Post Resolution
After new years resolution now it’s time to review
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” — Abraham Lincoln
I’m a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. “New Year’s resolutions” are yearly goals that you set for yourself at the beginning of a new year. They usually have to do with Healthy Lifestyle, fitness, education, etc.
It’s that time of year again when it’s time to start thinking about all of those resolutions that likely won’t stick. According to research, 88% of people give up these goals by February. So sticking to your resolution is possible with the right mindset. It would be pretty amazing to be part of the 12% who actually succeed.
People often make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year but don’t end up keeping them. This year you should be serious about resolutions and start using some of the techniques described below. You will end up achieving all of New Year’s resolutions, and you will be great!
Throughout this post we dig into the real reasons why we fail post-resolution and how we can succeed, to come up with useable, powerful information.
Every Accomplishment starts with the decision to try
Click here for Here are some ways to make realistic goals this year:
Choose Something You Care About
Resolutions often fail because they aren’t the right ones for you. When thinking about what you’d like to change for New Year, consider whether it’s something you personally care about or whether it’s a goal based on outside pressures.
Have a Focus
Vague goals can also fail. Be clear in what you want to achieve, rather than just saying you want to lose weight, also it’s better to pinpoint exactly how much weight you want to lose, like five Kilograms in three months, as an example.
Be Conservative
Goals that are way too ambitious are destined to fail. It’s best to start small. So instead of trying to become vegan, aim to reduce your meat consumption for several meals a week. Or if you want to work out, try to go three times a week instead of daily.
Visualize Your Achievements
Visualizing your goals can actually help you obtain them and recommends starting a journal depicting how your life will improve. “Cut pictures out of magazines of what you want and post them to a wall (or if appropriate, the refrigerator), Get very clear on what you think you will feel like once you see results,”
Make it Fun
“Our language and self-talk is everything and determines if our resolution will fade or will become something we’re still doing in June,” When people resolve to change their diet or exercise, they may already start dreading it. “However, shifting the brain to doing something fun that is in line with the goal gets you more committed,”. Use your resolve to eat healthier as a way to experiment with new recipes, for example.
You’ve probably wondered: Why do some people succeed in keeping their resolutions while most of us fail? The answer is that success comes to those who think, plan, and achieve.
I believe
if you dream BIG enough and work hard, You can accomplish anything in this world.
Click here for Techniques to help you become a super-resolution achiever:
1. Only pick three goals
You should have a one really important goal that you’re going to achieve no matter what. You can set two other goals to work toward as well. Just remember to decide which goal is your “main” one.
Why am I being so restrictive? Because if you try to do more than three things at once, you’ll get lost. You’ll lose track of what’s most important. You’ll start to neglect one of your goals, and then you’ll feel guilty about it. Soon you’ll start to lose confidence in yourself.
So stick with one main resolution and two secondary ones.
2. Write your resolutions down and post them somewhere
Think of a single word to represent each of your resolutions. Write the word in big letters and post it somewhere in your home.
For example, if you want to lose weight, you can make a sign with the word “thin”. Hang it on your refrigerator, so that every time you get food you’ll be reminded of your resolution.
Don’t just write your resolutions down quietly, though. Announce them to your family and friends. Put them on your Facebook page. Make copies of your resolution to hang in your office. The more reminders, the better.
3. Turn each resolution into a habit
Now that you’ve chosen a goal, find something that you can do every day to work toward it. Working on your resolutions every single day is very, very effective.
For example, that’s how I started Phrase Mix: I made a rule for myself that I had to write a lesson every day before I went to sleep. I’ve missed a few days in the last two years, but mostly I’ve stuck with it.
If you do something every day, it becomes a habit. Soon you won’t even think about it; you’ll just do it naturally, like brushing your teeth.
4. Work on one habit per month
To achieve an important goal, you’ll probably need to pick up several good habits. For example, to get in shape you’ll need to exercise, cut down on your drinking, eat more vegetables, and so on.
If you try to pick up a lot of good habits at once, you’re probably going to fail. It’s just too hard to focus.
Instead, I suggest focusing on one good resolution per month. After you’ve gotten used to the first one, you can then add the next one, and so on.
5. Use a calendar
A few years ago, I heard about the Jerry Seinfeld calendar technique.
The way it works is simple: get a calendar to put on the wall. Every day that you keep up your good habits, mark the day with an “X” on the calendar. Then try not to miss any days.
Seeing all of the hard work marked on the calendar will motivate you to continue working hard every day.
To help get you started, put a blank calendar that you can print out and use.
However, it is important to remember that the New Year isn’t meant to serve as a catalyst for sweeping character changes. It is a time for people to reflect on their past year’s behavior and promise to make positive lifestyle changes. “Setting small, attainable goals throughout the year, instead of a singular, overwhelming goal on January 1 can help you reach whatever it is you strive for”. It is not the extent of the change that matters, but rather the act of recognizing that lifestyle change is important and working toward it, one step at a time.”
By making your resolutions realistic, there is a greater chance that you will keep them throughout the year, incorporating healthy behavior into your everyday life.
Click here for How to accomplish new year’s resolution –
Start small
Make resolutions that you think you can keep. If, for example, your aim is to exercise more frequently, schedule three or four days a week at the gym instead of seven. If you would like to eat healthier, try replacing dessert with something else you enjoy, like fruit or yogurt, instead of seeing your diet as a form of punishment.
Change one behavior at a time
Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time. Thus, replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Don’t get overwhelmed and think that you have to reassess everything in your life. Instead, work toward changing one thing at a time.
Talk about it
Share your experiences with family and friends. Consider joining a support group to reach your goals, such as a workout class at your gym or a group of coworkers quitting smoking. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with makes your journey to a healthier lifestyle that much easier and less intimidating.
Don’t beat yourself up
Perfection is unattainable. Remember that minor missteps when reaching your goals are completely normal and OK. Don’t give up completely because you ate a brownie and broke your diet, or skipped the gym for a week because you were busy. Everyone has ups and downs; resolve to recover from your mistakes and get back on track.
Ask for support
Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking professional help. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body. They can offer strategies as to how to adjust your goals so that they are attainable, as well as help you change unhealthy behaviors and address emotional issues.
If you take responsibility for yourself,
You will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
Click here for Preparing to begin for resolutions –
1. Brainstorm about changes and improvements you’d like to make. These can be about anything, not just the big ones like quitting smoking and losing weight that many people associate with New Year’s resolutions. Jot down some notes while doing the following:
- Consider how you can improve your health. Ask yourself, Can I drink more water? Quit smoking? Stop eating fast food or fried food? Become vegetarian? Exercise more?
- Consider your relationships with others. Are there ways that you can be a better spouse, parent, other family members, or friend?
- Consider your work life. Ask yourself, Can I be more successful and happier at work? Be more organized? Stop procrastinating?
- Consider ways to make a difference. Are there ways you could make a difference in the world through activism, awareness-raising, or promoting a cause?
2. Choose 3 attainable goals – Look over your notes and determine what items on it are most important to you. Don’t take too long choosing; often it’s the things that leap out at you straight away that have the most meaning for you personally.
3. Create “Systems” – Systems are the ways that you carry out a larger goal. You need to break down large goals into smaller actions that can and are easier to carry out. If you leave your larger goals too vague, you may get confused and change your mind frequently on the ways to accomplish them. This is the purpose of creating systems.
- For example: if your goal is to lose 5 Kgs in the following year, you can resolve to cut out fast food, soft drinks, sugary snacks, and drinks, drink more water, and walk three days a week until March, and then gradually add in two days at the gym.
4. Look at your list and reflect, using the SMART mnemonic. Make sure your goals are:
- S – Specific (or Significant). This means your goals include systems for achieving them. You have specific actions that can be carried out that work toward your larger goal.
- M – Measurable. This means that the changes you see once the goal is reached are noticeable. You will feel different (better), because you are healthier because your family or social life has improved, etc.
- A – Attainable. This means that the goal is realistic and can be reached. There are benefits to aiming high, but you don’t want to aim so high that you become disappointed and discouraged from making any changes at all if you can’t reach the goal you set.
For instance, if you’ve never run a day in your life, don’t make running a marathon your goal quite yet. Perhaps start with shorter races like a 3K or 5K, and work up from there.
- R – Relevant (or Rewarding). This means that there is a real need for your goal. You have been unsatisfied with a certain area of your life for some time, and you have a strong motivation to want to change it.
- T – Trackable. This is similar to measurable but means that you can assess your progress throughout the process. Have you made a schedule and are you following it? Are you losing weight gradually (if that’s your goal)? Are you getting along better with your loved ones? Etc
5. Talk to others about your goals. Discuss your goals and why you made them with your family and friends. This step is very important!
- Ask for others’ support on these goals throughout the year. If possible, team up and visit the gym or shop at the health food store together. Ask them to speak up if you slip and order a Diet Coke instead of water, or forget another goal on your list.
- People who tell others about their goals are more likely to accomplish them, whether it’s because they have the extra support they need, or because they’re afraid of being embarrassed if they don’t accomplish them, it’s hard to say.
6. Print out copies of your resolutions. Save a copy on each computer or electronic device you own, such as your cell phone and laptop.
- Email a copy to your work address and save it to your work computer.
- Make a smaller copy and keep it in your wallet.
- Post a copy on the outside of your refrigerator! Use bright paper so it catches your eye and doesn’t let it get hidden behind coupons and artwork.
Click here for Accomplishing your resolution –
1. Reward yourself. Determine ahead of time what rewards will be at small milestones of accomplishment. Have frequent small rewards and a “grand prize” for completion.
- If your goal is losing weight, you might buy new clothes to replace old ones that don’t fit anymore at each milestone, and then plan a nice vacation for when you’ve reached your goal.
2. Remind yourself of your successes. It can be hard to maintain your motivation and dedication to making a change in your life when you can’t see immediate results for your efforts.
- At each low point, have faith that persisting and being consistent in reaching your goal will pay off in the long run. If you’re trying to lose weight and are struggling to keep up with your workouts, just think about how each minute your exercise burns fat and gets you closer to your goal.
3. Face your fear of change. Fearing change often stops us from achieving a goal. Making a goal sounds good at the time, but then the fear of change surfaces. To avoid this happening to you, realize that your excuses are a way of covering up a fear of change.
- Look beyond “I can’t” and start substituting this with “I can” and “I am”.
- Identify your excuses for not going through with parts of your goal. By listing excuses, you can see them for what they are and move beyond the fear of change.
- Sidestep blaming other people or circumstances for not achieving your goals. If you take responsibility for achieving your goal, these external factors cannot sap your power to do what you’ve said you’d do.
4. Recognize your self-defeating behaviors. Write down the things you do out of habit that distract you from what really matters. Then, list things that you consider to be more positive and fulfilling behaviors and choices you want to make instead.
- This includes adjusting the habits mentioned in a previous step, even if they were things you once enjoyed. For instance, if you are trying to lose weight and you eat out with family or friends as bonding time, either choose restaurants that offer healthy meals or decide to do something else fun together instead of eating out.
5. Begin again if you slip up. Everyone encounters occasional outside stress and events that take us out of focus on our goals. Use Monday as your day to regroup and start over if you slip and have a bad week completing your goals for any reason.
- Form a group of “Monday Campaigns” organize various healthy things to do on Mondays, such as “Meatless Mondays,” “De-Stress Mondays,” and “Move-It Mondays.” Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip and remind yourself of the progress you have made. Just start over on Monday
6. Lean on your support team. Whoever you’ve chosen to help you, be it family, friends, a life coach, therapist, or someone else, lean on them to support you through times of weakness, when you need a booster to get back on track.
- Don’t expect to do this completely alone; look for other people’s advice, ideas, and feedback to help you keep going.
7. Keep a journal. Document at least one thing every single day during the year for which you feel grateful and one sentence for the progress you have made.
- When writing, consider: What memorable moments can you draw from each day? In what ways did you grow today or find that your awareness shifted? Keeping note of this will help you to stay grounded and motivated with your goals.
8. Clear the Clutter, Clear your mind – Being ready for action and changing your life requires clear thinking. There’s psychological evidence that streamlining your office and personal spaces improve productivity. And it makes you feel better!
You don’t have to buy the whole feng-shui thing, but allocate a couple of two-three hour blocks in your forward planner to begin decluttering your home/office.
9. Don’t delay Start today – Taking a small step today is better than thinking: I can’t achieve everything I planned today so I’ll do it tomorrow. Accomplishing one tiny task in the grand scheme of your goal boosts your confidence to continue. You won’t feel you’ve totally wasted the day.
10. Set boundaries on toxic people – Another reason people dump vows to change is the toxicity around them. You’re trying to eat well, but your partner prepares big plates of comfort food. Sometimes it’s innocent sabotage of your efforts. Other times people are “toxic”, wanting you to stay as you are. Turn down that plate of junk food, etc, with a simple line: that doesn’t fit in with my changes.
Laughter really is the best medicine –
Research shows us laughter helps your well being by boosting endorphins, a “feel good” chemical.
Becoming too preoccupied with new goals could set you back. You need mental breaks, so regularly watch comedies or share laughs with friends.
Laugh at yourself if things go wrong. Resist beating yourself up over slip-ups while forging the new you. Those slip-ups are a learning experience.
To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts.
Be Stubborn about your Goals and Flexible about your methods
Click here for Why New Year's resolution Fails -
A. You are treating a marathon like a sprint: If you have a lot of bad habits today, the last thing you need to do is remodel your entire life overnight. Want to lose weight? Stop it with crash diets and excessive exercise plans. Instead of following a super restrictive plan that bans anything fun, add one positive habit per week. For example, you could start with something easy like drinking more water during your first week.
B. You put the carrot before the horse: “Supplementing” a crappy diet is stupid, so don’t even think about it. Focus on the actions that produce an overwhelming amount of results. If it’s not important, don’t worry about it.
C. You don’t believe in yourself: A failure to act can cripple you before you leave the starting line. If you’ve tried (and failed) to set a New Year’s resolution (or several) in the past, I know it might be hard to believe in yourself. Doubt is a nagging voice in your head that will resist personal growth with every ounce of its being. The only way to defeat doubt is to believe in yourself. Who cares if you’ve failed a time or two? This year, you can try again (but better this time).
D. Too much thinking, not enough doing: The best self-help book in the world can’t save you if you fail to take action. Yes, seek inspiration and knowledge, but only as much as you can realistically apply to your life. If you can put just one thing you learn from every book or article you read into practice, you’ll be on the fast track to success.
E. You are in too much of a hurry: If it was quick-and-easy, everybody would do it, so it’s in your best interest to exercise your patience muscles.
F. You don’t enjoy the process: The best of us couldn’t bring ourselves to do something we hate consistently, so make getting in shape fun, however you’ve gotta do it. That could be participating in a sport you love, exercising with a good friend or two, joining a group exercise class so you can meet new people, or giving yourself one “free day” per week where you forget about your training plan and exercise in any way you please. The goal isn’t to add stress to your life, but rather to remove it.
G. You are trying too hard: Unless you want to experience some nasty cravings, don’t deprive your body of pleasure. The more you tell yourself you can’t have food, the more you’re going to want it. As long as you’re making positive choices 80-90% of the time, don’t sweat the occasional indulgence.
H. You don’t track your progress: Keeping a written record of your training progress will help you sustain an “I CAN do this” attitude. All you need is a notebook and a pen. For every workout, record what exercises you do. Do better next time. Improving your best performance on a regular basis offers positive feedback that will encourage you to keep going.
I. You know you are What but not your Why: The biggest reason why most New Year’s resolutions fail: you know what you want but you not why you want it. Forget about any preconceived notions and be true to yourself.
- The more specific you can make your goal,
- The more vivid it will be in your imagination,
- The more encouraged you’ll be,
- The more likely it is you will succeed (because yes, you CAN do this!).
J. Going it alone: Whether it’s quitting smoking, improving your tennis game, or going to the gym more often, don’t go it alone. “If you are someone who has a higher success rate when you have outside support, then get a buddy, This creates accountability, which is essential for success.” Remember, your buddy should be a positive force in your life, not a negative one.
K. Extremely lofty resolutions: Most of us create resolutions that are too ‘big’ and therefore we can’t meet them. Examine your resolutions. Are they what you really want or did you commit to them because you thought you were supposed to?”. Take it day by day.
L. Giving up too easily: Whether you get discouraged or simply lose interest, giving up too easily is a big resolution breaker. Many people make their resolutions with a genuine belief that they can accomplish them, but come February the excitement wears off and other priorities begin to take precedence. To cure this issue, try to set benchmarks throughout the year.
M. Unrealistic resolution: You need to set a goal that is actually achievable in the time frame you set for yourself. So pick the one you have confidence in and stick with it. It is far better to succeed at a smaller, more manageable resolution than to fail at a larger, loftier one.
N. No Plan: The best resolutions are those that actually include a plan of action. You need to create a plan that will help you achieve your goals. Break your end goal down into smaller, weekly goals so you feel like you’re working towards something immediate.
O. Wrong perspective: While you may have the best intentions with your resolution, you could be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Put it in perspective and focus on what you will accomplish.
P. Not believing in yourself: Sometimes all you need to keep going is a pat on the back—from yourself. Congratulate yourself on your progress and reward yourself for making the effort toward your goal.
Q. You didn’t have the right mindset: Wanting something and working towards getting it are two fundamentally different things. It can be difficult to focus on fulfilling your resolution when you are not in a good place in your life. If you are not mentally prepared for all the hard work, distractions, obstacles, and setbacks that might be ahead of you, you will most likely fail.
R. You are living distracted: Distractions cause you to miss many opportunities in life. They make you feel busy and tired all the time and frustrated at the lack of progress despite your best efforts.
S. You succumbed to negativity from others: Nothing can influence a person more effectively than another person. That can be good, or bad, news for resolution keepers. It would be better to succeed on a secret mission than fail because your circle of confidantes didn’t think you could do it.
T. You’re not ready to make a change: Are you really ready to make that resolution to drop weight, quit smoking, or quit a bad habit? People are looking to reinvent themselves but they’re not usually ready to change serious bad habits.
U. You set ‘Should’ goals, not ‘Want’ goals: One of the common mistakes people make when setting new year’s resolution is listening to external pressures, rather than to internal motivations ( I want to have more energy, feel better, choose healthier foods for my body ). The result is that “they don’t set the weight-loss goals that really motivate them to succeed”.
V. You added but never subtracted: Often when you want to do better, you add things to your daily schedule. And when you do that, you sabotage your goals. Let’s be honest, adding to your life is easier than subtracting until you hit the wall of overwhelm. Not only do you get completely overwhelmed, but you also diminish the value of everything you’re trying to do.
Subtraction is often more powerful than an addition when it comes to accomplishment.
W. You kept flimsy new year resolution: The main mistakes people do with their New Year resolutions, is that they get over-excited and start making a to-do list for a year. The problem comes when they put things they feel they want to try, only half-heartedly, into the same list.
I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish and more
New year resolutions are mostly related to being fit throughout the year so that you can perform your duties and tasks without any health problems throughout the year. This is mainly related to having healthy eating habits ( breakfast, Lunch, Dinner ), Drinking, Exercising, and maintaining Attitude.
Click here for Swaps suggested for healthy living -
To keep that ‘be healthy’ New Year’s resolution going, the trick is to set every day, achievable goals. Sticking to that resolution well into 2018 will be a lot easier with these simple smart swaps.
Scroll down for our picks of the foods to swap out and in.
*SWAP* White bread
#For# A lower-GI option such as multigrain, rye, soy & linseed or sourdough
*SWAP* White rice
#For# Quinoa, for complete protein and low-GI or brown rice for higher fiber and more vitamins
*SWAP* Regular flour
#For# Wholemeal flour. Two-and-a-half times the fiber — go from nearly 5g fiber to 12g fiber per cup
*SWAP* Regular beef, chicken or vegetable stock
*For:* Salt-reduced variety and save 350mg or more sodium per cup
*SWAP* Regular soy sauce
#For# Salt-reduced soy sauce and save up to 400mg or more sodium per tablespoon
*SWAP* Premade simmer or stir-fry sauces
#For# Add lots of herbs and spices and save on extra energy, fat, and sodium
*SWAP* Bulking meals out with extra meat, pasta or rice
#For# Legumes (chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans) — with every cup of dried lentils you will add 45g protein and 17g fiber
Breakfast swaps
*SWAP* Grabbing a muffin and coffee on the way to work
#For# Try grabbing a pre-made bircher muesli and yogurt from the fridge as you run out the door — you can make it up the night before or buy them in the supermarket
*SWAP* Feeling hungry after only having fruit for breakfast because you’re trying to be ‘good’
#For# Add some extra fiber and protein by adding a handful of LSA and a good dollop of yogurt to some cut-up fruit
*SWAP* Toast with Marmite
#For# Add an egg to increase the protein and fill you for longer
*SWAP* Toast with butter and jam
#For# Toast with 1 tablespoon ricotta cheese and tomato for 1 serve of vegetables and add 2g protein
*SWAP* Toasted muesli
#For# Natural-style muesli to reduce the amount of fat and sugar (and energy) in your bowl
*SWAP* Spaghetti on toast
#For# Baked beans on toast — nearly 5g extra fiber per 150g serve
*SWAP* Weekend ‘big breakfast’ with fried eggs, sausages and bacon
#For# Stuff wholemeal pita bread with 1 mashed boiled egg, tomato, lean ham, and low-fat cheese for a lower-fat option
Lunch swaps
*SWAP* Buying takeaway lunch because you don’t have anything in the fridge to take to work
#For# Keep some cans of tuna and a sachet of pre-cooked rice in your desk and grab some baby spinach on the way to work
*SWAP* Feeling weighed down after eating a huge sandwich
#For# Try using a wholegrain crispbread instead of bread for a lighter option that will still keep you full
*SWAP* Eating biscuits from the jar in the office because you’ve got no time to get lunch
#For# Throw a few frozen meals in the office freezer so you are always prepared
*SWAP* Skipping lunch completely because you haven’t got time to eat
#For# Sip on a meal replacement shake or long-life flavored milk to keep you going until afternoon
*SWAP* Eating takeaways so you don’t have to clean up
#For# Fill up your lunch box with finger food — vegetable sticks, trail mixes, fruit, muesli bar, and rice cakes with peanut butter
Dinner swaps
*SWAP* Traditional salad dressing
#For# Drizzle a mix of mustard, lemon juice, and chopped herbs or opt for a bottled fat-free dressing
*SWAP* Overloading on carbohydrate and protein
#For# Fill half your plate with vegetables first — you get lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and minimal energy
*SWAP* Serving large pieces of steak or fish for the family
#For# 100-150g meat or fish. You will save money, too
*SWAP* Eating more from the saucepan as you tidy the kitchen
#For# Pack extra food away before you eat so you can’t go back for seconds
*SWAP* Having large plates of food on the table
#For# Serve in the kitchen on individual plates to resist the temptation to add an extra spoonful to your plate
*SWAP* Filling up on the bread before your meal
#For# Serve 1 bread portion for each person with their meal, not Beforehand. Offer vegetable sticks and hummus instead for an appetizer
*SWAP* Estimating serves of rice and pasta
#For# Use measuring cups to portion out your carbohydrates — aim for 3/4 to 1 cup (cooked)
*SWAP* Meals with only one color
#For# Brighten your plate up and widen your intake of nutrients with colored vegetables and fruit
Drink swaps
*SWAP* Avoiding drinking water because you don’t like it
#For# Add some fresh lemon or lime juice or a few sprigs of mint to flavor it
*SWAP* Always choosing juice, cordial or soft drink
#For# Choose water first
*SWAP* A can of soft drink
#For# Choose diet soft-drink instead
*SWAP* Drinking a glass of wine every night with dinner
#For# Have two alcohol-free days a week
*SWAP* Choosing a full-fat coffee
#For# Make it a regular-sized trim flat white to save 65Kcal and 7g fat
*SWAP* Ordering a chocolate thick shake
#For# Opt for low-fat chocolate milk and save a ton of kcals, fat, and sugar
*SWAP* Drinking ready-mixed RTDs
#For# Swap for a nip of vodka in a diet lemon-lime and bitters and save around 9g sugar and 43kCal
Eating swaps
*SWAP*Bolting down your food because you’re starving
#For# Slow down and take 20-30 minutes to give your body time to register fullness
*SWAP* Eating in front of the TV
#For# Eat at the table — you will eat more mindfully
*SWAP* Eating in front of your computer or as you’re driving in the car to pick up the kids
#For# Make time to eat so you eat mindfully and feel more satisfied
*SWAP* Eating because it’s that time of the day
#For# Before you eat, ask yourself, “Am I actually hungry?”
*SWAP* Starving yourself during the day then pigging out at night
#For# Try to eat regular meals and snacks so you’re hungry by the time dinner comes around but not ready to eat your own fingers
*SWAP* Eating from large plates
#For# Buy smaller crockery — you’ll feel more satisfied with less
*SWAP* Checking the fridge every time you want a break from your work
#For# Go for a brief walk outside instead or stand up and stretch for a few minutes
Snack swaps
*SWAP* Deciding not to snack because you’re ‘being good’ then getting home and devouring the entire fridge because you’re so hungry
#For# Have a small snack at about 4 pm – make it substantial enough to keep you going a couple of hours. Try crackers and peanut butter or a small cup of yogurt
*SWAP* Reaching for the biscuit jar at 3 pm when you need a break
#For#Ask yourself if you’re actually hungry — a quick walk around the office might be a better option to get the brain functioning again
*SWAP* Brie and crackers before dinner
#For# Light cheese on wholegrain crispbread
*SWAP* Munching on chips while you’re watching the rugby
#For# Chop up some veggies and munch on them with some hummus or low-fat cottage cheese
*SWAP* Ice cream or custard for dessert
#For# Reduced-fat yogurt
*SWAP* Eating half a block of ‘better for you’ chocolate (such as sugar-free or high % cocoa)
#For# Choose your favorite and have a little bit but savor it!
*SWAP* 1 cup fruit yogurt
*For: * 1 cup light fruit yogurt can save you around 67kcal and 2 teaspoons sugar
Fridge swaps
*SWAP* Full-fat dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese, sour cream, ice cream, custard
#For# Reduced-fat dairy: milk, yogurt, and cheese. Save energy and saturated fat without even noticing
*SWAP* Butter on your toast
#For# Reduced-fat spread – reduce saturated fat intake by 2g or more per teaspoon
*SWAP* Meat with a marbling of fat
#For# Choose lean meat or meat with visible fat that can be cut off to reduce saturated fat
*SWAP* Using margarine or spread on sandwiches
#For# Use hummus for an extra hit of protein or a little avocado for some heart-healthy fats and great flavor
*SWAP* Making a salad at each meal
#For# Have a salad bar on one shelf — have one large container of ‘base’ salad including lettuce, corn and carrot, and store in containers of items such as sliced beetroot, tomato slices, low-fat cheese and onion
to mix things up
*SWAP* Storing treats front and center
#For# Hide tempting foods behind healthier options, tuck them in the back of the fridge or hide them in containers so they’re out of sight
*SWAP* Throwing away unused veggies at the end of the week
#For# Swap some fresh veggies for frozen. They’re always fresh and available and mean less wastage
Exercise swaps
*SWAP* Meeting a friend for coffee
#For# Meet a friend for a walk around the park
*SWAP* Driving to work every day
#For# Walk or ride to work
*SWAP* Taking the lift
#For# Take the stairs
*SWAP* Doing the same exercise routine, day in, day out
#For# Do the interval training
*SWAP* Only doing cardio for ‘fat burning’
#For# Include weights, Yoga
*SWAP* Feeling like you’re alone
#For# Join a club or sign up for a new sport and meet a new bunch of people
*SWAP* Exercising only for weight-loss
#For# Pick a more positive outcome to train for such as an event like a fun run
*SWAP* Using the ‘too expensive’ excuse
#For# Watch out for cheap outdoor boot camp or gym trials on coupon websites
Attitude swaps
*SWAP* Thinking of all the things you aren’t allowed
#For# Think about all the yummy things you can do that are better for your body
*SWAP* Picking a large weight-loss goal, like ‘lose 20 kilos’
#For# Break it down into smaller chunks (5kg, for example), and reward yourself with something special when you reach each benchmark
*SWAP* Being unrealistic with the speed you should be losing weight
#For# Give yourself enough time (aim for about 500g-1kg per week)
*SWAP* Thinking you’ve failed if you’ve had one slip up
#For# Get back on the wagon — life is life and it happens and you Have just got to keep going!
*SWAP* Getting upset when you haven’t lost any weight on the scales
#For# Think about other things that you’ve achieved — you may be walking up the stairs more easily or your clothes may feel like they fit you better
*SWAP* Creeping back to old habits when your ‘deadline’ is up
#For#Set another date for a reason to continue to eat healthily, for example, a special occasion; once this date has past, set another
Myths of New year resolution –
Myth #1 – Smaller goals are more easily achieved than big ones: The key to succeeding actually has nothing to do with the size of the goal. It has everything to do with the path you create to take you there. When you set a goal, also set some mile markers so you can track your progress toward the goal.
Myth #2 – Bad habits can be overcome by willpower: You can’t beat a bad habit by sheer force of will because willpower had nothing to do with you starting the bad habit. By combining realistic goals with developing actionable habits, you’ll be able to overcome bad habits.
Myth #3 – They do not work: New Year’s resolutions will work if you do. The resolution setting is goal setting. The truth is many people have a fear of setting goals because they have a fear of failure or they fear meeting face-to-face with their shortcomings.
Myth #4 – There is no sense in making Goals: Resolutions are a great way to recalibrate your life on a yearly basis. Resolutions are goals. Standing still is the same as moving backward when it comes to goals.
Myth #5 – Failure is assured if you make resolutions: You will accomplish if and only if you make a plan of approach and acting upon that plan.
Myth #6 – Past lack of success dictates future success: Our past failures do not dictate future success or the lack thereof. You are the only one who has the final word on that. If you decide to learn from your past mistakes and continue to work on improving, you will succeed.
Myth #7 – Keep it general to succeed: Resolutions and goals formulated in general terms are incapacitated from the start because there is no clear path to follow. You must be concrete about the steps necessary and then act upon them.
Myth #8 – The all-too-common problem of over-ambition in goal setting: Ironically, being too ambitious is likely to short-circuit our action plans. Setting the bar low enough so that we are experiencing just enough of a stretch is the key to successful goal-setting in the long run.
Myth #9 – How do I stay positive and motivated: The psychology of goal setting is just as important as the behaviors of goal setting. Whenever we try to change our behaviors, we may have negative self-talk that interrupts our process emotionally and behaviorally. Replace “task-interfering” thoughts with beliefs that are more “task-oriented,” positive, and realistic.
Myth #10 – Expect and welcome bumps in the road: Debunk the myth of perfect linear progress in goal setting. Challenges and setbacks are to be expected, and that no change happens without a few bumps in the road. In fact, these “bumps” often help us learn more about situations that are particularly challenging, and force us to solve important problems around a specific goal. So, it’s actually in our best interest to welcome these challenges for the critical information they provide.
Myth #11 – It takes 21 days to make ( or break ) habit: The length of time it takes to establish new habits depends on the person and the complexity of the behavior. Don’t give up — even if you feel like it’s taking you a really long time to find your groove.
Myth #12 – Changing now won’t make a difference if you’re too far gone: It’s never too late to adopt healthier ways. In a recent study, smokers who quit between the ages of 35 and 44 added about nine years to their lives. Another example is running for even five to ten minutes a day (and at leisurely speeds) can boost life expectancy by an average of three years, regardless of age, BMI, or preexisting medical conditions.
Why is it so hard to complete a New Year’s resolution? That’s because we are trying to make a change.
Why is making a change so hard? That’s because we are comfortable with what we know.
Why would we want to risk leaving our comfort zone? Something pulls us back and plays against our commitment to change.