Vastu Shastra
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Writing about Vastu Shastra was in the back of my mind, the purpose of writing is to clear the fears in the mind of the people about the misconception of Vastu Shastra and its tenets, the fear created by traditional consultants by threats of destruction, death, disease, and miserable life.
If Vastu Shastra is called, science then there have to be logical answers to all the tenets; well I will try to clear the fears in the mind of people, identify the problems Vastu is facing in the present-day context, and to give a solution.
Vastu Shastra has fascinated some and irritated others but it has intrigued everybody. This ancient science deals with architecture at the material and psychological levels. Its tenets have a strong scientific and even sociological basis.
There is a wealth of information in Vastu Shastra that only serious study can unearth. But it should not be forgotten that the tenets – the do’s and don’ts – were written in much simpler times.
Among several scattered works in Sanskrit literature on Vastu Shastra, a few treatises give comprehensive information defining Vastu as “anywhere where immortals and mortals live’ and dealing with all facets of god’s and men’s dwellings, from the choice of the site to the iconography of the temple walls; also village layouts and construction techniques.
An outstanding example of a comprehensive text on Vastu Shastra the Mayamatam. Written sometime between the 11th & 12th centuries. The content of the Mayamatam are much more tightly structured and systematic than other preceding and encyclopedic text such as the “Manasollasa or the Samaranganasutradhara other better-known treatises on architecture and iconography are the Mansara and the Kamikagama both of which are particularly akin to the Mayamatam.
The truth is that the original Vastu script is lost and all modern available text is an only compilation, this has made Vastu a victim of unscrupulous interpretation. I am not saying that all modern Vastu gurus are mouthpieces and can only tell you what you have to do and what happens if you don’t.
The majority of them cannot answer the important question – why? Most Vastu gurus are non-professional and cannot possibly give any scientific explanation. They might ask this question “All this talk about science is fine but can Vastu Shastra be applied totally to an urban home or blocks of an apartment?
Yes and no—it’s impossible to adhere to Vastu Shastra completely in a city mainly because of congestion. If Vastu asks you to leave a particular direction open and there might be a tall building standing there: moreover an apartment in a city might not adhere to Vastu tenets so go to micro-level make adjustments in interiors as the exterior cannot be changed.
Each house has eight directions that are, north, south, east, west, north-east, north-west, south-east, and south-west and if Vastu Shastra tenets are followed in the house it will definitely solve a lot of problems of city dwellers so concentrate on your interiors.
As Vastu Shastra tenets are based on four elements of natural solar energy, the magnetic field of the earth, wind energy, and gravitational force, out of the above four first two are directly connected to an individual’s mental and physical health directly, the other two are connected to the architectural part of the house.
“One thing you should keep in mind is that Vastu is only an attempt at raising your quality of life. Quality of life depends on your physical and mental wellbeing and financial standing”.
Click here for Misconception about Vastu and its four factors –
In this hi-tech age of cellular phones and cyberspace, the seemingly superstitious doctrines of Vastu sound ridiculous. It is easy to disbelieve such rules as Sleep with your head towards the South. A person who vehemently opposes such prescriptions may be going home and wondering, ‘Well if that is going to make me prosper- why not?’
And that is the greatest misconception about Vastu. “Vastu does not promise prosperity; it only suggests that one should live in tune with nature; so that one can be healthy; think positively; act wisely & ultimately succeed. There is no substitute for hard work!”
Most Vastu experts tend to exploit the laymen’s ignorance demanding mind-boggling consultancy fees and suggest changes in the layout that are often impossible to implement. As a result, most people dread the very idea of bringing a Vastu consultant ‘What if he says that nothing is as per Vastu? What if he tells us to demolish the total house? What if he says that the family will never prosper in this house?
Here I will try to clear all the misconception about Vastu Shastra with these notes and also by answering frequently asked questions and telling the facts about Vastu Shastra:
Can Vastu Shastra be adapted to contemporary constraints?
If Vastu Shastra is not followed in totality, can there be a compromise?
Would compromise yield an effective result?
Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of structure is popularly believed to promise prosperity. Though most Vastu tenets are presented as superstition, they are actually obtained from a sound scientific theory. Unfortunately, the original text no longer exists and subsequent versions may have misrepresented certain aspects of the original. Besides in the modern context, several questions arise.
- Is the science relevant to urban life?
- Can it be adapted to contemporary constraints?
- If it is not followed in totality, can there be a compromise?
- Would the compromise yield an effective outcome?
Vastu Shastra the science of structures helps you unearth the wealth of information that lies behind the seemingly redundant applications. It is designed to be a comprehensive and practical guide to understanding the ‘Vastu tenets, without the attached misconceptions. For instance, Vastu Shastra cannot be linked directly with prosperity.
But if you follow the rules, you will think positively, act wisely, and work effectively so can prosperity be far behind?
Vastu Shastra prescribes energy-efficient architecture, in the sense that, for Indian conditions, the northeast is to be kept open as this is the direction of maximum positive energy. The southwest is the direction of the setting sun when it emits maximum negative energy.
Thus, the southwest is to be kept heavy, so that it will block the negative energy. The positive and negative directions will be different for the various countries, as these will depend on latitudinal and longitudinal locations, wind direction, and sun path.
There is a very important aspect of Vastu Shastra and that is health. The energies of the nature that is, Sun and Magnetic affect specific parts of the brain, and if a person spends considerable time of the day in an environment that is not well guarded against negative energies it might affect adversely, e.g. sitting in the harsh sun for a full day.
There are four factors that influence Vastu Shastra: – Solar energies or sun energies, which contribute to at least 40% of Vastu Shastra tenets. This high-intensity rays dispense negative and positive rays, this negative radiation affects the human body depending on its intensity, the more closer you are to the equator you are more exposed to radiation from Sun adversely affecting ones physical and /or mantel health.
People exposed to less radiation that is, staying more towards any pole is healthier and hence prosperous. The magnetic field of the earth forms 45% of the tenets of Vastu Shastra. This ancient Indian science is still used to heal people, as everybody knows, blood contains hemoglobin full of iron and magnet can affect its circulation.
Gravitational force about 5-6 % of Vastu Shastra tenets in the modern context as due to the advancement of science and technology houses and buildings can be constructed defying this force.
Wind energies are hardly harnessed to create a microclimate in the house we now are more and more dependent on artificial ventilation systems air conditioners and coolers. Also due to modern technology, today’s structures are capable of withstanding the heaviest wind force.
Many experts say that there is one more factor in Vastu Shastra which I feel is not at all in our control and that is Cosmic rays that are, astrology.
Well this science does not have any part of to play in Vastu Shastra but they support each other that is, if your astrological chart is strong and if you are placed as per Vastu you will get a boost in your life and if your chart is weak Vastu Shastra will help to reduce its effect.
It will help you to overcome problems with ease. Hence it would be right to state ‘Vastu Shastra acts as a vitamin pill to support one’s astrological chart’. Before I end the chapter a word about prosperity. Vastu talks about prosperity. I see a very simple reason. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and a healthy mind to higher efficiency levels, which I believe, should result in prosperity.
Click here for The old way of preaching and modern interpretation –
To understand Vastu Shastra we have to put almighty god aside when you question something like say the existence of god and you do not get an answer. It does not mean that there is no answer but it means that the answer is elusive. But for Vastu Shastra, a professional from the field of real estate can do extensive research and get some answers and also logically analyze reasons for many tenets of Vastu Shastra.
Unfortunately, people who have taken the responsibility of preaching this science do not know about science. In fact, most of them think bringing science into Vastu is foolish & unreligious.
Bringing science into Vastu would steal them of their chief source of income, because of this Vastu Shastra; the science of structure has not been accepted by all, as it should have been. People are afraid of thinking that they might have to incur unwanted wrath of god or extra expenses if they don’t follow or follow Vastu tenets. But it is not so.
It is impossible to adhere to Vastu completely in a city mainly because of congestion. If Vastu asks you to block a particular direction, there might be a beautiful park or garden in that direction. Moreover, the flat culture does not permit the proper practice of Vastu Shastra.
So what I suggest, go to the micro-level. Make adjustments in the interiors and enjoy the benefit of Vastu Shastra. Of course, Vastu does talks about accidents, health problems, and prosperity. One must understand that this is used as warnings and baits.
And if these threats and promises are not written in Vastu, this would not have survived all these years. Superstitions are Vastu Shastra safety mechanisms, which ensured that generations that came and went left the science intact.
Let us see some examples of how it migrated, our elders propagated this Vastu in a very simplified way.
1) It is said in Hindu Culture that when a person dies his head is to be kept in the north and feet in the south, this implies that an alive person should never keep his head in the north as this being the direction of a dead body.
2) Our elders have always told us to buy the property of the person who is prospering and selling the property to shift or buy a better or bigger property. This directly means that by default the property could be as per Vastu tenets and hence chances are that the buyer may also prosper in there.
3) When we place our Kumbh in the new house, it is always kept on the kitchen platform at the place of drinking water, as this is the direction of god. That is northeast, and also is a positive magnetic and solar direction.
4) Surya namaskar that is, morning prayer is done facing east so as to get maximum positive solar energy.
5) When we go to see a new house, elders always tell us that the main door of the house should face the rising sun that is, east of the main door faces east chances are that there would be a bedroom that is southwest or south of the house making the house more Vastu compliant.
People always prefer east-west opening houses as wind direction in India is southwest in monsoon and northeast in summer and winter. So if you start analyzing the preaching of our elders in context to Vastu a satisfactory answer can be found and probably if this thing spreads all around the world this could be India’s greatest contribution to science after the discovery of zero.