues. Reduction in hemoglobin in the blood leads to anemia, a condition characterized by paleness and easy fatigue, and increased susceptibility to infections. Iron is available in plenty of green leafy vegetables. But the absorption of iron is limited. Vitamin C-rich foods must be consumed daily to improve iron absorption.

Vitamin A: This fat-soluble vitamin is necessary for clear vision in dim light, and for maintaining the integrity of epithelial tissues. In vitamin A deficiency, the white of the eye (conjunctiva) loses its luster and becomes dry. In severe vitamin A deficiency, the black area of the eye (cornea) gets necrosed, leading to irreversible blindness in young children.

Vitamin A also has a role in maintaining resistance of the body to common infections. Carotenoids are plentiful in fruits and vegetables that are green or deep yellow/orange in color, such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, papaya, mango, etc.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for healthy bones and teeth. It also promotes iron absorption. Vitamin C deficiency is characterized by weakness, bleeding gums, and defective bone growth. Vitamin C is abundantly available in fresh amla, citrus fruits, guava, banana, and certain vegetables such as tomatoes.

However, it is very susceptible to destruction by atmospheric oxidation. It is for this reason that when vegetables become dry and stale or cut and exposed to air most of the vitamin C originally present is destroyed. Vegetables provide phytochemicals and considerable health significance to the human body.

Among these, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and other bio-active constituents require special mention. These special factors are required for delaying aging and preventing the processes which lead to diseases such as cataracts, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer.

How to Measure 1 Serving of Fruits and Vegetables

How much should we consume?

The Expert Committee of the Indian Council of Medical Research, taking into consideration the nutrient requirements, has recommended that every individual should consume at least 300 g of vegetables (GLV : 50 g; Other vegetables : 200 g; Roots & Tubers : 50 g) in a day. In addition, fresh fruits (100 g), should be consumed regularly. Since requirements for iron and folic acid are higher for pregnant women they should consume 100g of leafy vegetables daily. High-calorie vegetables and fruits to be restricted for overweight/ obese subjects.

Which vegetables and fruits should be consumed?

We should consume fresh, locally available, and preferably seasonal vegetables and fruits. They have more micronutrients and are tasty. However, no single fruit or vegetable provides all the nutrients you need. The key lies in eating a variety of them and with different colors.

Include commonly consumed leafy greens, tomatoes, and other vegetables, apart from those which are yellow, orange, red, deep red, purple colored citrus fruits, being vitamin C-rich enrich the diets significantly. Along with these, try selecting some new vegetables and fruits to your meals.

How to prevent cooking loss ?

Vitamins are lost during the washing of cut vegetables and cooking of foodstuffs. However, proper methods of cooking can substantially reduce these losses. Nutrient loss is high when the vegetables are washed after cutting or when they are cut into small pieces for cooking. Consumption of properly washed raw and fresh vegetables is always beneficial.

How do we get these foods ?

Green leafy vegetables (GLVs), and other vegetables and fruits are easily available. Most vegetables, particularly GLVs are inexpensive. In fact, these foods can be grown in the backyard with very little effort and cost. Even in lean seasons like summer, they can be grown using water and waste from the kitchen.

How to accommodate more servings of vegetables and fruits per day ?

To get the maximum nutritional benefits from fruits and vegetables, it is important to find ways to eat more servings of vegetables and fruits per day.

Points to consider-

  1. Eat as much of other vegetables as possible daily.
  2. Eat vegetables/ fruits in all your meals in various forms (curry, soups, mixed with curd, added to pulse preparations and rice).
  3. Consume raw and fresh vegetables as salads.
  4. Grow the family’s requirements of vegetables in the kitchen garden if possible.
  5. Green leafy vegetables, when properly cleaned and cooked are safe even for infants.
  6. Let different varieties of vegetables and fruits add color to your plate and vitality to your life.
  7. Beta-carotene rich foods like dark green, yellow and orange colored vegetables and fruits (GLVs, carrots, papaya and mangoes) protect from vitamin A deficiency.

International Yoga Day 2022

International Yoga day 2022

World Yoga day 2022

Yoga is a priceless gift of ancient Indian tradition. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj meaning “to join”, “join” or “to unite”, symbolizing the unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between human beings and nature, and a holistic approach to health and well-being.

International Yoga Day 2022 will be celebrated on 21 June 2022 with the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’ across the world with great enthusiasm. As the pandemic COVID-19 continued this year also, yoga is helping people to stay energetic and have a strong immune system.

‘Yoga for Humanity’ is chosen theme for International Yoga Day 2022. The theme is focusing on the numerous benefits of yoga. Recognizing the importance of yoga, this year’s yoga day theme focuses on how yoga helps to cure Covid-19 and how it will help them achieve holistic health for every individual.

One of the best holistic exercises that not only keeps our body flexible and healthy but also our minds and souls energized is yoga.

The theme of International Yoga Day 2022: The 8th International Yoga Day (IYD) 2022 will be celebrated all over the world with the theme ‘Yoga for Humanity’. The theme of the 8th IYD 2022 was announced by PM Narendra Modi in his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ webinar on 30 May 2022.

PM Narendra Modi said this year’s theme was chosen after much deliberation and consultation and aptly portrays how Yoga has served humanity in mitigating sufferings during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

He said that Yoga will bring people together through kindness and compassion during the post-Covid geopolitical crisis and promote a sense of unity across the globe. The theme of last year’s event (International Day of Yoga 2021) was ‘Yoga for Wellness’.

Yoga is a trend that has flourished over the years; Rather it has become a trendsetter in maintaining both physical and mental health. Each yogic activity is the key to improving flexibility, strength, balance, and achieving harmony.

Yoga Portal is a platform to help people adopt, practice, and enjoy Yoga every day. It is a perfect gateway to discovering the best yoga resources, general yoga protocol training videos, and the latest yoga programs to participate in.

21st June is marked to raise awareness of the health benefits of yoga. Many kinds of research done over the years have proven that yoga can be beneficial in reducing stress, increasing self-awareness improving immunity, and boosting health – mentally, physically, and spiritually.

International Yoga Day is celebrated across countries to spread awareness of practicing yoga for a healthier mind and body. Practicing breathwork, asanas, and meditation helps regulate energy levels to promote peace, calm, and balance.

Basic rules and etiquette of Yoga practice-

  • Basic rules & etiquette for Yoga
  • Before starting to practice asanas, the bladder should be emptied and the bowels should be evacuated.
  • Asanas come easier after taking a bath. After doing them, it is desirable to bathe some fifteen minutes later.
  • Taking a bathe/shower both before and after practicing asanas refreshes the body and mind. It is better to take cold shower after practice it.
  • Though asanas should be done on an empty stomach, if this is difficult, a cup of tea/coffee/milk may be taken before doing them.
  • Allow at least 3 to 4 hours to elapse after a heavy meal before starting the practice.
  • Food may be taken after half an hour after yoga practice.
  • The best time for yoga practice is auspicious dawn (very early morning) or late in the evening.
  • In the morning the mind is calm, composed and fresh.
  • Asanas should be done in a clean airy place, free from insect and noise.
  • No undue strain should be felt in the facial muscles or any other parts of the body.
  • Do not exert and over strain while remaining in the posture.
  • In the beginning, keep the eyes open. When you are perfect in a particular asana you can keep your eyes closed.
  • During asana practice, breathing should be done through the nostrils only.
  • Exhale while bending forward and inhale while moving backwards.
  • After completing the practice of asanas, lie down in savasana for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Avoid asanas during the menstrual period. Some asanas are beneficial, if they are done under the guidance of the experienced teacher.
  • Relax for 10 to 15 seconds at least after each asana.
  • Wear comfortable clothes for practicing yoga.
  • First begin with easy poses and thereafter you can advance to the tough ones.
  • Do not practice yoga on the bear floor. Always use yoga mat/thick bed sheet/folded blanket for Yoga.
  • Before you start Yoga, clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus.

 Body massage through Yoga-

Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity that massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a profound way, including those such as the prostate that become externally stimulated during our entire lifetime.

Yoga acts on different parts of the body in a great way. This stimulation and massage of the organs in turn benefit us by keeping diseases away and providing a foreshadowing at the first possible instance of a possible onset of disease or disorder.

Benefits of Yoga-

  • People from all over the world perform yoga to relax and keep their bodies fit. People all over the world have started to realize the benefits of yoga.
  • Yoga exercises have electrifying impacts on the nervous system through their non-tiring physiological activities that bring about ease of body and mind. Unlike the normal workouts that concentrate more on the inflation of the muscles, Yoga takes care of every little part of the anatomy.
  • The human body is a machine that continues to perform without any break, and the metabolic process creates toxins and waste products. Therefore, to maintain the purity of blood and elimination of toxins, both external and internal hygiene are indispensable.
  • The benefits of various yoga techniques have been considered to improve body flexibility, performance, stress reduction, attainment of inner peace, and self-realization.
  • Physical Benefit – It improves body flexibility, strong cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, relaxation of muscle tension, weight control, increased energy level, increased immune system, etc.
  • Spiritual benefits include the meaning, purpose, direction, inner peace of life, peace, and aesthetic pleasures.
  • Mental benefits include stress relief, avoidance of stress-related disorders, better decision-making skills, and more.

Do’s and Dont’s of Yoga practice


  1. Śauca means cleanliness – an important prerequisite for Yoga practice. It includes the cleanliness of surroundings, body, and mind. 
  2. Asanas should be practiced on an empty stomach. Consume a small amount of honey in lukewarm water if you feel weak. 
  1. Bladder and bowels should be empty before starting Yogic practices. 
  2. Practice sessions should start with a prayer or an invocation as it creates a conducive environment to relax the mind. 
  3. Yogic practices shall be performed slowly, in a relaxed manner, with awareness of the body and breath. 
  4. A Warm-up or loosening exercise and stretches before asanas are mandatory to avoid injuries.
  5. Asanas should be done slowly and one should move to advanced postures with practice.
  6. Try to eat Satvik food (Avoid meat, eggs, onion, garlic, and mushrooms from the diet).
  7. Stay hydrated before going into yoga practice.
  8. Wear supportive and comfortable clothing. Light and comfortable cotton clothes are preferred to facilitate easy movement of the body.
  9. Yoga should be practiced in a well-ventilated room with a pleasant draft of air.
  10. Use a mat with a good grip to do Yogasanas.
  11. Be aware of breathing while doing Yogasanas.
  12. Complete the yoga session with relaxation techniques to cool down.
  13. Do not hold your breath unless it is specially mentioned to do so during the practice. 
  14. Breathing should be always through the nostrils unless instructed otherwise. 
  15. Do not hold the body tight or give undue jerks to the body.
  16. Perform the practices according to one’s capacity. It takes some time to get good results, so persistent and regular practice is very essential.
  17. There are contra-indications/ limitations for each Yoga practice and such contra-indications should always be kept in mind. 
  18. Yoga session should end with meditation/ deep silence / Sankalpa / Śānti pāṭha etc. 


  1. Yoga should not be performed in a state of exhaustion, illness, in a hurry, or in acute stress conditions. 
  2. Women should refrain from regular yoga practice especially asanas during their menses. Relaxation techniques and pranayama can be done instead.
  3. Don’t perform yoga immediately after meals. Wait until 2 to 3 hours after a large meal.
  4. Don’t shower or drink water or eat food for 30 minutes after doing yoga.
  5. During illness, surgeries, or any sprains or fractures, one should refrain from Yoga Practice. They can resume yoga after consulting experts.
  6. Don’t do strenuous exercises after yoga.
  7. Don’t practice yoga in adverse and extreme weather conditions (too hot, too cold, or humid).
  8. According to the yoga texts for the spiritual seeker one needs to follow The yamasor restraints. They are the basic principles that are to be followed to lead spiritual growth.

Consult health experts if you have any health conditions or you are pregnant before doing yoga practice.

How Much Daily Protein Intake You Should Have?

How Much daily Protein intake you should have?

Protein plays a significant part in keeping our cells healthy, and our body fit. The question is How Much Daily Protein Intake You Should Have? It also fuels cell production in the body and maintains every cell. Protein is formed by amino acids and is also known as the building blocks of the body.

Protein is essential to good health. The very origin of the word — from the Greek protos, meaning “first” — reflects protein’s top-shelf status in human nutrition. You need it to put meat on your bones and to make hair, blood, connective tissue, antibodies, enzymes, and more. It’s common for athletes and bodybuilders to wolf down extra protein to bulk up. But the message the rest of us often get is that our daily protein intake is too high.

The exact amount of protein you need depends on many factors, like age, muscle mass, activity level, and overall health. Protein is an important nutrient and not getting enough will affect health and body composition. If you think protein is only for people who are physically active or want to gain muscle, then you’re probably mistaken.

The following factors make protein essential for the body-

  • It builds and repairs cells and tissues.
  • It helps in the building of bones and muscles.
  • Protein is the body aids in digestion.
  • It regulates hormones, especially during cell development.
  • It keeps you full for a long time and controls hunger.

To determine your daily protein intake, you can multiply your weight with 0.8 gms of protein per kg.

However, options regarding how much protein you need will vary depending on your weight. According to DRI (Dietary Reference Intake), 56grams per day is required for those whose weight is about 70 kg, 65 grams per day for whose weight is about 82 kg for Male, and 60 grams per day for the average female.

Alternatively, assuming that a person consumes 2,300 calories per day then for protein it should be 20% so 2300X.20= 460. Lastly, divide the calories from protein by 4 to get the grams of protein which is 460/4=115. So, a person needs to consume 115 grams per day.

What is Protein?

Protein is one of the three macronutrients that provide us with energy. The other two macronutrients are carbohydrates and fat. Proteins are made of amino acids, which link together in different combinations to create new proteins that help build muscles and bones.

Proteins also create energy and produce enzymes and hormones. The body produces 11 amino acids, known as non-essential amino acids. There are nine amino acids that the body cannot produce, known as essential amino acids that it must get from food instead.

‘Complete’ proteins are a good source of essential amino acids.

Adults' daily protein intake much more than recommended

Protein intake per day guide:

Protein for an average person-If you think protein is only for people who are physically active or want to gain muscle, then you’re probably mistaken. The truth is that everyone requires protein to keep themselves healthy.

Protein intake for weight loss: If you are aiming at weight loss, then approximately 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram is enough for you. For example, if your current weight is 50 kgs, you should consume 75-100 g of protein per day.

It is also observed that higher protein intake curbs appetite and keeps you full for a long time period. In some studies, it was also found that protein made people feel less snackish and prevented them from snacking mid meals. It can also speed your metabolism and help the body to induce a weight-loss process.

Protein for pregnant women: Pregnant women need protein for the healthy development of tissues and cells. It’s needed both by the mother and the baby. Ideally, a pregnant woman should consume about 70 to 100 grams of protein daily.

It’s best to rely upon eggs, beans, and lentils for your protein intake during pregnancy. These are safe foods and are not likely to cause any allergic reactions. In some cases, your doctor or healthcare professional may recommend you some protein supplements if they feel the need.

Protein intake per day for athletes: Athletes require more protein than an average person and for obvious reasons. Athletes mostly need protein to rebuild their muscles and for strength. Sometimes, during an intense training session, muscles break down, and thus protein is used as a fuel to rebuild tissues and muscles.

Let us have a look at the daily protein intake for athletes:

  • Endurance athletes: 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
  • Strength training athletes: 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram body weight.
  • Weight management + endurance athletes: Approximately 2 or slightly more grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.


The Role of High Protein Foods in Weight Loss- HealthifyMe

Top lean protein foods:

Beyond protein’s essential roles in building and maintaining muscle and tissues in your body and helping regulate many body processes, protein also helps promotes satiety (fullness) and may aid in weight management

Start your day with white eggs: Eggs are packed with protein and are an excellent way to boost your protein intake at the start of your day. You can eat whole eggs  as part of a heart-healthy diet, but if you’re looking for something a little lighter, you can use just the whites.

One egg white contains less than 0.5 grams of fat but 3.5 grams of protein, which is about half of the protein in a whole egg

Beans, Peas, and Lentils: Dry beans, peas, and lentils, also called pulses, are a subgroup of legumes. They average 8 grams of protein per 1/2-cup (100-gram) cooked serving and are low in fat and high in fiber.

The high fiber and protein content in pulses helps make them more filling. What’s more, the fiber may help lower your blood cholesterol if you eat pulses regularly. They are a powerhouse of protein and are 100% vegan.

Snack on nuts and seeds: Nuts and seeds are filled with nutrients like protein and fiber and also helps in digestion and weight management.

Low fat cottage cheese: A 1-cup (226-gram) serving of low fat (2% milk fat) cottage cheese has 163 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, and 28 grams of protein.

The newest trends in cottage cheese include single-serve containers, flavored options, and the addition of live and active probiotic cultures.

Besides protein, you get around 10–15% of the RDI for calcium in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Some food scientists have recently suggested that manufacturers add vitamin D, which aids calcium absorption, though this is not currently common practice.

Choose Greek yogurt over regular yogurt: If you’re a dairy lover, it’s best to opt for greek yogurt and ditch your regular yogurt. Greek yogurts have higher protein content and are healthier too. Alternatively, cottage cheese and cheese are also good options.

A 170-gram serving of Greek yogurt packs 15–20 grams of protein, compared with only 9 grams in a serving of regular yogurt. This is because of how Greek yogurt is made. It’s strained to remove the liquid whey, leaving a more concentrated product that has more protein and is thicker and creamier.

Tofu: Tofu is an especially viable protein option if you are trying to avoid animal foods. A 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of tofu has 71 calories, 3.5 grams of fat, and 9 grams of protein, including sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids.

Include lean meat in your diet: There’s no better way of consuming protein other than including lean meat in your diet. Red meat, jerky, and chicken are great sources of protein.

Powdered peanut butter: The natural oil in peanut butter is heart-healthy but can pack a lot of calories. Just 2 tablespoons (32 grams) of regular peanut butter have about 200 calories and 16 grams of fat, along with 7 grams of protein.

A lower calorie option is unsweetened powdered peanut butter. Most of its fat is pressed out during processing. A 2-tablespoon serving has just 45 calories and 1 gram of fat but 4 grams of protein.

To use the powder like peanut butter, mix it with a little water at a time until it reaches a similar consistency to regular peanut butter. Keep in mind that it won’t be quite as creamy.

Low fat Milk: Whether you drink it, cook with it, or add it to cereal, low fat milk is an easy way to get protein.

A 1-cup serving of low fat milk with 1% milk fat has 8 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and 105 calories. In comparison, a serving of whole milk with 3.25% milkfat has the same amount of protein but 146 calories and about 8 grams of fat.

Clearly, opting for low-fat milk will save you calories and fat. However, some recent studies suggest that drinking whole milk may not increase heart disease risk, as was once thought, and may even help with weight management.

A balanced, nutritious diet will always include some fats along with protein and fiber. But if you’re specifically looking to limit your fat and calorie intake for dietary reasons, lean animal and plant protein sources are plentiful.

Risk of eating too much protein: Consuming high amounts of any nutrient for a long period of time typically comes with risks, as can be the case with protein. Overconsumption may lead to an increased risk of certain health complications, according to research.

There are potential benefits to a high-protein diet for otherwise healthy people. However, it’s important to understand the health concerns related to excess protein in the body, especially if you follow an excessively high-protein diet for an extended period.

Common nutrition mistakes that people usually make


Common nutrition mistakes that people usually make

Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of one’s health so avoid Common nutrition mistakes that people usually make. However, there are a lot of things that can have a negative impact on your health and slant the scales in your favor. Taking good nutrition is necessary for the body in order to enhance good health and growth and it will nourish our body.

Let’s be honest, nutrition can be confusing. It doesn’t matter what topic you research, you will always find contradictory information telling you to do different things. Although some nutrition topics are more debated than others, many people are still confused about some of the foundational nutrition principles and are making common nutrition mistakes that are preventing them from reaching their goals.

There is a  LOT  of nonsense going around in nutrition. So, here are the most common nutrition mistakes that people are making, that people seem to be repeating over and over, and some simple tips on how to ensure you’re on the right track.

1. Paying Attention to Calories but not Food Quality

The foundation of any good diet begins with the quality of the food that you eat. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, run faster, improve digesting, support aging, or simply eat better, the quality of the food that you eat is more important than how much you eat, when you eat, or what supplements you take.

Unfortunately, too many people focus on calories instead of the quality of the food making up those calories. Eating 1,800 calories in the form of processed food will not provide the same nutritional benefit as fresh, nutrient-dense, whole foods.

It’s important to understand that not all calories are created equal and the body is a lot more than a simple math equation.  Everything that you eat affects all aspects of your physical and mental health; from your stress level to your sleep habits to the state of your skin to your digestive health and so much more.

The quality of the food that you consume impacts your hormones, which are the master regulators of your health and weight, as well as your hunger cues and cravings, which will ultimately impact what you eat next. So, instead of only counting calories, start counting the chemical and ingredients in your food, and focus on food quality over quantity alone.

2. Paying Attention to Food Quality but not Calories

If you want to learn to eat well, you need to focus on food quality first, but you need to focus on total food volume as well. Yes, olive oil, avocado, kale, and chicken are all healthy whole foods, but that doesn’t give you free rein to eat as much as you want!

Remember, even too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, especially when it comes to weight loss. Although a person may be consuming a diet rich in whole foods, if you are not monitoring how much you are eating you can slow down your progress.

This is especially true for sources of fat in the diet, given that fat contains twice the amount of calories per serving as carbohydrates and protein, so an extra spoonful here and there can quickly add up over time.

Whole foods are far more satiating than processed foods and can, therefore, help to better navigate your own hunger cues, however, over-consumption of whole foods over time can still impede health goals, especially when it comes to weight loss.

3. Over consuming Natural Sugars

Yes, fruit, fruit juice, dried juice, maple syrup, and honey are natural sweeteners and much better options than refined sugars, however, there is still a limit to how much you can or should consume. All forms of dietary sugar, whether they are natural or refined, break down into glucose (sugar) by our digestive tract, and our body can only handle so much sugar at one time.

When consumed in the presence of fiber, such as fresh fruit, the absorption rate of sugar to the bloodstream is much slower, but when consumed in concentrated formats, such as fruit juice, dried fruit, maple syrup, or honey, they are quick to hit the bloodstream which can have a negative impact on one’s overall blood sugar and health.

It is certainly best to consume more natural sugars than refined sugars, however, it is also best that natural sugars be consumed in the presence of fiber.

As a general rule of thumb, it is best to consume more fresh fruit than concentrated sources (such as dried fruit and fruit juice), and also consume more vegetables than fruit, which generally contain less sugar and more fiber per serving, to help mitigate the damaging effects of all forms of sugar.

4. Under eating Protein

No, protein is not the cure-all solution to health, but a large majority of people continue to under consume protein on a daily basis. If your diet looks a little something like; bagel for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, granola bars and crackers for snacks, and pasta for dinner, it’s easy to see how many people are missing protein in their diet.

Although protein is often only seen as important for athletes and bodybuilders need, in truth, everyone needs protein. Proteins are molecules found in our food that are made up of amino acids which are the building blocks of life.

Although most popular for muscle building, these amino acids have many different roles in the body including acting as enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and antibodies. The protein in our food also helps to replace “worn-out” cells, transport various substances throughout the body, and aid in growth and repair so without adequate protein intake, our bodies can’t function optimally.

Not only does protein has physical functions in the body, but protein is the most satiating macronutrient, meaning that it will help to keep you fullest the longest, balance your blood sugar, and minimize cravings.

Although the exact amount of protein required will vary from person to person based on their goals, as a general rule of thumb, you should consume a source of protein, animal or plant-based protein, at every meal.

5. Avoiding all Forms of Fat

Eat fat, get fat, right? Not quite. The idea that fat, especially saturated fat, is bad for you is the root of hundreds of other nutrition myths and is more damaging to your health than beneficial. Not only does the consumption of fat not impact weight at a linear rate, but saturated fat has been proven not to be the dietary evil it was made out to be.

In fact, the consumption of whole food sources of fat in the diet has been shown to improve cardiovascular risks, strengthen the immune system, improve brain health, improve lung health, improve liver health and support nutrition absorption.

Therefore, avoidance of whole food forms of fat in the diet does much more harm than good. On the contrary, it is the man-made refined and processed forms of fat, that we have been lead to believe are “heart-healthy”, such as vegetable oils, margarine, and butter alternatives, that are the most damaging to our health.

So, instead of opting for fat-free, low-fat, and non-fat options, and opt for natural fats such as butter, red meat, dairy, and animal fats, consume them in appropriate amounts, and avoid the man-made fats instead.

6. Relying on Supplements Instead of Food

It’s important to understand that supplements are 1% of the health equation. Yes, there may be specific periods of time where supplements can provide a much-needed boost or support, but assuming that supplements make up for a poor diet is misled.

Just as the name implies, supplements are a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement for it. Although the supplement industry promises silver bullets and quick fixes, that is not the reality of the situation.

Not to mention, the human body does a much better job at digesting, absorbing, and assimilating nutrients from whole foods as opposed to those that come in a capsule.

Humans have adapted to get nutrients from whole foods since most nutrients require enzymes, synergistic co-factors, and organic mineral-activators to be properly absorbed, which is not always the case with supplements.

Moreover, most studies show that standard multivitamins provide little to no benefit and can actually cause nutrient imbalances since manufacturers often use the cheapest ingredients possible to create their formulas.

So, before you go and spend all of your disposable income on powder and pills, do your best to address your actual food choice if you want to create real, long-lasting health changes, and supplement strategically, with high-quality supplements, only as needed.

7. Thinking that Fresher is Always Better

Of course, frozen pizzas and microwave dinners are a less than ideal choice, but when it comes to a whole food, frozen is just as good as fresh. Freezing food is simply a method of preservation, much like pickling, fermenting, and curing, that is used to keep perishable foods for longer periods of time.

Freezing whole foods does not diminish their nutritional value, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, it helps to preserve them. Although it might be ideal to eat fresh foods all year round, that is not the reality of the seasons.

Freezing seasonal fruits and vegetables, meats and seafood is simply is a way to help extend the lifetime of the harvest. Not to mention, frozen fruits and vegetables are often picked at the peak of ripeness making them more nutrient-dense than those that were picked pre-ripe and flown thousands of miles to land “fresh” on the grocery store shelf.

So, whether it’s frozen meat, frozen seafood, frozen fruit, pickled veggies, or fermented foods, there are many methods of food preservation that can actually help to maintain, and even increase, the nutritional value of our food.

8. Thinking that One “Bad” Meal Destroys Everything

The key to a healthy, balanced lifestyle is consistency. One meal, one day, or even one week of indulgence will not undo weeks, months, and years of balanced choices. Eating well is about the long game, not the short game, and if you focus too narrowly on one treat or one meal you can lose perspective.

Creating a balanced diet that works the long-term includes indulgences, they are built into the program, they are not separate from it. Of course, frequency matters, but just because you eat a cookie, some pizza, a slice of cake, or all of the above does not mean that you’ve “undone” any of the work that you have done up to that point.

One treat, one meal, one weekend away, is not going to revert any healthy choices you’ve made, it’s simply going to help you create balance. What is important to avoid is the decision to throw in the towel, binge eats, and allow one treat to take you completely off course.

To use an analogy, if you tripped and fell down one stair would you throw yourself down the entire flight? No, you’d catch yourself and keep going. The goal of eating well is about progress and consistency, not perfection. So, instead of beating yourself up, enjoy your treats, move on, and then get back to real food.

Drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages before going to bed-

This can interfere with your sleep cycles and have an adverse effect on your health, it can also lead to sleeplessness, which could be detrimental to your long-term health. The best solution for this is consuming caffeine before noon each day, as it takes at least 8 hours for its effects to go away.

Eating too much sugar and starchy carbs-

Eating too many starchy carbs and sugary foods can lead to weight gain and obesity, this increases the risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and fatty liver disease. Sugary foods also spike blood sugar levels which may lead to mood swings or mental confusion.

Skipping breakfast and cutting out whole meals-

Some people believe that skipping breakfast and cutting out whole meals will lead to weight loss. Scientists, however, disagree, we wanted to know whether or not skipping breakfast and cutting out whole meals would lead to weight loss, so the study was conducted.

The results show that people who skip breakfast and cut out whole meals do not lose more weight than those who eat

Not eating enough proteins and fats—

Protein is essential for building muscle, repairing cells, and maintaining a healthy body, proteins are made up of amino acids that are used for many important bodily functions.

Our bodies also need fats to maintain an optimal weight and to supply energy, proteins often come from plant sources, but it is possible to get them from animal sources as well.

Too many meals that contain too many calories-

Sometimes people think that they are eating healthy when they are actually consuming too many calories, for example, a meal may contain a whole pizza worth of calories, but the person doesn’t realize this because the meal is “healthy” in their eyes because it’s full of vegetables.

Not eating enough Protein—

When it  comes to  losing weight  and  being able to stick  to a  healthy diet, protein  is the  king of  nutrients. Adding protein  to your diet is the  simplest,  most effective  and  most delicious way  to lose  weight with  minimal  effort.

Studies show  that protein  both  increases  your metabolic  rate and  helps reduce  appetite. Because  protein  requires  energy to metabolize,  a  high  protein  diet can increase  calories  burned by  up  to 80  to  100  calories  per day.

Protein  is  also  the  most fulfilling nutrient, by  far.  One  study  showed that people  who ate  30%  of  calories as protein  automatically ate  441  fewer calories  per day. In  other  words,  you  can  easily  increase  calories out and  reduce  calories in, just by  adding  protein  to your diet.

Protein  can  also  help  fight  cravings,  which  are the dieter’s  worst enemy.

In  one study,  25%  of  calories as protein  reduced obsessive  thoughts about food  by  60%  and  cut the  desire  for  late-night snacking  by 50%. If  you  want to lose  weight,  sustainably,  with  minimal effort,  then consider making a  permanent  increase  in  your protein  intake.

Not  only will it  help  you  lose,  it  will also  prevent or  at least significantly reduce  weight  regain,  in  case  you  ever decide  to abandon  your weight loss efforts.

Not cutting back on carbs—

Cutting carbs is a very effective  way  to lose weight. When people do that, their  appetite  tends to go down and  they  eat fewer calories automatically.

Studies  have  shown  that eating a low-carb  diet until fullness can  make you  lose about  2-3  times  as much  weight as a calorie restricted low-fat diet.

Not  only that, but low-carb  diets  also  have  all sorts of other  benefits for health,  especially  for  people  with  obesity, type  2  diabetes  or  metabolic syndrome…  which  are incredibly common  (and  serious) health  problems.

In  fact,  NOT recommending  a low-carb  diet in  these  instances is  a  mistake,  because  these  problems can  sometimes  literally be  reversed on  a  real  food  based,  low-carb  diet.

But…  if  you  don’t  want to go low-carb,  then that’s fine too.  Just make  sure you  eat quality, fiber-rich  carbohydrate  sources  from whole,  single ingredient foods. If  you  stick to real  foods,  the  exact composition  of  your diet becomes  less important.

Still eating a low fat diet—

The  universal  advice  to eat a  low-fat diet  was never based  on  good science. It was originally  based on a few  poorly  conducted  observational  studies, animal  experiments  and  misguided political  decisions.

Even though  there  was no evidence that  saturated fat caused heart disease  at the  time  (and  still isn’t), some  scientists  were  convinced  that it was harmful  and  that a low-fat diet  would  prevent heart disease.

This  has been  the official  position  of  the  governments and  mainstream health  organizations around  the  world  for  decades.  At the  same time, rates of  obesity  and  type  2  diabetes  have  skyrocketed. Since  then…  many  massive  studies have  been  conducted  on  the low-fat diet.

The  biggest and  most expensive  diet study in  history,  The  Women’s Health  Initiative,  randomized 48,835  women  into groups…  one  ate a  low fat diet,  the  other group  continued  eating the  standard  Western  diet.

After 7.5-8  years,  there  was only  a  0.4  kg (1  pound!) difference  in  weight and  there  was no reduction  in  heart disease  or  cancer. Many other studies  have  led to the same conclusion…  the  diet that is  still being recommended  by  the mainstream simply  does not  work.

It is a simple biochemical  fact  that carbs  raise  blood  sugar.  This keeps the diabetic  patients dependant on  blood  sugar  lowering drugs

Although  low-fat diets may be  okay for  healthy people,  they are  a complete  disaster  for  people  with  obesity, metabolic syndrome and  type 2  diabetes. In  fact,  low-fat diets  can  adversely  affect some  key risk factors for metabolic syndrome  and  heart disease.

Thinking that fruit juices are healthy—

Fruit  juice  is  often  perceived  as healthy…  it  must be,  because  it  comes from fruit,  right? Well,  not always.  Sometimes “fruit  juice”  is  actually  just fruit flavored sugar  water.  There  may  not even be any  actual  fruit  in  there…  it may  just be  water,  sugar  and  some  chemicals that taste  like  fruit.

But even if you  can  get  your hands on  real, 100%  fruit  juice,  you  still shouldn’t  be  drinking it (or  at least not  much).

The  problem with  fruit  juice,  is that it’s like  fruit  except with  all  of  the good  stuff  taken  out. Whole  fruits do  contain  some  sugar, but  it  is bound  within  the  fibrous cell walls,  which  slows down the  release of the  sugar  into the bloodstream.

But fruit  juice is different…  there’s no  fiber,  no chewing resistance  and nothing  to stop  you  from downing massive  amounts of sugar  in  a  matter of seconds.  One  cup  of  orange juice  contains almost as much  sugar  as two whole oranges.

The  sugar  content of  fruit  juice  is  actually  very  similar to sugar-sweetened beverages  like  Coca  Cola. So… eat  whole fruit,  but avoid  fruit  juice  if  you’re  trying to lose weight.

Not eating real food—

When it  comes to optimal  health,  people tend  to get lost  in  the details. They miss the  forest for the  trees. Even though  “nutrition”  as an  academic  discipline  can  be  incredibly complicated,  eating  healthy can  and  should  be  simple!

Keep  in  mind  that humans and  pre-humans have  managed  to survive  and be  healthy for  millions of  years. Yet,  we  only  learned about calories,  vitamins,  macronutrients and  all that stuff  very  recently.  Knowing about this  stuff  has NOT made  us healthier.

What  healthy, non-industrial  societies  that maintain  excellent health  all have  in  common  is that they eat real, unprocessed foods that resemble what they looked like  in  nature.

Multiple studies have  examined such  societies and  noted  almost a complete absence of  Western,  lifestyle-related diseases  like  obesity,  type II  diabetes  and  cardiovascular  disease. So if  it  looks like  it  was made  in  a  factory,  don’t  eat it! As long as you  stick  to  whole, single ingredient  foods,  the  rest of  the details become  much  less  important.

Thinking that you need to eat 5-6 times per day—

Many people seem to think that it is best to eat 5-6  small meals per day. They say  that  you  need  breakfast in  the  morning to “jump-start metabolism” and  then eat  every  2-3  hours  to “stoke the metabolic flame.”

It is true  that eating  can  raise  your metabolic rate slightly  while  you’re digesting  and  metabolizing the  food However,  it  is the  total amount of  food  you  eat that matters,  NOT the number of  meals.

This  myth  has actually been  tested  and  refuted  repeatedly.  Controlled trials  where  one  group  eats many, smaller meals and  the other fewer, larger meals find  no  difference  between  groups. It’s not natural for the  human  body to  be  constantly in  the “fed”  state.

The  human  body is  well equipped to handle short periods of  famine  and there  are  studies showing that a cellular repair process called autophagy starts to occur when we  fast for a short while.

Throwing away the yolks —

Eggs  are among the  most nutritious foods on  the planet. Just think about it…  the  nutrients in  a  whole egg contain  all  the  building blocks needed to turn  a  single fertilized  cell into an  entire baby chicken.

There’s only  one problem…  the  yolks also happen to be high  in cholesterol. Because  egg yolks are high  in  cholesterol, people believed that they would raise  cholesterol in  the  blood. For this reason,  mainstream nutrition  professionals often recommend that we  limit our egg consumption  to 2-6  whole eggs per week.

However,  most of  them  say  we  can  eat more  eggs than  that…  as long as we  make sure  to  throw  away the yolks. This  is pretty  much  the worst thing you  could  do, because  the  yolks contain  almost all the  nutrients.  The whites  are  mostly just protein.

Many studies  have  looked at whole egg consumption  and  blood cholesterol  levels…  in  70%  of  people,  eggs  have  no effect . In  the other  30%  (termed hyper-responders), egg yolks raise  HDL  (the good) cholesterol and  turn the LDL  particles into the  large,  fluffy kind… which  is not harmful.

In  fact,  many studies,  some  of which  included hundreds of  thousands of people,  have  looked at whole egg consumption  and  heart  disease  risk  in healthy people and  found  no association  between  the two.

Additionally, let’s  not forget that  eggs  have  many amazing  benefits. They’re loaded with  high  quality protein,  healthy fats, vitamins,  minerals and  antioxidants… almost every  nutrient your body needs.

They’re  also  very  high  in  choline,  a  brain  nutrient that 90%  of  people  don’t get enough  of  (47). Then they contain  Lutein  and  Zeaxanthin,  powerful antioxidants that are highly protective  for  the  eyes  and  lower  the  risk of  several  eye  diseases.

Eggs are  also among the  most weight loss  friendly foods you  can  eat. Replacing a grain-based  breakfast with  eggs  can  increase  fullness and make you  eat less  for  up  to 36  hours,  helping you  lose weight.

To top  it all  off,  eggs are  cheap, easily  prepared and  taste amazing. Really… whole eggs are pretty much  nature’s perfect food.  Throwing away the  yolk  is the  absolute  worst thing you  could  do.

Thinking that all that matters is calories—

The  excessive  focus  on  calories  is  one of  the  biggest mistakes in  the history of nutrition. It is the  myth  that it  is the  caloric value  of foods that matters  most, not the  foods that the  calories are  coming from.

The  truth  is…  calories  are  important,  but that doesn’t mean  we  need  to count them  or  even  be  consciously  aware of  them.  Humans  were  the healthiest and  leanest way  before they knew  that calories  existed.

It’s important to realize  that different foods have  different effects on  the hormones  and  brain  centers  that control what,  when and  how  much  we eat…  as well as the  number of  calories  we  burn.

Here are two examples of  why a calorie  is  NOT  a  calorie: Protein:  Eating a high  protein  diet can  boost  metabolism by 80-100 calories per day  and  significantly reduce  appetite  and  cravings.  Protein calories have  a different effect than  carb  or fat calories.

Many studies  show  that different foods have  varying effects on feelings of fullness. You  need  much  fewer calories to feel full  from eggs  or boiled potatoes,  compared to donuts or ice  cream.

There  are  many more examples of  foods and  macronutrients having  vastly different effects on  hunger and  hormones.  The  myth  that calories are  all that matters for  weight (and  health) is completely  wrong.

Replacing natural fats like butter with processed vegetable oils and margarine—

Mainstream  nutrition  has gotten  many  things wrong. However…  the  horrible advice to replace  natural  fats like  butter  with refined vegetable oils  and  processed margarine  may  be  the  worst.

Seriously… just look  at the  ingredients list for  margarine.  This  stuff  isn’t food,  it’s  a combination  of  chemicals  that looks and  tastes like  food. Margarine,  not surprisingly, increases  heart disease  risk compared to butter.

The  same can  be  said  about vegetable oils…  multiple studies show  that they contribute  to heart disease  and  kill  people. The  studies say  that  these  processed fats and  oils  increase  heart disease risk, so it makes sense  that we  should  avoid  them  if we  don’t  want to get heart disease.

It’s a  no-brainer,  right? Well,  apparently  not…  the  mainstream  nutrition  organizations are  still telling us to eat them,  even though  these  studies have  been  out for  many years. They just don’t  get it.

When we  replace  traditional foods like  butter  and meat with  processed  pseudo-foods,  we  become  fat and  sick. How  many doctors,  nutritionists, PhDs and  decades  of work does it take to figure that out?

Eating too many health foods—

Every  passing year, more  and  more  people  are  becoming  health conscious. For this reason…  the  market for  so-called “health  foods”  has grown rapidly in  the past  few  decades.

The  marketers have  taken notice  and  brought all  sorts of  foods that are supposed to  be  healthy to the  market.  On  these  foods,  you  will find  labels like  “organic”  and  “gluten-free.“ The  problem with  many of these foods is that they usually aren’t healthy at all.

Organic sugar  is still  sugar  and  gluten-free  junk food is still junk food. It is best to avoid  processed,  packaged  foods…  even if they  are found  in the  “health  food”  aisle. Always  read  labels…  you‘d be surprised  at some  of the stuff they  put in foods,  even the  so-called  health  foods.

 Not getting information from trusted sources–

Perhaps one  of the worst things about  nutrition  these  days,  is  all  the misinformation  and  incompetence. The  media are  particularly  at blame here  for  making scary headlines  based on  weak and  highly  flawed  science.

The  problem is that  most people don‘t  know  how  to interpret  studies or differentiate the good  information  from the  bad.

Common nutrition mistakes that people usually make and how to fix it

From time to time, we all knowingly and willingly make nutrition missteps. We choose fries instead of a side salad. We have a second scoop of ice cream. We grab takeout when we’re too exhausted to look at the stove. It happens, and it’s okay.

Arguably more dangerous are the nutrition blunders you don’t even know you’re making. We asked three local dietitians to share the most common misconceptions and mistakes clients make—because, chances are, you’ve fallen victim to the same ones.

Mistake No. 1: Believing all calories are made equal.

“Just as you don’t want to judge a book by its cover, you don’t want to judge a food by its calorie content. Four hundred calories of a chocolate cake are not the same as 400 calories of quinoa, tofu, and veggie bowl.

The fix: Read ingredient lists and nutrition labels, but don’t focus your energy on the calorie count. Rather than focusing on calories, look at the big nutritional picture, stressing that protein and fiber will help keep you full and satisfied.

Mistake No. 2: Giving salads a health halo.

Foods with a “health halo” are often perceived to be more nutritious than they are. Granola bars, sports drinks, and flavored yogurts are notorious members of this club, but salads—particularly restaurant salads—can be offenders, too.

Today’s salads may use healthful ingredients but are super-sized, loaded with items like fruits, nuts, grains, and cheese. Salad dressings also wear that health halo. An olive oil vinaigrette can have as many calories as a ranch or Caesar dressing.

The fix: If you can, make your salads at home rather than going out. If you simply don’t have time, order as if you were compiling ingredients in your own kitchen. Follow this formula: choose lots of greens and non-starchy veggies, one serving of protein, and one extra, [such as] cheese, nuts, avocado, or fruit.

Use your favorite dressing, but drizzle, don’t pour. Don’t go fat-free as a little fat improves the absorption of the nutrients in the salad.

Mistake No. 3: Making short-term changes instead of lifestyle swaps.

The number one thing that people forget is that whatever step they take to improve their diet, improve their health, they have to keep doing. If you hit a milestone or hit a victory and then they say, ‘Okay, I’m done.’

The fix: Get the word “diet” out of your vocabulary, and start thinking in terms of lifestyle. We recommend making sustainable switches—choosing whole foods over processed snacks, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, focusing on a food’s overall value rather than one nutrient, adopting a fitness plan—rather than following the latest fad diet.

That’s especially important because every plan won’t work for every person. We see people who are very successful who are Paleo, and I people who are totally vegan and that works best for them. Figure out what works for you, and stick with it.

Assuming that your choices are better than they actually are—

From fruit juices to canned vegetable soup, breakfast muffins to seven-grain bread, it’s easier to think your food choices are healthier than they really are, experts say.

If a label says ‘Seven-Grain Bread,’ it sounds pretty healthy, right? But unless that label also says ‘whole grains’ it’s not necessarily going to be the healthiest bread choice you could make.

Likewise, many folks think that eating a can of vegetable soup is as nutritious as downing a plateful of veggies — not realizing how few vegetables are inside, and how much of the nutrients are lost in processing.

Another common mistake: Substituting fruit juices for whole fruits.

Are fruit juices healthier than soda? Yes. But they are also concentrated sources of sugar that don’t give you anywhere near the same level of nutrients you get from whole fruits. What’s more, if you’re trying to lose weight, you won’t get the same sense of fullness from a glass of juice that you will from a piece of fruit.

Instead, you’ll just take in a whole lot of calories — and still, feel hungry.

The solution: Whenever possible, eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods. Even when you eat them in smaller amounts, you’re likely to get a well-rounded group of nutrients. When buying packaged foods, put in at least as much time into reading labels and selecting products as you do when choosing a shower gel or shampoo.

Don’t just assume a product is healthy — even if it’s in the health food section of the supermarket. You’ve got to read the labels.

Being confused about carbs–

A national fascination with low-carb diets has many Americans eliminating carbohydrates from their eating plans in record “grams.” But before you reconstruct your personal nutrition pyramid, there’s something you should know.

There are carbs that are very, very good, and some that are less good, but your brain and body must have some carbohydrates every day.

Moreover, because complex carbohydrates (those rich in whole grains and fiber) keep you feeling full longer, they also help you to eat less — and lose more!

But eliminating this important food group isn’t our only carb-related mistake. Just as troublesome is the belief that all no-carb or low-carb foods are healthy, or that you can eat them in any amount.

Much like the low-fat diet craze, where everyone thought that if a meal had no fat, it had no calories, similarly, people have come to believe that if it has low carbs you can eat as much as you want and not gain weight. And that is simply not true. Eat enough of anything, and you’ll gain weight.

The solution: Experts say you should never cut any food group out of your diet — including carbohydrates. Equally important, is to learn which carbohydrates give you the biggest bang for your nutritional buck.

It’s a lot harder to run amuck when you are including carbohydrates like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

Eating too much—

Whether you’re filling your plate with low-fat, low-carb, or even healthy, nutritionally balanced foods, overestimating how much food your body needs is among the most common mistakes, experts say.

“Many people believe they should feel not just satisfied after a meal, but stuffed. I think many of us have lost touch with the sensation of having had enough food.

People also tend to believe that they can eat larger portions if all the food on their plate meets the guidelines of their current diet — such as low-carb or low-fat — and that, of course, is also not true.

The solution: Remain conscious of portion sizes. Weigh and measure standard portions, at least at first, so you’ll know what the amounts should look like. Never use restaurant portions as your guide — they super-size everything.

Not eating enough –  or often enough–

While overeating and undereating may seem like contradictory nutrition mistakes, they are related.

If you don’t eat at regular intervals throughout the day, you risk disrupting your blood sugar and insulin levels, which in the end can promote fat storage and lower your metabolism — both of which lead to weight gain.

The solution: Eat something every four hours and never let yourself “starve” from one meal to the next.

Taking too many supplements–

“People tend to forget that a vitamin pill is a supplement — it’s meant to complement your diet, not act as a stand-in for the foods you don’t eat. What’s more, taking too many vitamins can end up sabotaging your good health.

Every vitamin and mineral and phytochemical in our body works in concert with one another, and it’s easy to knock that balance off if you are taking concentrated doses of single nutrients or even groups of nutrients.

Any diet plan that claims you must take a high-potency supplement to meet your nutritional needs should send up a red flag.

It means that the eating plan is not healthy, and it also means you are going to miss out on the synergistic health effects that can only come from whole foods — including not only helping you to feel fuller longer but also preventing cellular breakdowns important to preventing disease.

The solution: Both experts recommend taking no more than one all-purpose multivitamin daily. Don’t supplement your diet with individual nutrients without the guidance of your doctor, nutritionist, or another health expert. Keep in mind that anyone from the health food store is usually not a health expert.

Excluding exercises—

While most folks believe nutrition is all about food, it’s also about how your body uses food — and that’s where regular exercise comes in.

Without adequate exercise, you cannot maintain a high enough metabolic rate to burn your food efficiently. A pill can’t do that for you; foods alone can’t do that for you. Exercise is the only way to achieve it.

The solution: Make exercise a regular part of your life. And don’t get hung up if you can’t do it at the same time every day. If you miss your routine in the morning, don’t wait until the next day and try to do twice as much. Instead, try to fit in some exercise — even if it’s just a little bit — every day.

Believing everything you read about nutrition and weight loss–

Just because someone writes a diet book or a nutrition guide does not mean they are an expert.

If you’re turning to a book for guidance, look to the author’s credentials and ask yourself: Is this person a dietician; do they have an advanced degree in nutrition? Or are you buying this book because it’s written by a celebrity who you think looks good?

Even if an “expert” is behind your nutrition or diet plan, it’s important to make sure the plan is based on solid research.

Has the plan been tried on 20 people or 200 people? Have the results been published in a peer-reviewed medical journal — or is it based solely on anecdotal reports? These are things that I fear many people don’t pay attention to before paying attention to what is being said — and that is a huge mistake.

Perhaps even more important: Experts say there is no one diet or nutrition plan that is right for every person.

Actually, dieters need to stop blaming themselves when a plan doesn’t work for them. It’s not them. It may not even be the plan. It’s just not the correct match.

The solution: Before following a particular diet or nutrition plan, check the credentials of the author or creator. Look for plans that are backed up by published medical data, and supported by the opinions of many experts in the field.

Best new years resolutions for 2022

Best new years resolutions for 2022

Best new years resolutions for 2022

The new year 2022 has just begun which means: people start making the best new years resolutions for 2022 and have no intention to continue beyond 4-6 weeks or maybe you were not lucky with keeping your new year’s resolutions in the past. But it’s never too late you can make a new beginning from New Year 2022 as is a good time to begin.

Whether you want to work on your physical or mental health, hone in on your financial wellness, or create more meaningful interpersonal connections, you can choose from our list of achievable New Year resolution ideas that are all worth adopting as your own.

We suggest Going beyond regular resolutions like hitting the gym or giving away drinking habits and consider out-of-the-box ideas like doing Yoga daily morning,  walking 5 hours a week, or learning how to invest your money wisely.  No matter what choices you make for New Year, there is a number of ways to be healthier and happier in the new year.

Your annual resolutions may be different than before, and it’s important to primarily focus on health because of the ongoing pandemic which keeps on attacking with different variants for almost two years now and continues to grow. If there’s anything that we have learned in the last couple of years, it’s not to take our health for granted.

In 2022, a renewed focus on our own lifestyle, daily routine, following strict health protocols, and priorities may be top of mind.

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.”

The checklist of New Year resolutions seems well within reach when you’re looking ahead to January. In fact, almost everything is possible. A six-pack by June? Easy. Read more books? Finally, conquer that crushing mountain of debt? All totally doable.

Except, if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life is unpredictable and we can’t always accomplish every New Year resolution we set out to achieve. Some of us fail by April and at least 80% fail by the second week of February simply because we try to tackle too much too fast.

Setting lofty goals and feeling overwhelmed by the pressure you put on yourself is one of the most common reasons why New Year’s resolutions fail. But this year the same can be avoided in 2022. Start setting small achievable goals.

This year’s primary resolution should be to take things as slowly as you can and move forward at your own pace. Set a goal for a month and do something you have never done before. However small or big, you will have a smile to look back on at the end of the year as you must have achieved a few goals if not all.

A nurse's notes on New Year's resolutions - American Nurse

Following are fitness goals, but the best resolutions may focus on your mental health and happiness.

We suggest the following Best New Years resolutions for 2022:-

  • Build a better budget
  • Head outside without your phone
  • Do one new thing every month
  • Say goodbye to toxic friends
  • Build a better budget and save a small amount of your paycheck
  • Start writing a journal daily
  • Program yourself to de-stress
  • Cook something new each week
  • Ease stress with kindness
  • Give more compliments to yourself
  • Make your home more fragrant
  • Be kind to others and yourself
  • Put your bills on auto-pay
  • Cultivate reading habits by reading more books
  • Change your look by simply switching up your personal style
  • Send more cards
  • Practice saying ‘NO’
  • Make healthier lunches
  • Take a social media break
  • Make weekly planner for grocery lists
  • Try a spending freeze (Stop all of your non-essential spendings)
  • Quit smoking
  • Doing something creative can be fun, rewarding, and relaxing
  • Join a club
  • Make Goals not resolutions
  • Exercise your brain to manage stress and anxiety
  • Get a full night’s sleep
  • Become a plant owner
  • Reduce a single-use plastic consumption
  • Plan a vacation
  • Become an early bird
  • Chill out
  • Make time to catch up with family and friends
  • Do yoga daily preferably with your partner
  • Don’t let your laundry build-up
  • Jumpstart a new career (profession)
  • Choose the steps
  • Get in a body-positive mindset
  • Drink more water
  • Listen to novels while you work out
  • Commit to a cleaning schedule
  • Do one new exercise move
  • Continue fun learning at home
  • Begin the day with a nutritious breakfast
  • Decorate with family history (Put meaningful memorabilia on shelves)
  • Schedule your dentist’s appointment for the year
  • Try hydrotherapy
  • Take a hike
  • Wear workout gear that makes you feel good
  • Eat more veggies
  • Explore new hobbies
  • Go for a walk daily
  • Start walking more
  • Donate your time
  • Go to bed on time
  • Meditate daily
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Travel to new places

Funny New Year's Resolutions for Facebook Status - Celebration Joy

Setting New Year resolutions can seem like a trite task, especially when you can’t drown out statistics about the failed ones. But thinking about resolutions can help you reflect on the past and gain a better understanding of what needs to change in the future.

Despite what the phrase says, a new year won’t necessarily foster a new you, but it can motivate you to be better and resolutions help with that.

Best new years quote to ring in 2022 with excitement and optimism

“It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day. It’s a new life, for me. And I’m feeling good.”

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” – Buddha

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it alive” – Robin Sharma

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

“Kindness, kindness, kindness. I want to make a New Year’s prayer, not a resolution. I’m praying for courage.” – Susan Sontag

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” Benjamin Franklin

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” – J. P. Morgan

“Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.” – Germany Kent

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot

“Each day is a new beginning, the chance to do with it what should be done and not be seen as simply another day to put in the time.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” – Maya Angelou

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey

“You can get excited about the future. The past won’t mind.”  – Hillary Depiano

“You’ll never get bored when you try something new. There’s really no limit to what you can do.” – Dr. Seuss

“Life is about change, sometimes it’s painful, sometimes it’s beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.” – Kristin Kreuk

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” – Mother Teresa

“The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Every single year, we’re a different person. I don’t think we’re the same person all of our lives.” – Steven Spielberg

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.” – David Bowie

“Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forwards.” – Kierkegaard

“You are never too old to reinvent yourself.” – Steve Harvey

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

“Don’t think there are no second chances. Life always offers you a second chance… It’s called tomorrow.” – Nicholas Spark

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year.” – Ralph Waldo

Walking exercise outdoor

Walking Exercise Outdoor

Walking Exercise Outdoor

Walking exercise outdoor is one of the easiest aerobics that you can do. 30 minutes a day will be an effective walking workout.  Just by walking three days a week, you will start getting results. Increase intensity once you form a habit of walking.

Your heart and breathing rate will increase due to aerobic walking. Start walking every day, and you will start to get more fit.  You will also be able to avoid some health risks such as cancer, heart ailments, and diabetes.

Other benefits of  walking exercise Outdoor include:

  • Having control of your weight
  • Muscular fitness
  • Being able to balance your body
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Weight loss 
  • Less chance of having a stroke or other kinds of cancer

Being injured by walking is not common.  It is one of the safest aerobic exercises that everyone can do.

You should do aerobic walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  Even though it may not start out that way, you will eventually work your way up to that point.

Start out by determining how many times a week you will do aerobic walking. Take your time and start gradually if you have not exercised for quite some time.

Some people may do exercises in 10-minute intervals, which is a great idea for the ones who haven’t been exercising in a while.  Gradually, you will add more time and intensity to your walk. Start out gradually to go to the next level.

Visit your physician and get his approval before you start.  Not having walked in a while may cause some issues if you don’t know what you are doing.

Following walking equipment accessories are needed to enhance your walking exercise Outdoor :

Apparel – Wear comfortable and lightweight apparel.  You don’t want to wear anything tight where your skin cannot breathe. Cotton is good to wear.

If you are a nightwalker, wear light clothing and use reflective tape if you are sharing the road with vehicles.  They will be able to see you. Do not walk alone when it’s dark it can be dangerous.

Walking shoes – Wear comfortable shoes (lightweight and durable) when you start walking. Get a pair that have a round heel and are breathable.

Using a pedometer will help you to measure your walking distance. Preferably attach to your waistband. Once you have finished walking, you will know how long you have walked for that time period.

There are several accessories to find out heart rate  while walking exercise:

1. Ankle weights

2. Hand weights

3. Wrist weights

The formula to calculate heart rate is to take your age and remove that from 220.

Increasing Aerobic Walking

You will get fitter as you increase your walk daily. Make it a habit and slowly reach your target by walking every day.

Schedule a walk for about 180 minutes per week as you continue at that pace. Keep up with your progress.  Take daily readings of your aerobic walks.  You will be motivated to see how far you have come since you started.

Once you see your numbers looking the same, you will know that it is time to make some adjustments to your fitness routine.

Once you start making strides, reward yourself.   Some people go out to eat when they have reached an achievement.  Some say you should skip the food. More rewarding things that you can do are go shopping for yourself, going to a movie, or getting your nails done, or a massage.  These are things that are worthy of rewards.

Walking exercise outdoor

Benefits of  walking exercise outdoor

Add more distance to your walking routine.  If you walk more, your heart and breathing rate will increase tremendously.

Add more days to your walk.  When you get accustomed to walking three days a week, step it up to four or five days.  Step up every week once you are accustomed to walking.

Start walking faster.  You will get more benefits from doing that.  You will be able to walk for longer periods over a period of time.

You can use hand weights during your aerobic walking. You can start off by using ½ pound weights.  Hand weights will help you to burn more calories while walking.

You can also use ankle weights. This helps to provide increased strength to your leg muscles.  Apart from burning calories muscles also get toned. You will get a lot of benefits from using them while you are walking.

During aerobic walking include a short run.  Runabout 100 steps or so to begin with.  When you run, your heart rate will increase. Increase 100 steps after every week and you will find your breathing will be faster.  This will help you in getting out of the same daily pattern. It’s always good to add a twist to your exercise so that you won’t feel bored.

Don’t continue to walk the same distance.  Make changes in your routine by having shorter walks and longer walks on other days.

You can also listen to music while you are walking.  If not music, then you can listen to audiobooks.  They can put your mind at ease.  As and when you decide to do this, be aware of your surroundings.  You may not be able to hear or see everything that is going on around you because you are focused on listening to the audio.

You will have fun if you have a companion/friend for Aerobic walking he will not only motivate but will also push you for increasing your boundaries.  You will be pumped to exercise if you have a good neighbor/friend to give you company.

How to look and feel younger-2

How to look and feel younger Share on X

How to look and feel younger-2

How to look and feel young-2

No one wants to look or feel old. In this article, we have described steps to show how to look and feel younger-2.

And for eons, people have sought ways to avoid it — 16th-century explorer Juan Ponce de Leon’s mythical quest to find the fountain of youth and today’s 30-billion-dollar plastic surgery industry are two different and yet very much the same telling examples.

Now, while it may be unhealthy and unfruitful to yearn to look like you’re 21 again when you are, say, 51, here’s a blunt but true statement…

Many if not most people today do look and feel far older than they ought to for their age. In brief, this is the result of many of our modern lifestyle choices and realities, such as widespread poor diets and lack of exercise to our bodies being constantly bombarded by toxins from cosmetics, polluted air, cookware, and more.

Following are proven habits ‘How to look and feel younger-2’

Engage to live longer and better-

Adults who are open to new experiences and able to take life as it comes tend to live longer, healthier, happier lives. Relationships matter, too: Research has linked low levels of social support to shorter telomeres.

Going gray is fine-

Although coloring your hair may make you feel younger, don’t feel attached to it. For some women, upkeep becomes impossible and you actually look younger and fresher with a full head of gray or white natural hair with a gloss over it, rather than fully covered. It depends on maintenance and the time you are willing to spend.

Sip this for younger skin-

Getting plenty of beta-carotene can make skin look more radiant from the inside out, Research shows that 15 mg a day gives you a golden glow. This smoothie serves two and packs 6 mg of beta-carotene into less than 100 calories

Stop feeding your skin- Toxins

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and can be thought of as a billboard for your overall health. Your skin is also a key component of your immune system, providing front-line defenses against foreign invaders.

It even has its own microbiome of “good” bacteria that help protect your skin’s health and overall health. The various ingredients in products you apply to your skin are consumed into your body, where they can enter your bloodstream and are sent to tissues and organs throughout your body.

Just one case in point: In over 40 different countries, including in the European Union, more than 1400 chemicals have been banned for use in cosmetics/personal care products because of their potential to cause harm.

Sleep better, feel and look younger-

Quality sleep is one of the most crucial pieces to feeling youthful and living long. Many are also not aware of just how extensively it impacts the health of your skin. Just a few nights’ lack of sleep can give you a tired-, old-looking complexion, and chronic lack of sleep leads to even worse signs of aging.

On the other hand, sleeping well allows your body time to repair and heal, which is important for rejuvenating skin cells and keeping that healthy “glow”.

You’ve probably heard of the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night, but there’s something else to consider. Research suggests that not only do you need to get enough sleep to be healthy, having a consistent sleep schedule and quality of sleep are both also important.

The two are very much linked because an inconsistent schedule will disrupt your circadian rhythm, the cycle that informs your body of when to wake and sleep, leading to tossing and turning for much of the night.

Note that certain foods and herbs – such as tart cherry juice, almonds, walnuts, kiwi, chamomile, and passionflower — are sleep-promoting and can be used as natural sleep aids.

It’s also helpful to foster “pro sleep habits” during the day, particularly by getting exercise, exposure to direct sunlight, and limiting caffeine intake to earlier in the day.

Drink more H20

Water is necessary for life itself, of course, including the function of every cell in your body. When cells do not have adequate water, they are unable to perform as well as they should.

This dehydration can have a negative impact on every facet of your health, ranging from prematurely old-looking skin and poor moods to digestive issues, immunity issues, and beyond.

In other words, drinking enough water is likely the most effective way to look and feel young and live longer.

Water even helps to improve oxygen flow, which increases energy and can boost your mood and also helps to cleanse toxins from the body, improving overall body functions. This is vital because toxins can impair digestion and nutrient absorption, weaken the immune system, and lead to disease.

Start strength training-

All types of exercise are beneficial for maintaining a youthful look, but try to add strength training to your fitness regimen. Regular strength training, with your own bodyweight or using external weights, can help to increase metabolism, increase strength, and improve balance. In addition, increased muscle tone helps to provide a more youthful appearance.


Daily stretching is important for several reasons. Many people associate it with exercise, but daily stretching is beneficial regardless of activity level. It eases muscle aches and stiffness, and joint flexibility protects you from injury, helping you stay active, which is a great way to feel younger!

Stretching also reduces post-exercise discomfort. To add to this, stretching helps to improve blood flow and nutrient supply throughout the body. Additionally, it has been shown to lower blood pressure, decrease arterial stiffness, and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Stretching has also been shown to improve posture, which has many benefits for overall health. Poor posture affects your ability to breathe deeply and can cause chronic headaches.

Improved posture has been shown to improve mood and self-confidence and is important for optimal digestion. Furthermore, proper posture also contributes greatly to looking as young as you ought to look!

Get Up and More more-

You’ve surely heard this one before, and it’s true – exercise is key to helping you look and feel younger and live longer. Now, when people hear “exercise more,” many equate that to “hit the gym more.” And if you love the gym, by all means, go.

What is most important when it comes to exercise is engaging in physical activities that you enjoy. This makes it far more likely you’ll stick with the exercise, which is the golden key, since so many people who push themselves to do exercises they don’t like soon end up “back on the couch”!

If you don’t love exercising on machines, for example, there are many other ways to get moving more. Walking, gardening, bicycling, dancing, pickleball, golf, and rowing are just a few examples.

Exercise also releases endorphins that lower stress, increase energy levels, and boost mood, which are the more immediately noticeable benefits many people appreciate.

Whiten your teeth-

Whiter teeth can give you a brighter smile and the appearance of a young, fresh mouth. “Yellow or discolored teeth make people look older and less attractive. You can have your teeth whitened by your dentist in the clinic with a procedure called Zoom Advanced Whitening, which is the most effective way.

Eat more nutrient-dense food-

Many people today focus on macronutrient consumption – consuming a certain amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. While eating a macronutrient-balanced diet is important, it is at least equally important to consume a diet providing all the micronutrients – vitamins, minerals, and so forth – that your body needs.

Now, processed foods are wildly popular today (as you probably well know), but they are severely lacking in these micronutrients.

To put it simply, the best way to ensure you are getting the nutrients your body needs is by eating whole foods, meaning foods in their unprocessed, natural state. It is also key to ensure this includes plenty of whole fresh fruits and vegetables.

With that noted, many whole foods are very good, but there are certain foods that are true superstars in terms of their nutrient density. In layman’s terms, that means they are jam-packed with nutrients, and eating more of them is simply a brilliant move from a health and longevity standpoint.

Stay away from teeth-staining foods-

Another way to keep your teeth white is to avoid consuming things that leave their mark. Avoid “dark soda, red wine, coffee, tea, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, and red sauce. The less someone consumes these products the less stain that will form on your teeth. Rinsing your mouth with water after, or drinking through a straw may help—but, straws also can cause mouth wrinkles, so that might not be the best option.

Why Cruciferous Vegetables Are Good for You

Eat cruciferous vegetables-

They are also high in folate, which helps the body produce new, healthy cells. This not only improves skin appearance but also helps overall cellular function.

The green leafy cruciferous vegetables — such as kale, mustard greens, and collard greens – are very high in vitamin K, which is important for bone, blood, and brain health (all of which impact longevity and the aging process.)

And, finally, broccoli, cauliflower, and various other cruciferous vegetables are also very rich sources of chlorophyll. This compound that produces energy for plants promotes cellular energy production in our own bodies and, frankly, has so many benefits that it can be considered a “fountain of youth” compound.

Cruciferous vegetables are in a class all their own in terms of powerful health benefits, which makes it important to eat plenty of them. Cruciferous vegetables also provide very powerful support for healthy liver function, helping it to break down toxins and maintain hormonal balance.

Some of the most common cruciferous veggies are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale, bok choy, mustard greens, collard greens, arugula, and watercress.


Having others need you to create positive, rejuvenating feelings that reflect outwardly and there’s a rewarding volunteer option out there for everyone. Research suggests that community service and compassion can act as a buffer against stressful life events, protecting you from its impact.

Be sure to eat healthy fats-

In case you haven’t heard, the idea that “all fats are bad” that was prevalent in the not-so-distant past is downright false. Healthy unsaturated fats – both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated — are actually essential to looking and feeling your best and living longer.

They decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower cholesterol, improve the absorption of vitamins, support hormonal balance, promote healthy skin and hair, and more.

Just some of the foods rich in these healthy fats include avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish such as wild-caught salmon and sardines.  Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, and nuts are outstanding sources of ALA — especially walnuts, which can provide 200% of the daily recommended amount.

See your Dentist Regularly-

Regular dental checkups and professional cleaning are crucial for keeping an older mouth and gums looking good. It’s important to get cleanings at least two times a year.

Cleanings remove plaque and calculus from the teeth, which will make someone’s mouth look younger.” In addition, brush properly, floss every night, and use a fluoride rinse.

Greatly reduce processed foods-

Along with increasing your consumption of nutrient-dense whole foods, it’s also essential to decrease your consumption of processed foods, which are not only nutrient-deficient but also frequently contain harmful chemicals in the way of artificial additives, MSG, etc.

The definition of “processed” can vary (after all, even frozen or canned foods are technically processed). However, what we’re mainly referring to here are foods that are barely or not at all recognizable as their whole ingredients- or ones that have too many harmful additives.

This includes, for example, foods that contain added sugars and salt, foods stripped of some or all of their nutrient value (such as refined grains), foods with artificial chemicals added, and foods that have been lab-engineered to appeal to human taste buds. In other words, most of the foods are very popular today!

Laugh More !!!

Is laughter really the best medicine, as the saying goes?

Well, there’s actually a growing amount of evidence pointing to the fact that it may at least be amongst the best “medicine” for looking and feeling young and living long!

Not only does laughter feel good at the moment, but it also initiates positive (and long-lasting!) physical and emotional changes in your body. It can boost your mood, decrease pain, enhance immunity, and even improve cardiovascular health.

Having a good laugh also reduces levels of stress hormones like cortisol, epinephrine, and adrenaline. Even better, it releases helpful, feel-good endorphins20, dopamine, and oxytocin.

This may be one of the best aspects of laughter since research has shown time and again that reducing stress and boosting happiness is a proven way to feel younger and live longer. It even makes your body more resistant to disease, which is a true anti-aging superpower!

What is your “prescription,” therefore?

To smile and laugh more!

Because this is one prescription you cannot overdose on and that does equal better health the more you do it!

Meditate and do Yoga-

Research suggests meditation may slow aging by reducing stress, improving well-being, and adjusting hormonal factors. Yoga and deep breathing can also help increase outward signs of attractiveness. These techniques help you relax, open your heart, and center yourself—which gives you a more calm, centered appearance rather than being riddled with stress, which increases aging and makes you look older.

Try new things to boost your brain-

A great way to feel younger instantly and keep your brain younger for longer is to make time for new activities that push your brain to learn and grow. Along with bringing back a sense of youth, every new experience enhances something known as “neuroplasticity.”

Neuroplasticity refers to your brain’s ability to change and adapt and is absolutely

essential to maintaining a youthful, sharp mind. (It basically helps to keep your brain “fit” and “in shape”.)

When you try something new, your brain creates neurons as well as new neural pathways, which is what promotes neuroplasticity. And if you start doing this regularly, you’ll keep creating new neural pathways and lessen the chance that your mind will start declining and getting “rusty”.

This simple yet incredibly powerful way of protecting the youthfulness of your brain is as easy as thinking of an activity or skill you’ve always wanted to learn and then do it.

Yes, it can certainly be a longer-term challenge — such as learning a new language or a musical instrument — but anything that challenges your mind and gets it out of its “comfort zone” is a good thing.

Start practicing Mindfulness for how to look and feel younger-2

Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword, but it has some solid health benefits behind it.

Simply defined, mindfulness is the practice of being fully present, at the moment, without judgment. It’s the opposite of the distracted, hectic, and ever-moving world many of us live in regularly.

Practicing mindfulness is wonderful for keeping the mind AND body youthful.

It can lower stress and anxiety, elevate your mood, improve sleep, increase mental focus, strengthen immune system function, lower blood pressure, and increase the flow of blood and oxygen.

Regular practice of mindfulness even results in long-term changes in brain function. With all these incredible anti-aging benefits, how do you start becoming more mindful?

Meditation, yoga, and breathwork are activities most often connected with mindfulness. And, truly, they can be outstanding for your mind and body if you enjoy them and practice them regularly.

However, any activity that prompts you to simply “tune in” to the present moment on a regular basis is also a way to practice mindfulness. You can do housework mindfully, eat mindfully, garden mindfully, walk mindfully, bicycle mindfully, and so forth.

In fact, one way to determine which activities are most likely to get you “into” a mindful state is to try to recall the activities you’ve done where you really “get into it” – you’re in the zone, you’re in the flow state, you’re fully tuned in to the “now,” to use some other common phrases.

For any that come to mind, they’re worth doing more, because this mindfulness is so beneficial (and if it does happen to be housework, you’re going to have one very clean house!

Below are 20 such nutrient-dense superstar foods. Eating a variety of these in your diet routinely is one of the smartest things you can do to look and feel your youngest and live long doing it!

  • Avocados
  • Blueberries
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Mushrooms
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Sea Vegetables (such as wakame, nori, kelp, and dulse)
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Fermented Cabbage (i.e., traditional sauerkraut)
  • Wild-Caught Salmon
  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Brazil Nuts
  • Moringa
  • Maqui berries
  • Dragon Fruit
  • Prickly pear