Health Through Feng Sui
We have published posts and pages about many factors through which our health can be improved or maintained without any problems or diseases. Today we will see how health through Feng Shui helps us in maintaining good health, Wealth, and happiness in our house. A stress-free environment and happiness also help us to be healthy and efficient at work as well. Some points/suggestions are not directly related to health but help us indirectly in maintaining Health, Peace, and Harmony.
How to improve one’s health is fast becoming one of the most constantly posed questions in today’s modern society. Everyone is looking for an ‘edge’ on how they can not only provide a longer life for themselves but ensure that it is a life filled with comfort and vitality. In looking for this edge – many people have turned to Feng Shui – the ancient art and science of placement.
Feng Shui is a philosophy based on centuries of observation of nature and its interaction with man. It also takes into account the analysis of individual characteristics of a person, and accurate compass measurements, and much more. All this allows us to create the most comfortable conditions for each of us, to be charged with energy for accomplishments, and live in harmony with ourselves and nature.
Click here for Feng Shui Tools
If the relationship with your partner is not as fabulous as you want, or if you have anxiety for the health of your dear ones, for yourself, or if you are obsessed with your bank balance…. Fear not!! Incorporate Feng- Shui in your daily life and see the difference. You need not have to be born in a family with a golden spoon to be rich. Everybody is not born rich, but Feng-Shui can take you to new heights of business, enable you to live healthy and secure enough money for your family. Many of us want to incorporate Feng Shui at our homes, but don’t know how to begin with. So, welcome to the land of Feng Shui …And get acquainted with Feng Shui tools.
1. Dolphin and Fish – It’s lucky to place a showpiece or portrait of fish and dolphins in your house, office, and shop. You can keep this portrait in any direction in the room. It brings WEALTH, PEACE, LONG LIFE and PROSPERITY
2. Om Bells – Each mantra we chant starts with the holy word “OM” and OM signifies the world. This divine bell is made up of 5 elements of the world named EARTH, WATER, FIRE, AIR, EITHER. As, we ring the bell, the “OM” sound, removes the negative energy, and brings positivity to you.
3. Chinese Coins – Place a set of 3 CHINESE COINS in your wallet or purse to multiply your money. Keep them in your lockers and banks. Stick it to your computer screens, where you keep the financial accounts. Place it on the SOUTH WALL to fulfill your wish.
4. Bells – Tie THREE BELLS together of the same size on the main door of your house, office, or shop to bring in PROSPERITY.
5. Chi Lin – Chi lin is the most powerful image of luck in Chinese mythology. It draws WEALTH, HEALTH, and PROSPERITY. Place it on your workstations or on the front door. They take in all the negative energy.
6. Love Birds- Love birds are a true symbol of love. This portrait enhances love among couples, and it also brings in good fortune for unmarried girls. Keep it in the SOUTHWEST direction of your living bedroom or living room.
7. Fuk Luk Sau – Fuk, Luk, so are the gods of HEALTH, WEALTH, and PROSPERITY. Exhibiting them at any part of your room will invite good luck and keep you away from all the fatal diseases. Lay this portrait in the EAST corner of your room.
8. Three Legged Frog – A three-legged frog is extremely auspicious if placed DIAGONALLY OPPOSITE to your main door. It enhances your INCOME and WEALTH within no time. Make sure that the portrait faces inside the house.
9. Dragon – This powerful Chinese portrait is a symbol of POWER and LUCK. Place this celestial dragon, in the EAST of your living room and get lucky within no time.
10. Metal Turtle and plate – Place this metal turtle on the NORTH side of your living room and make sure you fill the plate with water all the time. You will witness growth in your career and projects
11. Wind Chimes – Hang wind chimes on your front doors, to bring in positive sound waves and GOOD LUCK
12. Swastik, Om Trishul – These powerful symbols are the epitome of victory and courage. It symbolizes SUCCESS and keeps you away from the bad evils and eyes. You can also keep a sticker of its idol in your purse, wallet, and diary.
13. Laughing Buddha – Laughing Buddha signifies a happy man. It invites WEALTH, FINANCIAL GAINS, and SUCCESS in the house. Placing the portrait in the right direction is very important as the energy, which enters your house is greeted by the laughing Buddha. Therefore, place it on the corner table, which is facing the front door.
14. Bamboo Plants – Place this carefree plant at any part of your house and enhance your fortune and income. This plant can also bring in GOOD LUCK for your loved one.
15. Dragon Ship – Position this beautiful dragon ship in the INWARD DIRECTION of your living room, as it brings wealth and prosperity to your home.
16. Crystal Pyramid – Rest this striking pyramid in any area of your drawing room to bring in GOODIES for your family. You can use any size of the pyramids for good fortune.
17. Globe – Keep this magical globe in the NORTHEAST side of your child’s room to call for knowledge and wisdom.
18. Elephants – Place this powerful symbol of power and good luck in the SOUTHEAST direction of your living room. The object attracts all the good energies with their trunks up in the air.
These Chinese Feng Shui items have a more profound effect if they are gifted to you by someone so if you wish to see your near and dear ones prosper, gift them these lucky charms and help them attain success, health, wealth, romance, and happiness in all spheres of life.
Click here for Feng Shui Tips
Health through Feng Shui for a home that nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. –
These feng shui tips will help improve health, happiness, and vitality.
- Remove your shoes before entering your home – Make it a ritual to leave the stress of your job, traffic jams, and bad days outside. It’s a purposeful way to make your home a haven, only allowing peaceful energy to come inside. If you like, place a trunk or an appealing shoe rack just inside the door. The simple act of removing your shoes is symbolic of casting off the worries and troubles, as well as the dirt, of the outside world.
- Clean your space and clear clutter – Clutter disrupts your life. When it’s rampant, you feel stressed about everything. You can’t find your keys, important letters, the right belt, or a cherished memento. Disorder creates mayhem and hinders your ability to find peace. Make sure that your bedroom, closet, and bathroom are in order. If you can begin your day with calm, you have a better chance of feeling centered as you go out into the world. One of the best antidotes to stress is an organized living environment.
- Surround yourself with an abundance of light, fresh air, and greenery – Open the doors and windows and invite nature in. As night draws near, avoid bright light for at least an hour before bed. Instead allow your body’s natural cycle to slowly move towards night. Use soft light in the bathroom and place dimmers in rooms you spend a good deal of time. For more harmony, oxygen, and life-force, accessorize with plants. Choose ones that look happy as opposed to those with downward falling, droopy leaves.
- Get more sleep by creating a wonderful place to rest your head at night – It’s preferable to choose a bedroom that’s located away from the noisy street. From a feng shui perspective, the best position for your bed is in the back corner of the room, diagonally opposite from the door. This site provides grounding because of the solid wall behind the bed, the expanded view of the room and door, and protection from fast-moving energy entering the space. Also, if possible, refrain from watching television before bed as it drains your energy. The violence and negative news can be absorbed into your subconscious and may cause bad dreams.
- Choose colors that help you unwind- Incorporate blues, lavenders, greens, peaches, and other soothing earth tones into your home. Whether it’s wall color, bedding, artwork, fabrics, or decorative objects, soft, neutral colors provide a sense of calm. Ask yourself what color would make you feel happy and peaceful, then find a way to introduce it into our home. Try lighting a blue, lavender, or crème colored candle for relaxation. Let your intuition guide you.
- Soothing sounds of nature make for a calming environment – Play a nature CD or create an iPod playlist of natural sounds, such as gentle waves, mountain streams, chirping birds or a gentle breeze through the trees. When you listen to sounds of nature, your heart rate slows down, your breathing becomes more expansive and your nerves are calmed. Make sure it’s a recording that’s made from the actual sounds of nature, not electronically produced since the life-force energy emanating from natural surroundings will be healing for your body and mind.
- Use Feng Shui Fountains – Use real fountains in and out of the home, no matter how small, as a powerful feng shui cure. This will attract wealth energy and fresh Chi. You can also use symbols that represent fountains, such as images of flowing water like waterfalls, oceans, and rivers. The water images that have plenty of foam and open views are especially powerful in the feng shui wealth applications.
- Decorate with wealth crystals – Citrine crystal is long known for attracting wealth, so it’s often used in feng shui wealth applications. Citrine is also known to strengthen one’s self-esteem, so it can be a good choice for your personal jewelry. You can also use a popular wealth stone, like pyrite. One creative way to display crystals is to place them on a feng shui gem tree in your home office for a beautiful look full of meaning and clarity.
- Use the fish symbol – Decorate your home or office with a feng shui aquarium to attract wealth chi. This is a fun and lively way to add beauty and wealth to your personal areas and workspaces. You can also use feng shui symbols and images of specific fish to bring a sense of wealth to your environment. Consider using images of art in the bedroom, a fish clock in the kitchen, or a fish shower curtain in the bathroom, for instance.
- Create a strong front door – Creating a strong front door is important because your house needs it in order to be able to attract wealth chi. The front door is called the Mouth of Chi in feng shui, and its strength and auspicious energy are important to a good feng shui house. Protect your front door, if necessary, with feng shui symbols of protection, abundance, and good luck.
Feng shui has numerous tips to help improve your health and well-being. After all, the saying “health is wealth” most probably came from ancient feng shui masters!
The importance of vibrant health cannot be overestimated because without good health few things really matter. In feng shui, there is a direct relationship between your health and the quality of energy in your home and office.
Click here for Feng Shui bedroom Importance
When your space is calm, your thoughts slow down and you can begin to hear the guidance from your soul. Your spirit is renewed when you create a home that invites you to sit still, stop doing, and just be. At these moments, your environment offers you a place to restore your physical and spiritual energy. When you design a healthy living environment, you will feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and inspired to move towards your dreams.
Importance of bedroom from a health point of view –
In Feng Shui, the bedroom not only plays a role in attracting and maintaining good relationships but also supports your health. There are many reasons for ill-health – long-term stress, incorrect diet, lack of exercise etc…. By reassessing those areas of your life in conjunction with implementing ideal Feng Shui principles then good health can be achieved within a reasonably short space of time.
One of the most important considerations when assessing health using Feng Shui guidelines is the position of your bedroom within the home and your bed within that room. So, if you are experiencing ill health then my suggestion is to try using another room or placing the bed in a different location within the bedroom.
Ten other factors that can assist you in your pursuit of good health are:-
- Do not have any mirrors in the bedroom, especially if the mirror is reflecting any portion of the bed whilst you are sleeping. If this is the case remove the offending mirror altogether or cover it with a dense fabric or screen.
- Remove the television – apart from the electrical concerns it has a reflective quality, which in turn has a similar effect, albeit minor, like that of a mirror.
- Ensure that the external electrical box is not located on the same wall as the bed head.
- Ensure that your bedroom is not opposite a T-junction. If moving to another room is out of the question, then a ‘special shield’ can be used to reduce the impact.
- Ensure that your bedroom is not located in a direct line of any sharp corners, fences, or spikes.
- It is preferable to not sleep on a waterbed as stability is required when sleeping.
- Do not have your bedroom located at the point of a bow-shaped road.
- A triangular-shaped bedroom creates arguments and it is said that the occupants of the bedroom are prone to heart attacks. In this instance, walls would have to be built so as to square off the room.
- I have seen numerous boot-shaped bedrooms (see diagram 4) and these are particularly inauspicious if you are sleeping at the end of the boot.
- If you are experiencing headaches or poor sleep and are sleeping with your head against a window as well as being in direct line with the door then try moving your bed so that your bedhead is resting against a solid wall. Having said this, there are times when it is more appropriate to have your bed head resting against a window and this can only be determined by specific individually based data, and when certain conditions are prevailing.
It is important to not have your bed resting under an overhanging beam. It would serve you best to simply move the bed in this instance.
Click here for Art of Good Health
‘Internal Alchemy’ and cultivating your center for good health has been a principal part of the Taoists canons for centuries. This stillness and harmony are what give us quiet confidence, crystal-like clarity, and security that comes from a sense of constant connection to the beauty of life.
Tao is a strategy for living and refers to an energy that flows through everything. The Tao is based on a life lived in conformity with the natural way of things – in integrity with the natural path and flow of life. When living in this way, the Taoists believe that good health prevails, fulfillment, and success is attainable.
It recognizes that change is inevitable and seeks to maintain balance as the chi or life force brings about whatever changes are necessary. Like Taoism, Feng Shui recognizes how everything is inter-related, forever changing, and inter-connected.
So, embodying the Tao, embracing your stillness, staying calm, and constantly living within this space has increasing value in our full, sometimes manic lives. In this vortex of activity and the often intense demands on our time, it is easy to lose our balance or centeredness. When this occurs, we then seek these elements outside of ourselves through various disciplines whether they be Feng Shui, Tai Chi, or some form of Meditation.
The cultivation of stillness needs to be approached from a number of perspectives. If you choose to meditate, this option can be supported through the use of a Buddha Status for focus or Incense to quiet the mind.
Either way, the starting point is to ensure that whatever strategy is employed it is on a level that is suitable for each person. At the most basic level, a suitable environment is very important. With the chaos that exists in people’s lives, it is far too challenging to even begin addressing the aspect of harmony in other ways and so Feng Shui is a very effective approach and can be extraordinarily helpful.
Creating balance, so that success prevails through maintaining good mental and physical health within the home and workplace is a sought after aim in Feng Shui.
Whilst Feng Shui is only one part of the solution when properly applied, it provides the framework for change to be cultivated.
And so, Feng Shui can support the internal efforts required to bring about quality, profound, successful and sustainable change.
Firstly, ensure that you have a good Feng Shui bedroom.
Secondly, whilst you may have implemented remedies at home, it is worthwhile considering doing the same within your workplace. In order for things to run smoothly place a Five Element Pagoda in the East sector of the workplace and a Wu Lu in the South for the duration of the year.
Reflect on stillness and harmony, not as something you manage to fit into your schedule from time to time but as a way of life, as the foundation from which your life can blossom.
Myths surrounding Feng Shui
Myth #1 – The main thing is to believe: Of course, the placebo effect has not been canceled yet, and if you wholeheartedly believe that a certain element of the decor will help you achieve what you want, then it is possible that it will “work.” But it will happen because of your aspirations because Feng Shui is NOT a religion.
Myth #2 – Feng Shui is everything: Feng Shui is used exclusively for decoration of premises, for car design, key fobs, nails, and other things, it has nothing to do with it. Therefore, if you are assured that a Chinese knot of red thread on a bunch of keys will bring you luck in business or love, you should not believe it. But, as a decor addition, such an accessory is quite useful.
Myth #3 – To get rich, you need to buy a money plant: Despite its eloquent name, the plant will not make its owner a millionaire. Of course, the presence of such a tree in your home will attract lively, favorable energy, and improve the microclimate in the house, but waiting for a miracle from sitting on the couch is useless.
Myth #4 – The magical effects of fountains and Happy Bamboo: As experts say, these attributes, indeed, help to correct the energy of space, but only if they are arranged by a person who is able to take into account the layout of the room, the peculiarities of the location of the house and even the landscape.
Myth #5 – The octagonal mirror reflects the negative: This attribute (mirror Bagua), the ancient Chinese hanged not inside the house, but outside – only then, they believed, the mirror will “work”, protecting the habitation from evil spirits and negatives in general. If you hang it in a room, it will have, rather, decorative value.
Myth #6 – Objects can enhance luck: Objects, however aesthetically pleasing, can’t do much to the overall feng shui of a property. They’re purely for decorative purposes.
Myth #7 – The under-water taboo: Water in feng shui can help gather auspicious Qi. If a certain area in a property is known to have beneficial Qi, water would be well suited for that area of the house. There’s no iron-clad policy on whether the water should be above you.
Myth #8 – Strength in numbers: Numbers don’t have any feng shui effects. The concept of unlucky or lucky numbers is rooted in pure superstition.
Myth #9 – The elusive love sector: Feng shui cannot create love; it can only create opportunities. There are, however, types of Qi that can help you become a more pleasant, likable, and attractive person to others.
Myth #10 – The mirror abundance: A reflection in the mirror means nothing because when the food is finished in the real world, it also disappears in the mirrored world. Mirrors can’t do more than just reflect what is present.
Myth #11 – Combating in office: Mirrors and object placement are not considered primary feng shui prescriptions. If there are actual negative feng shui features like sharp angles pointing directly into your window, simply keep the blinds of the window closed.
Myth #12 – Auspicious Colors: Painting your rooms a particular color has no effect on feng shui. What matters more is where your stove is located in the kitchen or the particular shape of your rooms.
Myth #13 – Re-angling your door: This must be avoided completely. Placing your door at awkward angles increases the risk of bad luck or negativity. The best way to avoid negative Qi from storming into your home is to slow it down by blocking it from sight at the door. For instance, you can cover the front with thick foliage if it’s outdoors, or block it with a screen if it’s indoors.
Myth #14 – Feng Shui is not applicable in the modern world: The truth is that the dynamics of nature and the relationship between man and earth have changed much less than culture has changed. In practice, Feng Shui is as effective in the middle of a cosmopolitan 21st-century city as in a remote and mountainous part of China. Of course, some details of the practice change but the fundamental principles do not.
Myth #15 – Feng Shui can be learned within a few days: To reach even a basic level of proficiency takes several years of serious study of materials from an authentic source. To reach a high level of skill takes many years of dedicated study and practice.
Myth #16 – Feng Shui is about positioning symbolic cures and charms around your home: Feng Shui remedies consist of external features like alterations to fences, even a degree or two of difference in the angle of a front door can change the energy of the building. some rooms have energy suited to studying, some to sleeping and some rooms should be avoided! Use of colors and natural materials to balance energies.